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草坪草 turfgrass英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-09 14:07:50


草坪草 turfgrass英语短句 例句大全



1.Response ofturfgrass to fluorine pollution andturfgrass selection in the polluted areas;草坪草对氟污染的反应及氟污染区草坪草种的选择

2.Study on the effect of severalturfgrasses on SO_2 pollution;几种草坪草对SO_2的净化效果研究


1.European perennial grass widely cultivated for pasture and hay and as a lawn grass.欧洲多年生草,广泛栽培用作牧草、干草和草坪草。

mon pasture or lawn grass spread by long runners.普通草坪草或牧草,靠长匍匐茎传播。

3.Study on Weed Gontrol in New Established Turf of Zoysiagrass and Three Cool-season Turfgrasses;结缕草及三种冷季型草坪草建坪期杂草防除研究

4.lay turf,eg to make a lawn铺草皮(如造草坪).

5.A weedy lawn.一个长满杂草的草坪

6.They set him to mow the lawn.他们叫他给草坪刈草。

7.Distribute grass seed over the lawn.把草种播散在草坪里

8.rake the cut grass off the lawn把刈下的草耙出草坪.

9.scatter the lawn with grass seed把草籽撒在草坪上.

10.The lawn needs mowing.这草坪的草该割了。

11.Ground that is green with grass;turf.草皮,草地覆盖绿草的地块,草坪

12.connecting-rod ,oscillating, for lawnmowers or grass cutters摇摆式连杆,草坪割草机或草地剪草机用

13.grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting greens.用作牧草或草坪的草,尤其是投球轻击区的草。

14.Study on Prevention and Cure Weeds of Using Chemical-Herbicide for Poa Pratnsis L.;化学除草剂对草地早熟禾草坪防治杂草的研究

15.a bald spot on the lawn草坪上光秃秃的一块

16.I need not trim on the lawn myself.我不必自己修剪草坪。

17.They sat opposite on the lawn.他们面对面坐在草坪上。

18.The children were romping about on the lawn.孩子们在草坪上嬉闹。


turf grass草坪草

1.Callus induction of threeturf grass and analysis of their proteins after dehydration treatment;三种草坪草愈伤组织的诱导及其脱水处理后的蛋白分析

parisons on variety characters and turf performance of differentturf grasses in Nanjing area;几种草坪草在南京地区的建坪表现与成坪质量比较研究

3.The main physiological reaction ofturf grass to shading stress;草坪草对遮荫胁迫的生理反应

3)lawn grass草坪草

1.Impact characteristics of reclaimed water irrigation on the growth rate,chlorophyll and cartenoids contents oflawn grasses;再生水灌溉对草坪草生长速率、叶绿素及类胡萝卜素的影响特征

2.Culture experiment and pot experiment were employed to study the effects of different municipal household garbage and sewage sludge onlawn grass,the results showed that in the inhibition of household.采用培养和盆栽试验方法研究了不同生活垃圾和污泥对草坪草生长的影响。

3.The result of Cd accumulated content in differentlawn grass shows that the Zoysia japonica is a kind of grass which has weak capability of absorption and accumulation for Cd of polluted farmland, taking plant in different p.Cd污染地各种草坪草富集Cd含量的结果表明 ,结缕草是对污染地中Cd的摄取富集量最低的草坪品种 ,进行异地栽植 ,不会造成二次污染 ,并改变了土壤层中Cd的浓度构成。


1.The form and conductance of leaves stoma for sixturfgrasses;6种草坪草叶片的气孔特征与气孔传导力

2.Recent Advances in Physiological and Biochemical Research of Turfgrasses.;草坪草生理生化研究进展

3.Effects of exogenous hormones on growth and physiological characteristics ofturfgrasses under shading situation;外源激素对遮荫草坪草生长及生理特性的影响


1.New-typelawn planting material——lawm nursery yarn;新型草坪种植材料——植生纱

2.Investigation report about effecting of the heavy metals pollution onlawn growth;土壤重金属污染对草坪性状影响的调查研究


1.Role and applied principle ofturfgrass in construction of ecological city;草坪在生态城市建设中的作用及其应用

2.The Progress of Paclobutrazol’s Application on Turfgrass;多效唑在草坪上的应用研究进展

3.Application and Prospect of Spectroscopy in the Turfgrass Quality Evaluation Program;光谱技术在草坪质量评价体系中的应用及前景



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