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中国传统文化典籍 traditional Chinese classics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-30 05:06:44


中国传统文化典籍 traditional Chinese classics英语短句 例句大全

中国传统文化典籍,traditional Chinese classics

1)traditional Chinese classics中国传统文化典籍


1.The Translation of China"s Ancient Books and Records from the Perspective of Cultural Globalization从文化全球化的角度看中国传统文化典籍翻译

2.Consideration of Research-based Translation of Chinese Classics Under the Context of Cultural Globalization;中国传统文化典籍的翻译与研究:文化全球化视域下的思考

3.On the Intercultural Communication Competence of English Versions of Traditional Chinese Classics论中国典籍英译本的跨文化传播能力

4.nter-language Translation and Inter-cultural Translation:With Reference to Strategies in the Translation of Chinese Classics;语际翻译与文化翻译——兼论中国传统典籍翻译策略

5.Study on the Cultural Tradition of Yi in Chinese Book Art Design;论中国书籍装帧艺术中的《易》学文化传统

6.Carrying forward the Traditional Culture, Making Books Compiling Booming;弘扬传统文化,繁荣图书编撰——评《中国古籍编撰史》

7.The Classification of Chinese Ancient Books and the Development of Modern Chinese System of Knowledge;典籍分类与近代中国知识系统之演化

8.Tao Yuanming:The Most Harmonious Epitome of Chinese Cultural Convention;陶渊明——中国文化传统上和谐的典范

9.The Application of Chinese Traditional Books and Records through Modern Multiple-Context;中国传统典籍在多元语境下的实践意义及应用

10.A Collection of Ancient Books and Records of Mongolian Brilliant Culture --Some Notes onCatalogue of Ancient Mongolian Books and Documents of China;蒙古民族优秀文化典籍总汇——记《中国蒙古文古籍总目》

11.Translating Chinese Classics into English:Foreignization from Cultural Perspective and China English;典籍英译:文化翻译观下的异化策略与中国英语

12.The Relationship of Chinese Modern Short Stories and the Historical Classical Works;中国现代短篇小说与历史文化典籍运用

13.diversified application of the element which is use in Chinese traditional book design;中国传统书籍设计元素的多元化应用

14.A Textual Research into the Famous Printing Academies of Tibetan Language Books and Records;我国藏传佛教寺院文化的宝库——藏文典籍著名印书院考述

15.Interpretation of the Abstract of Chinese Minority Ancient Books Turkish Volume民族宝典的精修 优秀文化的传承——《中国少数民族古籍总目提要·土族卷》解读

16.On Qiong Yao Lyrics" Heritage and Reference From Chinese Classical Literature and Traditional Culture论琼瑶歌词对中国古典文学和传统文化的传承与借鉴

17.Islamic Culture and Chinese Traditional Culture and Adapt to a Model of Integration--Xidaotang as an example;伊斯兰文化与中国传统文化融合与适应的典范——以西道堂为例

18.The Culture Tradition during Migrating and Changing: A Study on Shandong Writers out of Mainland of China;迁徒流变中的文化传统:境外鲁籍作家创作研究


Chinese classical books中国文化典籍

3)traditional Chinese classic culture中国传统经典文化

4)Chinese classics中国典籍

1.Fundamentally, translatingChinese classics is a part of cultural diplomacy; therefore, it is necessary for us to take the initiatives to study strategies of translatingChinese classics.从根本上说,中国典籍英译是我国文化外交的一部分,因此我们有必要主动从事典籍英译策略的研究。

2.Documents and objects show that Mencius was one of the philosophers who was earliest introduced to Europe,and "Mencius" is one of theChinese classics which were translated to Europe earliest.文献与实物证明,孟子是最早被介绍到欧洲的哲人之一,而《孟子》则是最早翻译到欧洲的中国典籍之一。

5)The historical documents culture典籍文化

6)Chinese traditional culture中国传统文化

1.Discussion on the relation between modern packaging design andChinese traditional culture;现代包装设计与中国传统文化的关系

2.Chinese Traditional Culture and the new Generation of Leaders Concept of Governance;论新一代领导集体的执政理念与中国传统文化的关系

3.On the essential factors ofChinese traditional culture outlook on life and its influence on modern outlook on life;中国传统文化人生观要素对现代人生观的影响



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