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危机预警体系 crisis precaution system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-22 11:24:00


危机预警体系 crisis precaution system英语短句 例句大全

危机预警体系,crisis precaution system

1)crisis precaution system危机预警体系

1.An effective psychological crisis intervention in college includes a crisis prevention system,acrisis precaution system,an emergency handling system and a post-crisis intervention system.大学生心理危机预防体系、大学生心理危机预警体系、大学生心理危机应急处置体系、大学生心理危机后干预体系是有效进行心理危机干预、维护学校安全稳定、构建和谐社会的有效手段之一。


1.Necessaryness of the Crisis in Advance System Construction from the Tsunami of Indian Ocean;从印度洋海啸看危机预警体系建设的必要性

2.Early Warning System of Twin Crises Based on Projection Pursuit Model基于投影寻踪的我国共生危机预警体系研究

3.Research on the Enterprise Crisis Early Warning System Based on Competitive Intelligence基于竞争情报的企业危机预警体系研究

4.Discussion on the Airport Early Warning Management System of the Dangerous Material Accidents;机场危险品事故的预警管理体系探讨

5.Probing into the Signal Index System about Social Pension Insurance Crisis Warning社会养老保险危机预警警兆指标体系探讨

6.Construction and Thinking of College Students Suicide Crisis Warning and Intervention System;大学生自杀危机预警及危机干预体系的构建与思考

7.Research on Non-systematic Banking Risk Alarming Index System of Our Country;我国非系统性银行危机预警指标体系研究

8.third, build up realty presentiment system from the angle of financial crisis;其三建立金融危机角度的房地产预警体系;

9.XX Management of the Company s Financial Crisis Early Warning System for Research;XX公司财务危机预警管理体系建设研究

10.Research on Enterprise s Marketing Channel Crisis and Its Forearm Management System;企业营销渠道危机及其预警管理体系研究

11.Construction of the Banking Risk Alarming Index System in China;关于构建我国银行危机预警指标体系的思考

12.Establishment of the Financial Crisis Pre-warning Indicator System for Listed Companies;上市公司财务危机预警指标体系的构建

13.A Preliminary Inquiry into Cash-flow-based Forewarning Indicator System for Financial Crisis;基于现金流的财务危机预警指标体系初探

14.The establishment of financing crisis forecasting model index system of listed companies;上市公司财务危机预警模型指标体系的构建

15.The Establishment and Application of Financial Alarm Index Pretreatment System in Listed Companies;上市公司财务危机预警指标的预处理方法体系建立与应用

16.The Construction of Psychology Crisis Early Warning Indicators System and Evaluation System of Information to the University Student;大学生心理危机预警指标体系及信息评估系统的建构

17.The Family Enterprise Crisis Management and Construction of Warning System;家族企业的危机管理及危机预警系统的构建

18.Research on Modeling for the Sudden Crisis Warning System of Modern Enterprise;现代企业突发危机预警系统建模研究


the banking risk alarming index system银行危机预警指标体系

3)Alarm index system危机预警指标体系

4)crisis early-warning system危机预警系统

1.Coping with Unexpected Events and Ensuring Library"s Security:Establishing the Library Crisis Early-warning System应对突发事件,保障图书馆安全——建立图书馆危机预警系统

2.In order to find the problems existing in enterprise management and work out some corresponding policies, it becomes a actual requirement for enterprise to establish thecrisis early-warning system.为了发现企业管理中存在的问题,并有针对性地制定各项政策,危机预警系统成了现实的需要。

5)crisis warning system危机预警系统

1.Thecrisis warning system of family firm is composed by five subsystems that are the crisis monitoring system,the crisis recognition system,the crisis diagnosis system,crisis evaluation system and the crisis pretreatment system.家族企业危机预警系统具体由危机监测系统、危机识别系统、危机诊断系统、危机评价系统和危机预处理系统五个子系统构成。

6)Crisis warning危机预警

1.Research on Crisis Warning Management of GMRY Company;GMRY公司危机预警管理研究

2.Crisis warning is a concept about forecasting and warning disadvantage and risk in a system based on the change of its inner and outer conditions .危机预警是根据系统外部环境和内部条件的变化,对系统不利事件和风险进行的预测和警报。

3.This article analyses the effect of crisis warning mechanism on library management and constructs the warning mechanism,designing and describing the warning system.危机预警作为危机管理的第一步,对图书馆危机管理的开展具有重大的理论与实践意义。


危机危机crisis危机(c risis)某些强大的刺激(包括生理性与心理性)作用于人身,超过了人们所能忍受的程度,从而使个体面临身体或精神崩溃的边缘,即称为危机。如果是生理性刺激(包括生理性、理化性),致人趋于躯体疾病的边缘,称为生理危机;如果是心理刺激,使人处于高度心理紧张状态,形将心理崩溃,称为心理危机。(赵拼派撰梁宝勇审)

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