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后备土地资源 reserve land resource英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-07 08:45:28


后备土地资源 reserve land resource英语短句 例句大全

后备土地资源,reserve land resource

1)reserve land resource后备土地资源

1.Based on the analysis of thereserve land resource s present state and its exploitive conditions ,this pa-per discussed some countermeasures of the rational explotiation and utilization.本文在分析烟台市后备土地资源现状及开发条件的基础上,探讨了合理开发利用后备土地资源的对策与措施。


1.Study on Evaluation Index System of Reserved Land Resources Suitable for Cultivation in Beijing;北京市后备土地资源宜耕评价指标体系研究


3.The Exploitation Problems of Reserved Land Resourcesin Guangdong Province and Its Countermeasures;广东省后备土地资源开发利用问题及其对策

4.Exploring Study On Potential Land Resources Suitable forAgriculture in Red Triangle Area--on Case of Rucheng, Chenzhou, Hunan Province;红三角地区宜农后备土地资源开发研究——以湖南郴州汝城县为例

5.The Research on Evaluation of the County Reserve Land Resource and the Strategy of Exploitation Based on GIS;GIS技术支持下的县域后备土地资源评价与开发战略研究

6.Research on the exploitation of potential land resources suitable for agriculture in Nanling Mountain Area of Hunan Province-A case study of Rucheng County;湖南南岭山区宜农后备土地资源开发研究——以汝城县为例

7.Quality assessment of land reserved resources based on ecosystem service value in Xinjiang基于生态系统服务价值的新疆后备土地资源质量评价

8.Consideration about the Development of Land Reserving Resource in Shanxi Province;关于山西省土地后备资源开发的思考

9.Development of reserved land resources and dynamic balance of total cultivated land amount;土地后备资源开发与耕地总量动态平衡

10.Land Reorganization being Important for Potential Land Resource s Development and Utilization --The Land Development and Reorganization in Panzhihua;开发利用后备资源应重在土地整理——攀枝花市的土地开发与整理


12.Strengthen Land Reorganization and Optimize Exploitation of Potential Land Resources -- An Analysis of the Project of Land Development and Reorganization in Panzhihua City, Sichuan;加强土地整理 优化土地后备资源利用──攀枝花市土地开发与整理规划分析

13.The recently-formed delta of the Yellow River is the region where there are the lowest rate of reclamation and the richest reserve land resources in shandong province.近代黄河三角洲是山东省土地垦殖率最低,土地后备资源最丰富的地区。

14.A preliminary Discussion of Reserve Cultivated Land Resource in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区耕地后备资源开发利用初探

15.-- There is also potential for exploiting untouched arable land resources.--开发后备耕地资源有潜力。

16.There is also potential for exploiting untouched arableland resources.——开发后备耕地资源有潜力。

17.GIS-based suitability evaluation of uncultivated arable land in Xinjiang Region;基于GIS的新疆后备耕地资源评价

18.Feasibility Analysis of Land Exploitation in Beijing City;论北京市耕地后备资源的开发可行性


potential land resources土地后备资源

1.PanZhiHua has a strong demand on land,more word must be taken onpotential land resources development and utilization,but its difficult and expensive to develop unworked land,so it must be reinforced on the management of developed land.攀枝花市对土地的需求压力很大 ,须加强土地后备资源的开发利用。

2.Faced with a great demand on land, Panzhihua City must strengthen its development and exploitation ofpotential land resources against such disadvantages as difficult exploitation, costly utilization and low productivity.攀枝花市对土地的需求压力很大,须加强土地后备资源的开发利用。

3)potential land resources suitable for agriculture宜农后备土地资源

1.Research on the exploitation ofpotential land resources suitable for agriculture in Nanling Mountain Area of Hunan Province-A case study of Rucheng County;湖南南岭山区宜农后备土地资源开发研究——以汝城县为例

4)land reserveing database耕地后备资源库

1.To manage cultivated land rationally,Taiyuan Land and Resources Bureau builds a system called Three Databases and One Platform Account which is composed of theland reserveing database,the special fund reserveing database for exploiting land,theland reserveing database and the account database for exploiting land.保持耕地数量和质量动态平衡是国民经济发展的要求,为了合理管理耕地,太原市国土资源局建立了"三库一账"系统,即耕地后备资源库、土地开发整理专项资金储备库、补充耕地储备库和耕地占补平衡台账,利用所建立的系统管理耕地,取得了一定成效。

5)reserve resources of cultivated land耕地后备资源

1.Based on three characteristics ofreserve resources of cultivated land, the paper dividesreserve resources of cultivated land of Zhejiang Province int o two first-grades, and nine second-grades, and establishes a guideline system f or evaluating the differentreserve resources of cultivated land.以耕地后备资源的三项特性为依据,将浙江省耕地后备资源分为2个一级类,9个二级类,并针对不同类型,根据浙江省的实际情况,制定了五类不同类型耕地后备资源的评价指标体系。

6)reserved cultivated land后备耕地资源

1.The exploitation of thereserved cultivated land in Northern China plays an important role in relaxing the tension between people and land, and in balancing gross cultivated land, but the question of ecological environment is also serious, especially in interlace zones of agriculture and stockbreeding.我国北方地区后备耕地资源的开发对缓解人地关系紧张趋势,平衡耕地总量具有重要作用。


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。

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