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带材 strip英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-22 12:48:00


带材 strip英语短句 例句大全



1.Experiment study on tension control ofstrip flatness;带材平直度的张力控制实验研究

2.Investigation on Preparing Cu_(86.5)Sn_7P_(6.5) Alloy Strip with Horizontal Fusion Casting;平面熔流铸造法制取Cu_(86.5)Sn_7P_(6.5)合金带材的研究

3.The Research on Strip of Tension Leveling Theory and Simulation Based on Improved the Shape;基于改善板形的带材拉伸弯曲矫直理论研究及其仿真


1." Niobium steet,shrip and foil"GB/T3630-1983铌板材、带材和箔材

2." Tantalum and tantalum alloy sheet,strip and foil"GB/T3629-1983钽及钽合金板材、带材和箔材

3.Thermostatic bimetal stripsGB/T4461-1992热双金属带材

4.continuous strip pickle连续式带材酸洗装置

5.four high continuous hot strip mill四辊连续式带材热轧机

6.semicontinuous hotstrip mill半连续式带材热轧机

7.expansible coil preparatory coiler胀缩卷筒式带材预卷机

8.continuous wide-strip hot mill连续式宽带材热轧机

9.rotary gang slitting带材多刀圆盘剪纵剪切

10.four high reversing cold strip mill四辊可逆式带材冷轧机

11.Study of preparing YBCO high temperature superconductor on silver substrates;Ag基带上制备YBCO高温超导带材的研究

12.garden hose of textile materials浇水带,纺织材料制成

13.decorative finish带有彩色线的装饰材料

14.lumber tropical fresh木材热带淡水载重线

15.lumber tropical fresh water loadline木材热带淡水载重水线

16.lumber freeboard mark of tropical zone热带木材运输干舷高度

17.fire-hose of textile materials灭火水龙带,纺织材料制

18.The material that gains electrons becomes negatively charged, while the material that gives up electrons becomes positively charged.获得电子的材料带负电,失去电子的材料带正电。



1.Relation Between Post-annealing Temperature and Superconductivity of MgB_2 Tapes;MgB_2带材的超导电性与制备温度的关系

2.Owing to the high performance,the second generation(2 G) high T_C superconductingtapes based on yttrium barium copper oxide have attracted much attention of the researchers worldwide to develop the processing techniques for application.以YBa2Cu3O7-x(YBCO)超导涂层为导体的第二代高温超导带材由于其优异的本征性能,吸引着科学家不断探索和研究其实用成材技术。

3.We report the fabrication of MgB-2 superconductingtapes on iron and stainless steel substrates using electrophoresis technique firstly.本文首次报道了利用电泳技术在铁和不锈钢基底上制备MgB2 超导带材 。


1.The constituent of software and hardware and the principle of automatic-tracing system for aluminumstrips were described in the paper.带材跟踪是实现轧制过程自动化的基础,也是轧机计算机控制系统的重要功能之一。

4)Strip Steel带材

1.The elongation rate of strip steel at the beginning of tension leveling is discussed and is found to be increased from zero to the normal.对拉矫开始时带材延伸率的变化情况进行了分析,提出了延伸率过渡阶段和延伸率稳定阶段的概念,并指出在过渡阶段带材延伸率是变化的。

5)belt band传动带带材

6)copper plate and strip铜板带材


带材带材stripdolCQi带材(s trip)长宽比很大的成卷供应的带状金属材。宽度大于6。。mm者称为宽带材,小于600mm的带材称为窄带材。带材厚度可薄至。.o01mm。带材由热轧法和冷轧法生产。热轧法生产的带材厚度较大,冷轧法可获得热轧法不能生产的表面质量好、尺寸精确、力学性能高的更薄规格的带材。(李生智李隆旭)

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