失眠网 > 丙戊酸镁缓释片 magnesium valproate retard tabletes英语短句 例句大全

丙戊酸镁缓释片 magnesium valproate retard tabletes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-19 08:33:38


丙戊酸镁缓释片 magnesium valproate retard tabletes英语短句 例句大全

丙戊酸镁缓释片,magnesium valproate retard tabletes

1)magnesium valproate retard tabletes丙戊酸镁缓释片

1.A control study ofmagnesium valproate retard tabletes vs. buspirone in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder;丙戊酸镁缓释片与丁螺环酮治疗广泛性焦虑对照研究


1.Clinical observation on the therapeutic effect of sustained release tablets of magnesium valproate in 88 cases of epileptic seizure丙戊酸镁缓释片治疗癫痫的临床观察

2.A study of magnesium valproate extended release tablets with aripiprazole in treatment of refractory schizophrenia丙戊酸镁缓释片治疗精神分裂症的辅助作用

parision of magnesium valproate sustained release tablets and lithium carbonas in treatment of manic episode丙戊酸镁缓释片与碳酸锂治疗躁狂发作的对照研究

4.Observations on effect of magnesium valproate Release tablets on assistant treatment for Schizophrenia with elation and agitation丙戊酸镁缓释片辅助治疗精神分裂症兴奋激越的效果观察

5.Domestic and Original Sodium Valproate Sustained-release Tablet in Releasing Rate in Vitro国产与原研丙戊酸钠缓释片的体外释放度考察

6.The Preparation of Sodium Valproate Sustained-release Tablet and Its Correlation between in Vivo and in Vitro;丙戊酸钠缓释片的研制及体内外相关性评价

7.Thrombocytopenia and upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage induced by sustained-release sodium valproate tablets丙戊酸钠缓释片致血小板减少及上消化道出血

trol Study on Sodium Valproate Sustained Release Tablets and Lithium Carbonate in Treatment of the Patients with Manic Episode of Bipolar Disorder Type 1.丙戊酸钠缓释片与碳酸锂治疗双相I型障碍躁狂发作的对照研究

9.The Effects of Topiramate and Sodium Valproate Retard Tablet on Cognitive Function in Adult with Epilepsy;托吡酯和丙戊酸钠缓释片对成年癫痫患者认知功能的影响

10.The Blood Drug Concentration Monitoring of Sustained-Release Valproate in Epileptic Children癫痫患儿使用丙戊酸钠缓释片时的血药浓度监测

11.Blood Drug Concentration Monitoring of Sustained-Release Valproate Sodium in Children with Epilepsy丙戊酸钠缓释片治疗癫患儿血药质量浓度监测的意义

12.The efficacy of magnesium valproate in the 1911 cases with epilepsy丙戊酸镁治疗癫痫1911例临床疗效

13.The Study of Anticonvulsant Effect of the Combinations of Carbamazepine、Valproate and Compounds of Extracted by Pyruvate from Stellera Chamaejasme L in Chinese Herbal Medicine;瑞香狼毒丙酮提取物与卡马西平、丙戊酸镁配伍的抗惊厥研究

14.The Study on the Compound Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Double Layer Sustained Release Tablets;复方盐酸伪麻黄碱双层缓释片的研究

15.Evaluation of the effect on metoprolol succinate sustdined release tablets in reducing blood pressure琥珀酸美托洛尔缓释片降压效果评价

16.Determination of Dihydroergotoxine Mesylate Sustained-release Tablets by HPLC甲磺酸二氢麦角碱缓释片的HPLC测定

17.Content determination of Ambroxol hydrochloride Sustained-Release Tablets by HPLCHPLC法测定盐酸氨溴索缓释片的含量

18.Preparation of ferrous sulfate sustained-release tablets复方硫酸亚铁缓释片的制备工艺优化


magnesium valproate sustained release tablets丙戊酸镁缓释剂

1.Objective To observe the effect ofmagnesium valproate sustained release tablets on children with epilepsy and its effects on cognitive function.目的观察丙戊酸镁缓释剂治疗癫的疗效及其对癫患儿认知功能的影响。

3)Sodium valproate retard tablet丙戊酸钠缓释片

1.The effects of topiramate and sodium valproate retard tablet on cognitive function in adult with epilepsy;托吡酯和丙戊酸钠缓释片对成年癫患者认知功能的影响

4)Magnesium Valproate Tablets丙戊酸镁片

5)sodium valproate XR(Depakine)丙戊酸钠缓释剂

1.Objective:To assess the efficacy of sodium valproate XR(Depakine) in adjunctive therapy for patients with excitomania associated with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.目的:评价丙戊酸钠缓释剂(德巴金)辅助治疗兴奋躁动的精神分裂症以及分裂情感障碍的疗效。

6)magnesium valproate丙戊酸镁

1.Accessory effect ofmagnesium valproate in treatment of generalized anxiety;丙戊酸镁对广泛性焦虑的辅助治疗作用

2.The Study of Clozapine Combined with Magnesium Valproate in the Treatment of Refractory Schizophrenia;氯氮平联合丙戊酸镁治疗难治性精神分裂症疗效观察

3.Lamotrigine vsmagnesium valproate sustained release tablet in treatment of bipolar disorder manic episode;拉莫三嗪与丙戊酸镁缓释片治疗双相障碍躁狂发作的疗效比较


丙戊酸镁药物名称:丙戊酸镁英文名:Magnesium Valproate适应症: 适用于各类型癫痫。 用量用法: 口服:每次0.2~0.4g,每日3次。可酌情增至每次0.6g,每日3次。儿童:每(kg.日)20~30mg,分3次服,或遵医嘱。 注意事项: 本品的毒副反应轻而短暂,可有恶心、呕吐、胃肠道不适、大便稀溏、嗜睡、头昏等;偶见肝功能异常、胰腺炎等。动物实验可致畸胎。孕妇、肝病、血小板减少症者慎用。定期检查肝功能和血象。 规格: 片剂:0.1mg、0.2mg。 类别:抗癫痫药

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