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国内 Domestic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-08 05:27:20


国内 Domestic英语短句 例句大全



1.The Current Production Situation and Market Perspective ofDomestic Bamboo Tourism Commodity;国内竹制旅游商品的生产现状与市场前景分析

2.Overview ofDomestic and Foreign Study Of Modern Distance Education Management;国内外现代远程教育运作管理研究述评

3.Research Progress of International andDomestic Government E-Service;国际、国内政府电子化服务研究进展


1.Ministry of Internal Trade [China]国内贸易部〔中国〕

2.Both domestic and overseas customers; customers both at home and abroad.国内外客商(英美国家很少强调"国内外")

3.Domestic Trade,Competition and Industry s International Competitiveness;国内贸易、国内竞争与产业国际竞争力

4.Home Dockyard Regulations《国内造船厂规则》

5.internal trade, revenue, etc国内贸易、 税收等.

6.English Civil Wars英国内战(1642~1651)

7.Interstate Commerce Commission of the U.S.美国国内商业委员会

8.the home office of an international firm国际公司的国内办事处

9.CFR or CIFCY or CFS at the Named Inland Station of Destination of Importatio进口国国内堆场交货价

10.CIF or CFR Station of Destination in the Country of Importatio进口国国内车站交货价

11.Article of domestic manufacture国货、国内制造的商品

12.China has no intention of intervening in the internal affairs of other countries中国无意干涉别国内政。

13.domestic credit and international credit国内信用与国际信用

14.The interior of a country or region.国内一国或一地区的内部

15.In, toward, or into the interior of a country or region.国内地在,向或进入一国或一地区内部

16.Outlook of Domestic and Foreign Petroleum Economic Situation in 2002 (Domestic Part);2002年国内外石油经济形势展望——国内篇

17.PTA Production Status in the World and its Development Prospect at Home;国内外PTA生产现状及国内发展前景

18.The Inner Logic on How Domestic Trade Improves International Competitiveness of Products in Large Countries;大国国内贸易提升产品国际竞争力的内在机理



1.Testing and Analyzing Methods of Atmospheric Suspensiple Particles inChina;国内大气悬浮颗粒物检测分析方法

2.An Overview of the Researches on Creative Personality in the Past Decade inChina;国内近十来年创造性人格研究述评


1.The paper presents gas engine upgrade technologies that allinternal suppliers of vehicle s petrol engine will consider to meet the strict law and regulations,which will come into force as of January a,,on fuel consumption at second stage for passenger cars.阐述了国内各车用汽油机制造厂商为满足国家乘用车新产品第二阶段燃油经济性法规的要求,最可能优先采用的对现有产品进行技术改造的方案,并展望了远期的发展趋势。

4)at home国内

1.The looking at potential for electric power plant with internal combustion engine from the generating conditionat home;从国内发电简况看内燃机电站的潜力

2.A review on the researches about misdemeanor of studentsat home;国内关于学生品德不良研究述评

3.Ananysis is made on Ferroalloy with Mn abroad andat home.论述了国际、国内锰系铁合金市场状况 ,着重分析了国内市场进出口形势 :今年 1~ 6月份锰系铁合金进口量同比均大幅度减少 ,其出口量也有所降低 ,但出口价格呈振荡变化状态。

5)China"s mainland中国国内

6)international and domestic国际国内

1.There is the origin and development of contracting and bidding in theinternational and domestic architectural engineering.国际国内建筑工程招标的承包有其起源与发展 ;招标承包在国际组织机构、金融机构及各国政府部门的法定应用情况和对各国经济和劳务贸易发展起促进作用 ,FIDIC主要管理文件的制定、修订和完善过程是2 0多年来为加入WTO ,与国际惯例接轨对建筑业管理改革的重要成果。



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