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缺陷 defect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-24 05:38:49


缺陷 defect英语短句 例句大全


1)defect[英][di"fekt][美]["di,f?kt, d?"f?kt]缺陷

1.The difference and relation between thedefect of 1-D photonic crystal and F-P cavity on optical path;一维光子晶体的缺陷与F-P腔

2.Analysis of Defects in Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloy;铝合金搅拌摩擦焊焊接过程缺陷分析

3.Effect of guiding angle on metal flow anddefects in extrusion deformation;导流角对挤压变形中金属流动与缺陷的影响


1.registration fault配准缺陷,重合缺陷

2.Application of the Defect Attributes of Orthogonal Defect Classification to Software Defect Management;正交缺陷分类的缺陷属性在缺陷管理中的应用

bined immunodeficiency disease联合免疫缺陷(病)

4.Defects in sawn timberGB/T4823-1995锯材缺陷

5.Defects in logsGB/T155-1995原木缺陷

6.- It has a serious flaw!-它有严重的缺陷!

7.the state of being without a flaw or defect.没有缺点或缺陷的状态。

8.defective phage缺损噬菌体,缺陷噬菌体

9.inherent vice内在缺陷,固有缺点

10.The crystal imperfections we consider here are called point defects.我们认为这里的晶体缺陷是致命缺陷。

11.Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?教授:有缺陷的?你能解释怎么有缺陷吗?

12.Defects per unit (DPU) represents the number of defects divided by the number of products.单位缺陷数反映某产品中缺陷的总数.

ment on the Four Major Defections of the Law of National Compensation;评析《国家赔偿法》“缺陷”之缺陷

14.inborn error of amino acid metabolism先天性氨基酸代谢缺陷

15.Collection of metallographs on defects of crystalline germaniumGB/T8756-1988锗晶体缺陷图谱

16.A person of deficient intelligence.傻瓜智力有缺陷的人

17.infrared bond defect detection system红外焊接缺陷探测系统

18.Multiplex Section-Remote Defect Indicatio复用段远端缺陷指示



1.Research on flux mixturedefects in ingot of wrought magnesium alloy;变形镁合金铸锭中熔剂夹渣缺陷的研究

2.Defects Distribution and Control of Semi-solid Aluminum Alloy (A356) Parts in Thixoforming Process;A356铝合金半固态触变成形件的缺陷分布及控制

3.Inspectingdefects inside impeller of electric submersible pump by fluid pressure loss measurement method;流体压力损失法检测电潜泵叶轮缺陷的研究


1.Test on Repaired Flaw in 12Cr2Ni4 Disk-shaped Forgings;12Cr2Ni4圆饼锻件内部缺陷的修复试验

2.A study of triaxial strength and deformation offlawed specimen;缺陷岩样强度及变形特性的研究

3.Stress concentration factor and tolerance offlaws on sucker rod wrench square transition area;抽油杆方凸过渡段缺陷应力集中因数和容限


1.Deficiency and Betterment in Mechanical Press Design;机械压力机设计中的缺陷与改进

2.A Study on the Deficiency of Anticoagulant Proteins in Patients with Deep Vein Thrombosis in Lower Limb;下肢深静脉血栓形成患者抗凝蛋白缺陷的临床研究

3.The analysis and countermeasure against thedeficiency in 200 set nursing records;200份护理病历缺陷的分析及对策


1.An analysis of the limitation existed in the nursing records of gravely ill patients and its countermeasures;危重病人护理记录中的缺陷分析与对策

2.Discussing the limitations resulted from bridge drilling-casting stake and the prevention;浅议桥梁钻孔灌注桩缺陷成因及防治措施

3.The formation of cement concrete casting stakes limitation and the countermeasures;水泥混凝土灌注桩缺陷产生原因及处理方法


1.The influence of joint stiffness on the stability of geodesic single-layered reticulated shells with initialimperfection;节点刚度对有缺陷短程线球面网壳稳定性的影响

2.Advanced stochasticimperfection method for stability analysis of single layer lattice domes;单层网壳结构稳定性分析的改进随机缺陷法

3.The policyimperfection and the developing trend of Chinese City s poverty;中国城市贫困问题的政策缺陷及走向



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