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健身娱乐业 health and recreation trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-09 02:23:35


健身娱乐业 health and recreation trade英语短句 例句大全

健身娱乐业,health and recreation trade

1)health and recreation trade健身娱乐业

1.Thehealth and recreation trade, being a main trade of sports industry, has also prosperous.作为体育产业中的一个主行业的健身娱乐业也随着我国国民经济和人民物质文化生活水平的提高而蓬勃发展起来。


1.Analysis of Service Quality of Sport Fitness and Leisure Industry in Shanghai;上海市体育健身娱乐业服务质量分析

2.Research on the Supply Mechanism of Sports Fitness and Entertainment Industry in Xi an City;西安市体育健身娱乐业供给机制研究

3.Reasonable Consideration of Improving Service of Setting-up and Recreation Industry in Our Country;加强我国健身娱乐业服务的理性思考

4.Survey on Fitness Entertainment Practioners in Zhejiang浙江省体育健身娱乐业从业人员情况调查

5.Thinking of Prior Development of Chinese Physical Fitness Business对优先发展我国体育健身娱乐业的思考

6.An Investigation of the Present Situation and Developing Way of Physical Education-entertainment in Anhui Province;安徽省健身娱乐业现状与发展对策研究

7.The Research of the Factors Affecting the Health and Recreation Trade in Harbin;影响哈尔滨城市健身娱乐业因素的研究

8.On Supply-and-Demand Structure of Sport Fitness and Leisure Facilities in Zhejiang;浙江省体育健身娱乐业供需结构问题研究

9.Research on the Development of Basketball-centered Health and Fitness Industry;篮球健身娱乐业发展存在的问题与对策研究

10.Scrutiny into Present Situation and Existed Problems of Sports Fitness & Entertainment Industry in Anhui Province;安徽省体育健身娱乐业现状与问题审读

11.Analysis of factors influencing satisfaction index of sport fitness and recreational industry employees;影响体育健身娱乐业员工满意指标分析

12.On the Development Program of China’s Sport Fitness & Entertainment Industry in “the 11th Five-Year Plan”;我国体育健身娱乐业“十一五”发展规划研究

13.The Significance of Establishing SERVQUAL Evaluation Model and Its Value Analysis of Fitness Entertainment Industry;健身娱乐业SERVQUAL评价模型建立的意义与价值分析

14.Reflections on Fitness and Entertainment Industry in Guangzhou Due to the Asian Games;由亚运会对广州市健身娱乐业引发的思考

15.Research on opportunity for developing Xi an s sports fitness and entertainment industry;西安市大力发展体育健身娱乐业契机的研究

16.Research on the Situation of the Development of Recreation in Little City;中小城市体育健身娱乐业发展现状的调查研究

parison on the development of sporting and industry in East China and West China body-strengthening entertainment;我国东西部体育健身娱乐业发展的比较

18.Factors and Countermeasures of Influencing the Development of Sport Recreation and Fitness Business in China影响我国体育健身娱乐业发展的因素及对策


sport fitness and leisure industry体育健身娱乐业

1.The paper then analyzes the status quo of the market,providing theoretical basis for the development of thesport fitness and leisure industry.采用实证研究的方法,对浙江省体育健身娱乐业的供需现状进行调研,找出供需市场存在的问题并进行分析。

2.the supply and demand market as well as the mismatch between supply and demand of Zhejiang province ssport fitness and leisure industry to reveal the market rules of Zhejiang ssport fitness and leisure industry development and offer some suggestions on the policies for promoting its he.本研究运用市场经济理论,通过对浙江省体育健身娱乐业经营者、管理者、消费者进行问卷及访谈调查,对浙江省体育健身娱乐业供给市场、需求市场和供需矛盾进行分析,揭示浙江省体育健身娱乐业发展的市场规律,为浙江省健身娱乐业的健康、持续发展提供政策建议。

3.With the method of questionnaire and so on,the service quality ofsport fitness and leisure industry in Shanghai is investigated and researched.采用问卷调查等研究方法,对上海市体育健身娱乐业服务质量进行调查与分析。

3)sports entertainment and fitness industry体育娱乐健身业

1.In recent years,with the rapid development of thesports entertainment and fitness industry,many higher vocational colleges based on the principle of serving the local economic construction and oriented by employment have established the major of sports services and management.近几年来,体育娱乐健身业迅速发展,以服务地方经济建设为宗旨和以就业为导向的高职院校,纷纷创办体育服务与管理专业。

4)sports fitness and entertainment industry体育健身娱乐业

1.Current situation and development countermeasure ofsports fitness and entertainment industry in Xi an;西安市体育健身娱乐业经营现状与发展对策研究

2.Research on opportunity for developing Xi an ssports fitness and entertainment industry;西安市大力发展体育健身娱乐业契机的研究

5)setting-up and entertainment occupation健身娱乐行业

1.it analyzed the present situation of the development of private coaches insetting-up and entertainment occupation in the three cities of Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou.运用文献资料、走访调查等研究方法,对北京、上海和广州三市健身娱乐行业私人教练的发展现状进行分析。

6)the enterprises of fitness and entertainment健身娱乐企业

1.Since the 1990s, Under the conditions of the socialistic market economy, our country with constantly active policies promotes and guides the development of the market of fitness and entertainment,the enterprises of fitness and entertainment have become the most active one of this market.进入20世纪90年代,在社会主义市场经济条件下国家不断推出积极政策推动和引导健身娱乐市场的发展,健身娱乐企业成为该市场中最为活跃的部分。



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