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井下 downhole英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-25 23:21:33


井下 downhole英语短句 例句大全



1.Research and shop tests of thedownhole casing shut-off valve;井下套管阀研究及室内试验

2.Theory design ofdownhole ultrasonic focusing system;井下超声聚焦系统的理论设计

3.Preliminary approach to oil production throughdownhole oil-water separation technique.;井下油水分离采油技术初探


1.subsurface controlled subsurface safety valve井下控制井下安全阀

2.work - over equipment for oil and gas wells油气井井下作业设备

3.downhole-controllable-geometry component井下可控井眼几何形状部件

4.sonic logging cartridge声波测井下井仪电子线路部分

5.dual induction-laterolog-8 equipment双感应-八侧向测井下井仪

6.(5) having a good communications system for dispatch on the surface, underground, within and out of the coal mine;(五)井上、井下、矿内、矿外调度通讯畅通;

7.Study of Image Compress Codec of Downhole Video Logging;井下电视成像测井图像压缩技术研究

8.Monitoring Technique for Sinking Resistance of Large Caisson Group大型沉井群的沉井下沉阻力监测技术

9.Research and development of the downhole multiphase pump for wells of high gas-oil ratio高气油比井井下混抽泵的研究与开发

10.Minimum Age (underground work) Convention, 1965(井下工作)最低年龄公约

11.sonic digital cartridge数字声波井下电子线路

12.bottom-trip casing whipstock井下移动式套管造斜器

13.surface controlled subsurface safety valve地面控制井下安全阀

14.Amerada pressure gauge阿米雷达井下压力计

15.a shaft driven upward is called a raise; one that is driven downward is known as a winze.从下往上开拓出来的井筒叫天井;从上往下开拓出来的井筒叫盲井。

16.Numerical Well-Test Analysis for Oil Wells in Condition of Adjacent Wells Influences.存在邻井影响条件下的油井数值试井分析

posite Liner Cementing Technology in Subsalt Well AT9 in Block Tahe.塔河油田盐下井AT9井复合尾管固井技术

18.Treatment Method of "Upper Blowout and Lower Loss" Section in Well Gao 15-19高15-19井“上喷下漏”井段的处理方法



1.On the Rectification and Strengthening of Underground Safety of Non-coal Mines;论非煤矿山的井下安全整治

2.Treatment ofunderground outer source fire of coal mine;煤矿井下外源火灾的处理

3.Danger analysis and management technology forunderground working place of Chengchao iron mine;程潮铁矿井下作业场所危险分析及管理技术

3)underground mine井下

1.The nature condition ofunderground mine is complicated, to effectively monitor the environment and equipment, it must have accurate positioning technologies to localize mobile devices.在井下采矿过程中应用无线传感器网络系统实施环境监测以及设备管理,将有效地提高井下采矿生产的效率和安全性。

2.The conventional coal and coal refuse separation was to bring the raw coal from theunderground mine to the surface and separate in the coal preparation plant.传统煤与矸石的分选是将毛煤从井下运到地面然后在选煤厂完成二者的分离,该方法不仅造成了地面矸石的堆积和资源的浪费,并且破坏了矿区的生态环境。

3.In order to treat coal sludge water under the dehydrated screen,craft of concentration and filter pressing is adopted,and 500 m2 membrane filter press is installed inunderground mine.为处理水煤脱水筛的筛下煤泥水,采用浓缩压滤工艺,在井下安装了500 m2的隔膜压滤机。

4)down hole井下

1.A mechanical floating is used because of instrument,water quality anddown hole tools that make in-correct result measured or instrument blockeddown hole.介绍了一种用于油田注水井注水分层测试超声波井下流量计。

2.In the light of the serious erode situation ofdown hole stems,hanging ring technology for erode monitor to oil well dill stem in Lunnan oilfield has been used.针对井下管柱腐蚀严重的情况 ,轮南油田采用了井下挂环技术对油井管柱的腐蚀状况进行监测。

3.Since the function of separation,the oil is pumped to ground and water injected todown hole.有杆泵井下油水分离装置由静态旋流分离器和抽油注水双作用泵 2部分组成。

5)putting into well下井




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