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同病异治 treating the same disease with different methods英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-09 07:23:27


同病异治 treating the same disease with different methods英语短句 例句大全

同病异治,treating the same disease with different methods

1)treating the same disease with different methods同病异治

1.Among which the neuroprotection in broad meaning contains 2 methods of protection and restoration,and the present drug intervention strategy of treating ischemic cerebral apoplexy with combination of TCM and western medicine may have the characteristics of multi-layer by stages,embodying the principle of “treating the same disease with different methods”in Chinese medicine.溶栓治疗和神经保护治疗是缺血性脑卒中的两大药物干预策略 ,其中广义的神经保护治疗包括神经保护和神经修复两种方法 ,而目前存在的中西医结合缺血性脑卒中的药物干预策略可能也存在多层次、分阶段干预的特点 ,体现了祖国医学“同病异治”的原则 ,我们认为现有的缺血脑保护方法主要针对缺血性脑卒中的不同发展阶段 ,而神经修复的研究 ,尤其是中医药促进神经干细胞再生的研究 ,可能蕴涵着巨大的发展潜力和无限商机。

2.The study of the decoction differentiation may do help to the principle thattreating the same disease with different methods and treating the different disease with the same methods.方剂辨证的研究 ,不仅有助于深刻理解中医的“同病异治”、“异病同治”法则 ;再结合方证对应施治专一化的推进 ,也有助于在现在的条件下 ,不追求打开中医的“黑箱”,而促进中西医结合和中医药走向世

2)Treating different diseases with the same method异病同治

1.We summarized Prof Ma Juli s thought of treating different diseases with the same method, and applied the experience of treating urologic disease with decoction for clearing away gallbladder heat with additional or reduced ingredients into clinical use.整理总结马居里教授运用异病同治的思想,临证应用温胆汤加减治疗泌尿系疾病的经验;通过验案举例,凡辨证中以“痰热内扰,胆胃不和”为主要病机的疾病,皆可考虑温胆汤加减治疗。


1.Theoretical and Clinical Studies on Fujian Tablet Treating Different Diseases by Regulating the Homeostasis of NEI to Intervens Syndrome of Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency复健片调控NEI网络干预肝肾阴虚证以“异病同治”的理论与临床研究

2.Intermingled transplantation of allochthonous and autogenous bone in the treatment of tumor-like legion同种异体骨联合自体骨复合骨移植用于瘤样骨病术后治疗

3.Gene Transfer of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Suppresses the Development of Allograft Vasculopathy;降钙素基因相关肽转基因对同种异体移植血管病变的防治作用

4.Research on Prevention of Sodium Ferulate and Ciclosporin A on Allograft Angiopathy in Rats;阿魏酸钠联合环孢素A防治大鼠同种异体移植血管病的研究

5.The Analysis of the Causes of Death in the Treatment of Hematological Malignacies with Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation from Sibling Donor恶性血液病同胞异基因干细胞移植治疗后的死因分析

6.A Brief Comment on the Difference of Rule by Law Between the Legalist s and the Modern Definitions;论法家“法治”与现代“法治”的异同

7.On Agreement and Difference between Rule of Morale and Rule of Law;论以德治国与依法治国之异同及其他

8.Pathogenicity Difference of WSSM from Different Regions不同地区小麦梭条花叶病病毒致病力的差异

9.The difference in salivary 6 K PGFla between periodontal disease groups was significant before scaling.结果:洁治前不同牙周病组间患者唾液中6-K-PGFla含量比均有显著性差异;

10.Bone Porphogenetic Proteins2 Gene Thepary for Tooth Transplantation of Frozen Tooth Allografts in Mice;腺病毒介导的骨形态发生蛋白2基因治疗促进大鼠同种异体牙移植愈合的实验研究

11.The Outcome of Interbody Fusion with Allograft Bone and Anterior Instrumentation in Spinal Tuberculosis;一期病灶清除同种异体骨移植前路内固定治疗脊柱结核的疗效分析

12.Transplantation of Allogeneic Pancreatic Islets and Followed by Pancreatic Stem Cell Derived Islet-like Structures to Treat Diabetes;同种异体胰岛及胰腺干细胞来源的胰岛样结构序贯移植治疗糖尿病

13.Outcome and Prognosis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia with Sibling Allogeneic Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation;同胞供者异基因外周血造血干细胞移植治疗慢性粒细胞白血病疗效及预后因素临床分析

14.Posterior transpedicular radical debridement, bone fusion and segmental fixation for the treatment of thoracic and lumbar tuberculosis后路经椎弓根病灶清除、自体及同种异体骨植骨融合并节段性内固定治疗胸腰椎结核

15.Allogeneic bone combined with autologous concentrated red bone marrow graft for treatment of benign bone tumors and tumor-like lesions同种异体骨材料复合自体浓缩红骨髓移植治疗良性骨肿瘤和瘤样病变

16.HLA-matched sibling donor allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia in 40 casesHLA相合同胞供者异基因造血干细胞移植治疗慢性粒细胞白血病40例

17.The treatment of ischemic vascular disease of the leg varies with each patient.腿部缺血性血管病的治疗因人而异。

18.The Analysis of 40 Ectopic Pregnancies with Medical-conservative Management;40例药物保守治疗异位妊娠病例分析


Treating different diseases with the same method异病同治

1.We summarized Prof Ma Juli s thought of treating different diseases with the same method, and applied the experience of treating urologic disease with decoction for clearing away gallbladder heat with additional or reduced ingredients into clinical use.整理总结马居里教授运用异病同治的思想,临证应用温胆汤加减治疗泌尿系疾病的经验;通过验案举例,凡辨证中以“痰热内扰,胆胃不和”为主要病机的疾病,皆可考虑温胆汤加减治疗。

3)Treating different diseases with same method异病同治

1.AbstractTreating different diseases with same method and treating same disease with different methods have profound theoretical origins as an important content of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment system.异病同治和同病异治是中医辨证论治体系的重要内容,将这一理论引入中医药防治肝、肾、心、肺等器官纤维化、硬化的研究中,寻找通治多器官纤维化的有效药物,为揭示器官纤维化、硬化的实质及为中医药防治难治性疾病开拓新途径;为中医异病同治、同病异治理论提供实验依据;为中西医结合及中医药现代化、规范化研究提供新思路与新方法。

4)homotherapy for heteropathy异病同治

1.Objective:to observe the clinical effect of Wenjingtang in treating excess-cold syndrome of emmeniopathy withhomotherapy for heteropathy, to analyze the results and to learn the meaning ofhomotherapy for heteropathy.目的:观察加减温经汤异病同治治疗月经病实寒证的临床疗效,并对其结果进行分析,以探讨异病同治的内涵。

2.This example was the personification of Chinese medicalhomotherapy for heteropathy.李治牢主任医师运用凉血四物汤加减治疗血热瘀滞证所引起的不同的皮肤病症方面,经验丰富,见解独到,临床疗效良好,体现了中医的"异病同治"的特点。

5)same disease and same treatment同病同治

6)the same syndromes exist in the different diseases同证异病

1.Some examples of prescription features of "the same syndromes exist in the different diseases" in gynae of Taiping royal prescriptions;《太平圣惠方》妇科同证异病的组方特色



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