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教育技术 educational technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-18 18:37:51


教育技术 educational technology英语短句 例句大全

教育技术,educational technology

1)educational technology教育技术

1.Exploitation and management of human resources ofeducational technology;探析教育技术中人力资源的开发与管理

2.Web2.0 and its implication foreducational technology;浅谈Web2.0及其对教育技术的若干启示

3.Exploration of curricular system construction ofeducational technology specialty;教育技术专业课程体系建设探索


1.Engaging in research in educational technology and operating an efficient modern education technology centre;研究教育技术 办好“现代教育技术中心”

2.Media Technology in Educational Technology--The New Cognition of Educational Technology;教育技术中的媒体技术——对教育技术的再认识

3.The Predictor of Educational Technology--Discussion on Academic Ideas of Robert A. Reiser教育技术预测师——Robert A.Reiser教育技术学术思想探析

4.The Technique Realization of Epss in Teacher Educational Technology TrainingEpss在教师教育技术培训中的技术实现

5.How to Improve College Teachers Level of Modern Educational Technology;现代教育技术与高校教师教育技术水平的提高

6.Improving Quality of Education and Teaching with Modern Education Technology;应用现代教育技术提高教育教学质量

7.Applying Modern Educational Technology to Improve the Quantity of Education and Teaching;运用教育技术提高教育教学的量与质

8.Improve the Educational Level and Teaching Quality by Using Modern Educational Technology;应用现代教育技术 提高教育教学质量

9.On modern educational technology in educational reform;试论教育教学改革中的现代教育技术

10.Applying Modern Education Technology Promoting the Reform of University Education Teaching;应用现代教育技术 推进教育教学改革

11.Applying Modern Educational Technology to Deepen Educational and Teaching Reform;运用现代教育技术,深化教育教学改革

12.Developing modern educational techniqueand promoting educating and teaching reform;发展现代教育技术 促进教育教学改革

13.Modern Educational Technology and Teaching Reform in Normal Education;现代教育技术与师范教育的教学变革

14.Research on How to Combine Modern Teaching Technology with Vocational Education;现代教育技术在职业技术教育中的运用

15.Developing Educational Technology Practice in Universities through the R&D of Educational Technology;坚持教育技术研发引领高校教育技术工作发展

16.Perceptions and Opinions of International Educational Technologists Related to Educational Technology;国际教育技术学专家对教育技术的认识与看法

17.Educational technology,the subject between education and technology;游走于教育与技术之间的教育技术学学科

18.About the Application of Modern Educational Technology in Vocational and Technical Eduction;谈现代教育技术在高等职业技术教育中的运用


Education technology教育技术

1.Cultivation of student′s independent ability for learning under modern education technology environment;现代教育技术环境下学生自主学习能力的培养

2.Discussion on the Media Literacy Education of College Students by Using Education Technology;浅析利用教育技术开展大学生媒介素养教育

3.On application of modern education technology in mathematics teaching;现代教育技术在数学教学中应用的思考

3)educational technique教育技术

1.Through the analysis at present the pedagogical kind ofeducational technique public class present situation and the existence question,proposed the corresponding platform construction suggestion,has made some attempts for the exploration pedagogical kind ofeducational technique public class development.通过分析目前师范类教育技术公共课的现状和存在的问题,提出了相应的平台建设建议,为探索师范类教育技术公共课的发展做出了一些尝试。

2.At first the concept“educational technique”is explained.:在界定“教育技术”概念的基础上 ,指出了教育技术对教育发展的巨大推动作用 ,探讨了现代教育技术在教学中的重要性和优越性 ;还对职业教育中现代教育技术的现状和问题作了分析 ;最后 ,提出了关于在职业教育中大力推进现代教育技术应用的见解。

4)instructional technology教育技术

1.The research on the reality and strategies of theinstructional technology in PE;我国体育教育技术的现状与对策研究

2.The Development in the Field of Instructional Technology:New Demands for Professional Skills;教育技术的领域发展与专业技能的要求

5)Education technique教育技术

1.A new medium form in education technique media——PDF document;教育技术媒体新的传媒形式——PDF文档

2.In this paper,we analyze the working conditions of modern education technique of Guizhou universities at first,and then propose a developing strategy.首先分析贵州高校的现代教育技术使用状况,然后根据现现状提出今后的发展对策。

3.Such an fact demands more from the modern education technique staff.教育技术的多媒化特征注定与其有着天然联系。

6)technical education技术教育

1.Discusses the training of technical culture ideas in thetechnical education;也谈技术教育中技术文化观念的培养

2.To Pay More Attention to the Labor Law during the Technical Education;浅议在技术教育中应加强对劳动法内容的重视

3.The article fully analyzes the current situation and characteristic s of the vocational andtechnical education in chemical industry, and explains, wi th the detailed data, the factors that restrict the development of the vocationa l andtechnical education in chemical industry at the present stage material fro m a few of angles.该文分析了我国化工职业技术教育的现状及特点,从多个角度并以详细的数据材料阐述了现阶段制约我国化工职业技术教育发展的因素,并结合化工职业技术教育的发展趋势讨论对策,总结出化工职业技术教育在今后的发展的道路上应注意的几点事项。



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