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中国典籍 Chinese classics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-10 15:29:19


中国典籍 Chinese classics英语短句 例句大全

中国典籍,Chinese classics

1)Chinese classics中国典籍

1.Fundamentally, translatingChinese classics is a part of cultural diplomacy; therefore, it is necessary for us to take the initiatives to study strategies of translatingChinese classics.从根本上说,中国典籍英译是我国文化外交的一部分,因此我们有必要主动从事典籍英译策略的研究。

2.Documents and objects show that Mencius was one of the philosophers who was earliest introduced to Europe,and "Mencius" is one of theChinese classics which were translated to Europe earliest.文献与实物证明,孟子是最早被介绍到欧洲的哲人之一,而《孟子》则是最早翻译到欧洲的中国典籍之一。


1.On Compiling Textbooks for English Translation of Chinese Classics试论典籍英译教材的编写——以本科翻译专业教材《中国典籍英译》为例

2.A Descriptive Research on Burton Watson s English Translation of Chinese Classic Works;伯顿·沃森英译中国典籍之描写研究

3.On the Intercultural Communication Competence of English Versions of Traditional Chinese Classics论中国典籍英译本的跨文化传播能力

4.The Reproduction of Style in Chinese-English Translation of Chinese Classical Books:An Analysis of English Version of "Yi"an Ci" Poems中国典籍英译的风格再现——“易安词”英译个案分析

5.A New Textbook for English Translation of Chinese Classics典籍英译教材建设的新尝试——介绍本科翻译专业教材《中国典籍英译》的编写

6.The Connotations and English Translations of Dao(道) in Chinese Classics: From the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics从哲学阐释学的角度谈Dao(道)在中国典籍中的内含及其英译

7.For example, charting a course by the stars was mentioned in Chinese texts dating from the 2nd century B.C.例如从公元前二世纪起的中国典籍就提到利用星体制订航线。

8.The Approaches of Translating the Modal Particles in Chinese Classic Works into English;中国古代典籍英译中对语气词的处理

9.Research on Golden Section Theory in Chinese Classic Wushu Books寻骊中国武学典籍中“黄金分割”思想

10.They are listed and kept in a group of books known as the United States Code.保存在名为《美国法典》的系列书籍中。

11.The Classification of Chinese Ancient Books and the Development of Modern Chinese System of Knowledge;典籍分类与近代中国知识系统之演化

12.On Brahmanist Books and Records in the History of Classics in the Suishu and the Brahmanism in China before the Sui Dynasty《隋书·经籍志》中婆罗门典籍与隋以前在中国的婆罗门教

13.A Collection of Ancient Books and Records of Mongolian Brilliant Culture --Some Notes onCatalogue of Ancient Mongolian Books and Documents of China;蒙古民族优秀文化典籍总汇——记《中国蒙古文古籍总目》

14.The Errors in the English Translation of Ancient Chinese Books and Records Viewed from the Words of Mood;从语气词看中国古代典籍英译中的失误

15.The Twenty-Four Histories are important classical records if China"s history of several thousand years.二十四史是记载中国几千年历史的重要典籍。

16.Translating Chinese Classics into English:Foreignization from Cultural Perspective and China English;典籍英译:文化翻译观下的异化策略与中国英语

17.The Relationship of Chinese Modern Short Stories and the Historical Classical Works;中国现代短篇小说与历史文化典籍运用

18.Outline the Relation between Pre-Qin Historical Officials and Chinese Ancient Books;略论先秦史官与中国古代图书典籍的关系


Great Dictionary of Chinese Medical Books《中国医籍大辞典》

ments on theGreat Dictionary of Chinese Medical Books;医籍之《辞海》——喜读《中国医籍大辞典》

3)Chinese classical books中国文化典籍


5)English translation of traditional Chinese classics中国典籍英译本

6)Chinese medical classics中医典籍

1.On language feature and cultural fidelity in translation ofChinese medical classics;中医典籍的语言特点及其翻译的文化传真



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