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选择性漏电保护 selective leakage protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-23 16:32:04


选择性漏电保护 selective leakage protection英语短句 例句大全

选择性漏电保护,selective leakage protection

1)selective leakage protection选择性漏电保护

1.Theselective leakage protection system for underground HV distribution networks based on harmonic detection;基于谐波检测的井下高压电网选择性漏电保护系统

2.In view of the problem with undergroundselective leakage protection,the paper focuses on the principle of zero-sequence power direction,and presents a scheme of phase comparison between zero sequence voltage and current based on DSP TMS320LF2407A,which can achieve the selectivity of leakage protection by zero-cross-over triggering circuit.针对煤矿井下选择性漏电保护的问题,着重围绕零序功率方向性原理对该问题进行了研究,并结合DSP(Digital Signal Processor)技术给出了一种基于TMS320LF2407A芯片的零序电压、电流相位比较方案。

3.The paper Presents the principle ofselective leakage protection based on zero sequence current direction.为保障煤矿生产的安全性,煤矿井下低压馈电开关中须装设选择性漏电保护装置。


1.Development of Selective Leak Electricity Protection Device in High-voltage Power Network;高压电网选择性漏电保护装置的研制

2.Study on Selective Leakage Protection System Based on Natural DC;自然直流选择性漏电保护原理的研究

3.DC Examination and Selective Leakage Protective System in Underg round LV Distribution Network井下低压电网直流检测式选择性漏电保护

4.Research on Selectivity Leakage Protection Equipment for Coal Mine High Voltage Power Supply System;矿井高压供电系统选择性漏电保护装置研究

5.Research on Selective Leakage Protection for Mining Low-voltage Feed Switch矿用低压馈电开关中选择性漏电保护的研究

6.The selectivity leakage protective system of mine LV Distribution Network based on ZigBee wireless sensor network基于ZigBee的矿井电网选择性漏电保护系统

7.A New Mine Selective Earth Leakage Protection Device of low-voltage Distribution Networks新型矿井低压电网选择性漏电保护装置研究

8.Software Designs of DC Examination and Selective Leakage Protection System;直流检测式选择性漏电保护系统软件设计

9.Design on Mine Selective Leakage Protection Device Based on DSP基于DSP的井下选择性漏电保护装置设计

10.Research on Selectivity Leakage Protection Theory and Application for Underground Low Voltage Distribution Network;矿井低压供电系统选择性漏电保护理论及其应用研究

11.Simulation Study and Application of the Selective Leakage Protection for Underground Nugs Based on Simulink矿井小电流接地系统选择性漏电保护的Simulink仿真研究及其应用

12.Research on Selectivity Leakage Protection Theory and Application for Underground Distribution Network矿井供电系统选择性漏电保护理论及其应用研究

13.Research and application of the selective leakage protective system of low voltage distribution networks for mines based on DSP基于DSP矿用低压电网新型选择性漏电保护装置的研究

14.Development of the selective leakage protection device based on time sequencing phase comparison一种基于时序比相方法的选择性漏电保护装置的研制

15.A Selective Protection Method of Low-voltage Power System实现低压电网选择性保护的一种措施

16.How to Select,Install and Use Leakage Protector Correctly如何正确选用、安装和使用漏电保护器

17.Requirement of Selective Protection in Terminal Power Distribution System and Development of SMCB终端配电系统选择性保护要求与SMCB的发展(续)

18.Study on selectivity protection methods of shipboard DC power system船舶直流电力系统选择性保护方法研究


selective earth leakage protection选择性漏电保护

1.A discussion is given concerning the matching scheme of theselective earth leakage protection system with the shunt of artificial ground.对人为接地分流的选择性漏电保护系统的配合方案进行了分

3)selective current leakage选择性漏电

4)selective protection选择性保护

1.The total synthesis of natural Cudraflavanone B was first achieved throughselective protection of phenolic hydroxyl groups, Mitsunobu reaction, Claisen rearrangement, condensation, cyclization and deprotection starting from 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone and 2,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde.以2,4,6-三羟基苯乙酮和2,4-二羟基苯甲醛为起始原料,经过异戊烯基取代、选择性保护羟基、Mitsunobu反应、Claisen重排、醛酮缩合、催化环化及去保护基等步骤,首次完成了天然异戊烯基黄烷酮CudraflavanoneB的全合成,同时也完成了(±)-5-O-甲基-6-(2"-异戊烯基)-7,2",4"-三羟基黄烷酮的全合成研究。

2.Three-section protection model was established to implementselective protection.通过漏电电流计算模型得到最大漏电电流及所在相线,建立三级漏电保护模型,实现选择性保护,并设计了智能漏电保护器硬件结构,介绍了软件所实现的功能。

3.This article discuss about theselective protection technique for the low-voltage distribution system: current election.本文论述了低压配电系统的选择性保护技术:电流选择性、时间选择性、虚拟时间选择性、区域选择性和能量选择性,并简述了选择性保护技术对低压断路器的技术要求和选择性保护设计。

5)line selection leakage protection选线式漏电保护

1.To solve the problem that mine high-voltage power network with neutral grounded by arc suppression coil is difficult to select line,the paper proposed a method of transient componentline selection leakage protection based on wavelet analysis.针对中性点经消弧线圈接地的矿井高压电网选线困难的问题,文章提出了一种基于小波分析的暂态量选线式漏电保护方法。

6)Selective deprotection选择性脱保护



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