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双口RAM Dual-port RAM英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-02 08:12:25


双口RAM Dual-port RAM英语短句 例句大全

双口RAM,Dual-port RAM

1)Dual-port RAM双口RAM

1.Application of Dual-Port RAM in data communication between DSP and microcontroller;双口RAM在DSP与单片机数据通信中的应用

2.Research on parallel communication based on dual-port RAM in the noncompetitive pattern;双口RAM非竞争模式下的并行数据通讯研究

3.Application of dual-port RAM to data-acquisition system;双口RAM在数据采集系统中的应用


1.The Design and Manufacture of Counter Array Based on Dual-port RAM;基于双口RAM计数器阵列的设计与实现

2.Designing of Large Capacity FIFO Based on Double Ports RAM基于双口RAM的大容量FIFO设计

3.Study of PWM Rectifier based on Dual-port RAM基于双口RAM的PWM整流器的研究

4.Implementation of a Duplex-Parallel Interface in Long Distance Based on Dual-Ported memory基于双口RAM的长距离双工并行接口实现

5.Application of Dual-Port RAM in the Synchronous Sampling System of AC Electric Signals Based on Dual-CPU双口RAM在双CPU交流电量同步采集系统中的应用

6.Application of dual RAM device in the design of data interface module双口RAM在声信号处理数据接口模块中的应用

7.Design of Dual-Port RAM Interface in Double CPU Feeder Line Protection System馈线保护中双口RAM的DSP与ARM9双CPU系统接口电路设计

8.The design and realization of embedded programming logical controller based on dual port RAM基于双口RAM的嵌入式可编程控制器的设计与实现

9.Design on Dual-Port RAM Between Dual-CPU of 3G Mobile Video Telephone3G视频手机双CPU间双端口RAM的设计与实现

10.Design of a Serial, RAM Mapping 32×4 LCD Controller & Driver for I/O μC;带串行接口的RAM映射型32×4点LCD驱动与控制芯片设计

11.RAM comes in many varieties, including dynamic RAM (DRAM), synchronous RAM and synchronous dynamic RAM (SDRAM).RAM有多种形式,包括动态RAM(DRAM)、同步RAM和同步动态RAM(SDRAM)。

12.&Only dual Interfaces仅仅双重接口(&O)

13.terminated two-port具有端接的双口网络

14.mass storage control twin port海量存储控制器双端口

15.semi-auto matic cutting the double groves半自动气割双面坡口

16.dual tubing wellhead双油管采气井口装置

17.double entry split casing centrifugal pump揭壳式双进水口离心泵

18.He put his hands in his pockets.他把双手插在口袋里.


dual port RAM双口RAM

1.An Interface Design of High-speed Communication Between PC104 and DSP Based On Dual Port RAM;基于双口RAM的DSP与PC104高速通信接口设计

2.Therefore we propose a new data acquisition and processing system for wheel flat detection using high-speed floating-point DSP chip TMS320c6xxx,multi-channel parallel AD converter chip ADSxxxx,complex programmable logic device EMP7xxx anddual port RAM chip IDT7xxxx.针对当前铁路系统对轮轨扁疤检测设备的安全性、高效性、智能性提出的要求,提出了一种新的基于高速浮点DSP芯片TMS320 c6xxx、多路并行AD转换芯片ADSxxxx、复杂可编程逻辑器件EMP7xxx和双口RAM芯片IDT7xxxx的轮轨扁疤数据采集与处理系统,并详细说明了系统的设计与实现方法,以及系统与上位系统的通信方式和电路板的抗干扰性设计。

3.It used the high speed 8-bit single chip ATmega64,ATmega16 and the international normative CAN bus,with the structure of dual processor anddual port RAM IDT7130.利用AVR 8位高速单片机ATmega64和ATmega162以及具有国际标准的CAN总线,采用双处理器、双口RAMIDT7130数据缓存的结构,设计了一个用于工业现场液位控制调节的智能控制器。

3)dual ram双口RAM

1.Application of dual RAM device in the design of data interface module双口RAM在声信号处理数据接口模块中的应用

2.In this article,several ways for dual RAMto avoid conflict when operating are introduced,the interˉface of field bus and industrial Ethernet in automation system are also given.对双口RAM操作中共享冲突的几种方式进行了讨论和分析。


1.The periphery circuit connecting method of on-board microcontroller and data access technology throughDPRAM between microcontrolle.详细介绍了PXI总线接口的设计,板载ARM微控制器的电路连接方法,以及微控制器通过双口RAM和主板CPU之间的数据交换技术。

2.These interfaces include 2 serial communications Interfaces,DPRAM data interface,4 analog outputs,10 PWM outputs,3 timer outputs and 40 bits parallel I/O port.采用DSP56311作为系统主要的传输、处理、存储控制器,EP1C12F256(FPGA)作为主要接口处理单元,系统通过FPGA、SAF82525、双口RAM、AD7247和其他接口芯片扩展了丰富的接口,包括2路串行通信口、DPRAM数据接口、4路模拟输出、10路PWM输出、3路定时器输出和40位并行I/O口,实现了与中央控制单元的通信、信号的实时处理和控制信号的输出。

3.Design of LON Network Interface Used in PC104 System Based onDPRAM;为了使工业计算机系统方便地接入LON网络,文章介绍了采用双口RAM作为数据通信桥梁的PC104系统LON总线接口电路的设计,并给出了详细的硬件电路和软件设计流程。


1.Whether the conflict takes place when the dual-RAM was accessed by ADC and DSP simultaneously was the crucial problem of the design of the system.当前,测控系统正朝着高智能化、高实时性方面发展,基于此提出了一种以DSP为核心,并利用了双口RAM的数据采集处理系统,说明了其硬件连线方案。

6)Double-port RAM双端口RAM

1.A Design for High-speed Data Acquisition System Based onDouble-port RAM;一种基于双端口RAM的高速数据采集系统设计

2.PMAC communicates with IPC based on double-port RAM, response time is little, fast and high-veracity, so it is a in common use comm.PMAC与PC之间采用双端口RAM进行通讯。


auxiliary-ram transfer moulding分子式:CAS号:性质:是传递模塑的一种,也可称为活塞式铸压(plunger moulding)。其特点是所用压机具有两个液压操纵的活塞,分别称为主活塞和辅助活塞。前者用作锁紧模具,后者用作挤压塑料。模塑时,主活塞锁紧塑模的力至少应比分离塑模的力(等于阴阳模分界面上制品、分流道和主流道等截面的总和与塑料承受压力的乘积)大10%

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