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脑电 EEG英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-01 14:25:14


脑电 EEG英语短句 例句大全


1)EEG[英][,i: i: "d?i:][美]["i "i "d?i]脑电

1.A Comparative Evaluation of Nonlinear Characteristics ofEEG for Alcoholic and Normal People;醉酒者脑电和正常脑电非线性特性的比较评估

2.EEG Study on Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation as a Fatigue Countermeasure.;经皮穴位电刺激改善疲劳的脑电研究


1.A graphic record of the electrical activity of the brain as recorded by an electroencephalograph.脑电图由脑电描记器所绘制的脑电活动描记图

2.electroencephalographic transducer/sensor脑电图(EEG)传感器

3.centralized computer telecommunication integrated system中央电脑电讯集成系统

4.The brain, too, sends out brain waves of electricity, which can be recorded in an electroencephalogram.大脑也发出脑电波,这可在脑电图上记录下来。

5.Clinical analysis of EEG and BEAM in 52 cases of sporadic encephalitis散发性脑炎脑电图、脑电地形图52例临床分析

6.EEG and QEEG of 12 patients with porencephaly.12 例脑穿通畸形的脑电图和定量脑电图

7.A Comparative Study of BEAM with EEG in 600 Cases of Brain Disease600例脑疾病的脑电地形图与脑电图对比分析

8.Analysis of electroencephalography and brain electrical activity mapping of 200 cases of vascular dementia patients脑血管性痴呆200例脑电图、脑电地形图分析

9.spontaneous brain wave自发性脑电波 自发性脑电波

10.Electrical activity emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves.大脑所散发的电以脑电波的形式显示。


12.Shopping? On the computer?购物?在电脑上吗?

13.Buzz, the computer man.巴兹,就是电脑侠。”

14.One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff.电脑玩家能熟练地使用电脑或进行电脑编程的人;电脑爱好者

15.CaM=computer-aided manufacturing电脑辅助(的)制造

16.down a cable and into the guts of the computer.通过电缆到了电脑内部。

17.I play computer games, and I watch TV.我玩电脑游戏,还看电视。

puter telephone exchange电脑自动电话交换机



1.Effect on Electroencephalogram in Cerebral Cortex of Epileptic Rat Induced by IL-1β or IL-6;IL-1β或IL-6致痫对大鼠脑电的影响

2.Multi-channelelectroencephalogram(EEG) power spectrum is extracted for training continuous hidden Markov model(CHMM),and a novel approach to classify the mental fatigue levels is proposed based on power spectrum-CHMM.提取多通道脑电(EEG)功率谱特征,训练连续高斯密度混合隐马尔科夫模型(CHMM),建立了基于功率谱-CHMM的精神疲劳分级模型。

3.The relation between scalp activity and cardiac automatic nervous system during a mental arithmetic(MA) task is explored with the power spectrum ofelectroencephalogram(EEG) and heart rate variability.通过对数学运算任务中头皮脑电信号和心率变异性的功率谱分析,研究了头皮脑电活动和心脏自主神经活动的关系。


1.Objective To investigate the relationship between mental fatigue and power spectrum features of electroencephalogram(EEG)in order to find feasible objective indexes for analyzing mental fatigue level.目的研究连续数学运算对脑力疲劳的影响,探讨脑电的功率谱特征与脑力疲劳之间的关系,寻找脑力疲劳程度评价的客观指标。

2.To investigate the characters of the electroencephalogram(EEG) for fatigued drivers,the situation of fatigue driving was simulated using a car simulator,the EEG for the driver was recorded by an EEG recording instrument,and the EEG data and waves obtained.研究疲劳驾驶时的脑电特性。

3.This platform applies the patient s motor imagery electroencephalogram(EEG) as the control signal in order to combine motor imagery with recovery training of motion function.该平台采用患者在想象运动时的脑电信号作为虚拟人运动的控制信号,从而把想象运动与运动功能恢复训练结合在一起。


1.Objective To investigate some methods on extraction and classification ofelectroencephalography (EEG) signals during mental tasks for designing brain computer interfaces (BCI).目的在基于思维作业的脑-机接口中,探讨如何提取脑电信号特征并对其进行准确有效地分类。

2.Functions of nonlinear parameters, computed fromelectroencephalography (EEG) signals, in mental tasks classification were investigated, where the largest Lyapunov exponent, the mean period of trajectories and the average initial distance between neighboring trajectories were taken as the nonlinear parameters, and Fisher s linear discriminant was adopted as the classifier.研究了非线性参数作为脑电(EEG)信号特征时对意识任务分类的作用,使用的3种非线性参数特征为最大Lyapunov指数、轨道平均周期和轨道平均初始距离,分类方法为Fisher线性判别式。

5)electroencephalogram (EEG)脑电

1.[Methods] After extracting the features of electroencephalogram (EEG), a BP neural network of three layers BP was designed.以脑电信号两个频段的功率谱以及击键前-100 ̄-50ms和-50 ̄0ms均值组成特征向量。

2.In order to develop a novel electroencephalogram (EEG) diagnostic method for Alzheimer′s dementia(AD), the EEG power spectrum distributions of AD patients and healthy old people are compared.比较分析了老年痴呆患者与正常老人在安静闭目时的脑电功率谱能量分布特征,以探索老年患者脑电诊断的新途径。

3.To separate the electroencephalogram (EEG) measured on the scalp into the parts generated by deep and shallow electrical sources respectively is a subject of importance both theoretically and clinically, because we can then find in more detail the electrical activities in the deep parts of the brian.从头皮测到的脑电信号中把由深层源和浅层源产生的部分分离开,并根据深层源产生的部分观察大脑内部深层的电活动细节,在理论和临床上都有重要意义。

6)EEG and MEG脑电/脑磁



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