失眠网 > 朱陆同异 Different in the beginning but the same in the end英语短句 例句大全

朱陆同异 Different in the beginning but the same in the end英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-14 23:56:53


朱陆同异 Different in the beginning but the same in the end英语短句 例句大全

朱陆同异,Different in the beginning but the same in the end

1)Different in the beginning but the same in the end朱陆同异



1.Zhu Shunshui s Practical Thought and His Attitudes to Song-Ming New Confucianism;朱舜水的实功实用思想及对待程朱陆王的态度

2.Necessity of the Objective Research on the Debate between Zhu and Lu;对“朱陆之争”进行客观化研究的必要

3.Conference in E Hu: The Essential Divergence of ZhuLu and Its Philosophical Meaning;鹅湖之会:朱陆分歧的实质及其哲学意义

4.Lü Zu-qian s Theory of Moral Life and Its Dissolving of Zhu-xi and Lu Jiu-yuan s Thought;吕祖谦的道德性命之学及其兼融朱陆的特点

5.The analysis of the rise of Schools of New-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties and the similarities and differences of the two ways of thinking;宋明理学的兴起及其内部两种思路的异同——以朱陆之辩为例

6.A Comparison Between Cheng and Zhu s Idealist Philosophyand the Moral Training of Lu and Wang s parapsychology;程朱理学与陆王心学道德修养论比较

7.On the Association between Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan;诤友论敌两相知——朱、陆交往叙考

8.Any of various small terrestrial orchids of the genus Pogonia, of the North Temperate Zone, having pink or whitish flowers.朱兰,朱兰花一种朱兰属陆生小兰花,生长在北温带,开粉色或微白的花

9.Zhu Xi s Epistemological Hermeneutics and Lu Jiuyuan s Practical Hermeneutics;朱熹的知识论诠释学和陆九渊的实践论诠释学

10.On the Poetry of New Confucian (LI-Xue)in the Mature Period:the poems of LU Jiu-yuan and ZHU Xi;理学成熟期之理学诗─—试论陆九渊与朱熹的诗

11.The Comparing about Sagehood View among CHANG Tsai s Chi School、CHANG and CHU s li School and LU and WANG s Hsin Hsuen School;张载气学、程朱理学和陆王心学圣人观之比较

12.Neo-Confucian Significance Conceived in Yi-ological Controversy between ZHU Xi and LU Jiu-yuan朱熹与陆九渊易学论争的理学文化意义

13.Absorbed in such calculations as these, Chu Yin-chiu sat pensive and silent.这一些盘算,在朱吟秋脑筋上陆续通过,渐渐使他沉入了深思,终于坐在一边不再发言。

14.American stork resembling the true ibises in having a curved bill; inhabits wooded swamps of New World tropics.外形似纯种朱鹭的美洲鹤,嘴弯曲;栖息在新大陆热带森林茂密的湿地。

15.Then three Germanic tribes from the European mainland- the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes- invaded Britain.之后,来自欧洲大陆的三个部落——盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人——入侵不列颠。

16.any hardy bog orchid of the genus Pogonia: terrestrial orchids having slender rootstocks and erect stems bearing one or a few leaves and a solitary terminal flower.朱兰属的任何一种坚实的沼泽兰;陆生,根茎纤细,叶一片或少数几片,花单朵顶生。

17.On the Validity of Assessment Formula of Profit Method on the Technical Asset --Discuss With the Mr. Lu Fei、zhu zhe & Xu Jin Fa;一个技术型资产收益法评估算式之我见——兼与陆飞、朱泽和徐金发等先生商榷

18.Of, relating to, or resembling Jupiter.(似)朱庇特的,雄伟的朱庇特的,或似朱庇特的



3)the debate between ZHU Xi and LU Jiu-yuan朱陆之辩

4)Harmonizing of Zhu and Lu和会朱陆

1.Analyses of Zheng Yu s"Harmonizing of Zhu and Lu"idea;郑玉"和会朱陆"思想评析

2.The Idea of Zheng Yu’s“Harmonizing of Zhu and Lu” and Its Influence;郑玉“和会朱陆”的思想及其影响

5)arguments between Zhu and Lu朱陆之争

1.The annotation of the theoretical characteristics of thearguments between Zhu and Lu shows the chan.朱陆之争在其后的理学进程中有重要意义,是理学理论水平的一个尺度,也是理学发展的一个契机。

6)Taking from Zhu Xi and Lu Jiu-yuan"s Theory兼采朱陆



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