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井下节流 Downhole choke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-19 13:17:27


井下节流 Downhole choke英语短句 例句大全

井下节流,Downhole choke

1)Downhole choke井下节流

1.Research and application of downhole choke to prevent hydrate generation in gas wells;井下节流防治气井水合物技术研究与应用

2.Downhole choke technology is to adjust downhole pressure through installing the choke in an appropriate position on the tube.气井井下节流工艺是将节流器置于油管的适当位置来实现井下节流调压,利用地热对节流后的天然气加热,改变天然气水合物的生成条件,对防止水合物生成起到了积极作用。

3.Aiming at this productive problem,downhole choke engineering research was developed.主要针对高压气井冬季易堵、存在较大安全隐患的生产难题,开展井下节流工艺技术研究。


1.Research on the Numerical Simulation of Gas-well Flow Field with Underground Nozzle;带井下节流的天然气气井流场的数值模拟

2.The flowrate through the wellhead choke is relate to the wellhead pressure, the flow velocity of oil and gas, construction of choke.井口节流器的流量与油井压力、气流速度和节流器的结构有关。

3.The research indicates that the determination of groundwater flow rate is the key to energy saving of GSHPPRSW.研究表明,地下水流量的选取是同井回灌地下水地源热泵节能的关键。

4.Discussion on Criteria for Selection of CBM Well Site in Xiashijie Mine Field基于下石节井田煤层气井位选择原则探讨

5.A study on the advection-dispersion problems in the presence of wells在井流影响下的对流-弥散问题研究

6.Hydraulic Model for Downhole Drilling Condition Judgment with Water-saving Drilling System节水钻探系统井下工况判断水力模型

7.Design Research of Multi-section Crawler-type Underground Coal Mine Search Robot多节履带式煤矿井下搜索机器人设计

8.Applications of down-hole bi-directional flow valve in the absorption oil wells井下双向流动阀在易漏失油井中的应用

9.Overloading Fall Accident Prevention of DC Drive Mine Hoist矿井直流提升机重载下放事故的预防

10.Application and Maintenance of Frequency Speed-regulating Systems in Coal Mines煤矿井下交流变频绞车的应用与维护

11.Optimization of the large cone angle parameters of downhole oil/water separation hydrocyclone井下油水分离旋流器大锥角参数优化

12.The Research of the Phase Flowrate Measurement with Ultrasonic Method in Multi-phase Flow Downhole;多相流分相流量井下超声检测方法研究

13.Study on the Characteristics of Oil Well Inflow Performance under Complicated Flow Condition复杂流动条件下油井流入动态特性研究

14.Research on the optical measurement of the gas phase flow rate in borehole multiphase flow光学法测量井下多相流中气相流量的方法研究

15.Flow field simulation analysis of pressurized unit on the downhole helicon-axial multiphase pump井下螺旋轴流式混抽泵增压单元流场仿真分析

16.Study on cooperative working in cognitive radio communication nodes of coal mine applying game theory煤矿井下基于博弈论CR节点协作通信研究

17.Influence of low temperature and high pressure on rheological properties of oil-based drilling fluids in deep offshore conditions深水钻井环境下低温高压对油基钻井液流变性的影响

18.subsurface controlled subsurface safety valve井下控制井下安全阀


downhole throttle井下节流

1.The experiment shows that the production of gasfield which is installeddownhole throttle is not high,but it has stable pressure and good productive effiency.研究表明,安装了井下节流器的气井尽管早期产量不高,但生产压力相对变化不大,稳产时间长,生产效果较好。

3)underground restriction井下节流

1.Theunderground restriction of condensate gas well is a very important link in the exploitation of condensate gas reservoirs.凝析气井井下节流是凝析气田开采过程中一个非常重要的环节。

4)downhole throttling井下节流

1.Research and application ofdownhole throttling technology in Yulin gas field榆林气田井下节流技术研究与应用


6)down hole chock井下节流器


节流节流Throttled flow节流(throttled flow)节流是强迫流过一个限定面积,在那里流速一定会增加的流动。流过这个收缩区时,由于压力下降而产生的动能通常由于涡旋扰动大部分转换为热能。其结果是这个系统中的机械能损失。例如采用一个球形阀门来节流气体时,阀门下游不远处的速度在大多数情况下只比节流截面前稍大一点。这是一个等烩过程。由于节流阀把机械能损失引入流动系统,而使流量可得到控制。参阅“等嫡过程”(i*n-tropic proeess)条。当气体以声速流过诸如喷管那样的收缩段时,便产生一种特殊的节流效应。此时,进一步降低下游压力不会改变上游状态,同时流量保持常数。 〔斯特里特(v.I砂.Streeter)撰二

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