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资源存量 Resources Reserve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-24 17:11:38


资源存量 Resources Reserve英语短句 例句大全

资源存量,Resources Reserve

1)Resources Reserve资源存量

1.From the point of view of keeping resources reserve unchanged, input-output relation of national economy and modern control theory have been used to establish a model of control theory for the coordination of economic development with.为了维护资源存量不变,应运用国民经济投入产出关系和现代控制理论,建立资源—经济协调发展的控制论模型,以资源恢复量补偿资源消耗量从而保持资源存量不变为目标,对国民经济实行闭环控制,并通过模型求解,给出最优投资控制策略。


1.Excavate the Storage Quantity of Sports Resources,Speeds up Development of the Sports Industry of Shanxi Province;盘活体育资源存量 加快山西体育产业发展

2.Assessment of Pelagic Fisheries Stock and Value in Minnan Bank Ground福建闽南浅滩渔场中上层渔业资源存量及价值评估

3.The Agricultural Cooperative Production Effects on the Water Resource Stock and Agricultural Economic Efficiency in the Agro-pastoral Ecotone of North China农业合作生产对华北农牧交错区水资源存量和经济效益的影响

4.Existing Political Resources and Power Balance with Chinese Characteristics“存量政治资源”与中国特色的权力制衡

5.Make a unified plan of the increase of pipeline resources, make best use of their storage and provide fair services.管道资源增量统一规划、存量优化使用,公平服务。

6.Stores and Flows of Knowledge Resources: Features and Measurement;知识资源、知识存量和知识流量:概念、特征和测度

7.Discussion on the Spatial Differentiation of Urban Stock Land Resource in China;中国城镇存量用地资源空间分异特征探析

8.The Development of Humanities Tourism Resources in Yinan County Shandong Province;山东沂南县人文旅游资源的存量与开发

9.Stocks of Human Resources Education Attainment of China And Its Economical Analysis;我国人力资源文化素质存量及其经济分析

10.Vitalize the Spared Tourism Resources to Proomote the Tourist Products of Education;整合存量旅游资源促进教育旅游产品开发

11.The Influence of Energy Price on the Industrial Fixed Capital Stock in China能源价格对中国工业资本存量的冲击效应

12.Analysis on the Quality Control Strategies for the Self-archiving′s Resources in Institutional Repositories学术机构库自存储资源的质量控制策略探析

13.The enterprises merger or reshuffle the inventory assets to optimize the resources distribution.企业通过并购,存量资产重组,进而推进资源优化配置。

14.DEA Model for Measuring the Efficiency of S&T Resource Allocation of High-tech Industry Based on R&D Knowledge Stock;基于R&D存量的高技术产业科技资源配置效率DEA度量模型

15.Land resources in Xinjiang have absolute priority in existing variety and quantity as well as inferiority in low transformation efficiency.新疆土地资源种类、数量具有存量的绝对优势和转化效率低下劣势并存的明显特征。

16.consume resources, time, stores, etc耗尽资源、 时间、 存物等

17.A large heat source at anomalous high temperatures must be present at depths of some thousand metres.深度1000米左右,一定存在大量的,温度非常高的热资源。

18.The contradiction between the fast economic growth and the huge consumption of some mineral resources.经济快速增长与部分矿产资源大量消耗之间存在矛盾。


storage resources存量资源

3)water resource stock水资源存量

1.Water resource is divided into two parts, dynamic water resource andwater resource stock.将水资源分成水资源的流量和存量两部分,估算了扬州市的水资源存量,提出了评价水污染对水资源存量影响的评价方法,并利用这种方法对扬州市水污染对水资源存量的影响进行了评价,得出了扬州市的水资源存量不足,而水污染又对水资源存量产生了较大的影响的结论。

2.So it was concluded that stagger-season vegetable production was an effective way to save and increasewater resource stock,shake off poverty rapidly and realize self-development for the undeveloped and ecological fragile agro-pastoral ecotone of North China.针对华北农牧交错区错季蔬菜生产对水资源消耗的争议,通过试验和调查研究相结合的方法,研究了农业"生产-消费"合作生产背景下区域发展错季蔬菜的耗水效果及其对农民收入、水资源存量的影响。

4)present standing stocks资源现存量

5)human resource storage人力资源存量

6)the reserve of tourism resources旅游资源存量


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。

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