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冷热循环 thermal cycling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-31 06:02:46


冷热循环 thermal cycling英语短句 例句大全

冷热循环,thermal cycling

1)thermal cycling冷热循环

1.In this paper,the influences ofthermal cycling temperature,pre deformation and RE(La+Ce) on the transformation temperature and shape memory effect (SME) of Cu Zn Al shape memory alloys (SMA) were discussed.结果表明,冷热循环能使合金的相变温度提高5℃-6℃。

2.AIM:To evaluate the color stability of three bonding agents of porcelain veneers afterthermal cycling.然后用分光光度仪测量冷热循环前后的L*a*b*值,结果采用SPSS 10。

3.However,there is no suchthermal cycling test platform of glass curtain wall in China.国内尚无可以进行玻璃幕墙冷热循环试验系统与平台,本文介绍了为某建设科学研究院研制开发的玻璃幕墙冷热循环试验系统的原理和功能,重点论述了试验台的结构、流程和控制方法并给出了初次模型试验的结果,结果显示试验系统完全满足美国AAMA501。


1.Development of ZLR Type Dental Auto Thermal Cycling MachineZLR型牙科自动冷热循环仪的研制

2.thermo-siphon circulation type cooling system热流循环液冷却系统

3.regenerative air cycle回热式空气制冷循环

4.Reformation of cool panel and hot panel of superheater in circulating fluidized bed boiler循环流化床锅炉过热器冷热屏的改造

5.Analysis on Optimal Expansion Ratio of Inter-Cooled Regenerative Reheat Cycle间冷回热再热循环的最佳膨胀比分析

6.A Pneumatic-Thermal Expansion Type Cycling Method for Solar Cooling & Heating and Power Generating可使用太阳能制冷(热)和发电的热力循环技术——气压-热力膨胀式循环

7.intercooled regenerative cycle gas turbine中间冷却式回热循环燃气轮机

8.The Design of Heating/cooling Circulator s Electric Control System;加热/制冷循环器(电控部分)的设计

9.Optimization and Analysis of Absorption Cooling System Using Waste Gas;余热回收型吸收式制冷循环优化研究

10.Study on the Refrigeration Cycle of the Metal Hydride Heat Pump;金属氢化物热泵空调制冷循环的研究

11.Re-reading Steady-state: Thinking of Circular Economy;重读稳态经济:循环经济热的冷思考


13.Application of SIS in CHP combined cycle power plantSIS在热电冷联供联合循环电厂的应用

14.Peltier heat is foundation of thermoelectric refrigeration circulation .分析了热电制冷过程的传热性能,帕尔贴热是热电制冷循环的基础。

15.Further analysis of the effect on the refrigeration coefficient with the superheat of the refrigeration cycle;制冷循环的过热对制冷系数影响的探讨

16.Thermodynamic anslysis of combined power and refrigerating cycle for power plant air cooling system复合制冷循环电站空冷系统的热力学分析

17.Performance Analysis for a Real Regenerated Brayton Refrigeration Cycle with Constant-Temperature Heat Reservoirs恒温热源实际回热式布雷顿制冷循环性能分析

18.Preliminary analysis of thermodynamic cycle of an intercooled recuperated turbofan engine中冷回热航空涡扇发动机热力循环初步分析



1.The effect of thermocycling on the microtensile bond strengths of three adhesives to normal vs.caries-affected dentine;冷热循环对龋坏内层和正常牙本质粘接强度的影响

2.Effects of thermocycling on nanoleakage within resin-dentin interfaces;冷热循环对牙本质黏结界面纳米渗漏的影响

3.By the calculation of air-gap group in the main insulation of stator bars and the analysis of the first current multiplication point in current-voltage curve,the characteristic of air-gap group in both resin-rich coils and VPI coils,the influence of thermocycling on the discharge of air-gap group were discussed.测量分析了大型水轮发电机定子线棒主绝缘中气隙群放电的理论计算和交流工频I~U曲线的第一电流急增点,研究了相同电压等级的多胶模压和少胶VPI线棒的气隙群特征及冷热循环对气隙群放电的影响。

3)thermal cycle冷热循环

1.Microscopic analysis on hardened portland cement concrete underthermal cycles;冷热循环负荷作用下混凝土微观形貌分析

2.The effects ofthermal cycles on the properties of CuZnAl shape memory alloys under different heating temperatures, pre-deformations ε and amounts of complex rare earth mixture added were researched with electronic microscopes.采用不同的热循环温度、不同的预应变量ε、不同的复合稀土加入量以及透射电镜方法,研究了冷热循环对CuZnAl形状记忆合金的相变温度、记忆性能的影响。


5)thermal-cold cycling treatment冷热循环处理

1.Effect ofthermal-cold cycling treatment on dimensional stability of SiCp/2024Al composite;冷热循环处理对SiCp/2024Al尺寸稳定性的影响

2.Thermal stress of SiC_P/2024Al composites under both water quenching treatment andthermal-cold cycling treatment are numerically simulated by Marc finite element software.研究结果表明:热处理过程中,颗粒和基体的界面附近会产生很大的热应力场,并且在SiC颗粒的尖角处产生热应力集中;经淬火处理后的SiCP/2024Al复合材料的热残余应力与基体的屈服强度接近,但经过冷热循环处理后的SiCP/2024Al复合材料中的热残余应力明显降低。

6)thermal cycling treatment冷热循环处理

1.Effects of the different rangethermal cycling treatment on the mechanical properties of 50% AlN_p/Al composite fabricated by squeeze casting were investigated.研究了 3种不同温差冷热循环处理对AlN颗粒增强铝基复合材料室温力学性能的影响。



循环系统的进化鱼的循环系统 李瑞端绘[图]

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