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国产武侠电影 made martial arts movies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-22 13:38:22


国产武侠电影 made martial arts movies英语短句 例句大全

国产武侠电影,made martial arts movies

1)made martial arts movies国产武侠电影

2)Chinese martial arts film中国武侠电影

1.In terms of the development ofChinese martial arts film in the last two decades, digital technologies have had a great effect on the technological process,mode of operation,of traditionalChinese martial arts film, meanwhile,have made demands for reconsideration of its artistic conception,acsthetic perspective and intrinsic qualities.聚焦近来中国武侠电影的发展,数字技术的介入不仅改变了武侠电影原有的生产工艺、运作机制,影响了受众的观影习惯,还对传统武侠电影的创作理念、审美取向和本质属性提出了重新思考的要求。


1.The Myth of "Dance of Martial Arts": Chinese Martial Arts Film and It"s Cultural Spirit;武舞神话:中国武侠电影及其文化精神

2.On Chinese Swordsman Movies from the View of Traditional Wushu Culture传统武术文化视野下的中国武侠电影

3.The Impact of Digital Technology on Chinese Martial Arts Film;试论数字技术对中国武侠电影的影响

4.The Inditing Tread of Chinese Swordplay Movies in the New Century新世纪中国武侠电影的创作走向研究

5.Sword: the Thematic Prop of Chinese Martial Arts Film and its Cultural Values;剑:中国武侠电影的“主题道具”及其文化价值观

6.The development of the swordsman film s recreation tendency since 1970;20世纪70年代以来中国武侠电影的娱乐性倾向

7.National Spirit in the image and wonder--On the creative angle of view and cultural characteristics in Chinese action film;影像奇观中的民族精神——试论中国武侠电影的创作视角及文化特色

8.On the Martial Arts Film in the First Wave of Commercial Films简论第一次商业电影浪潮中的武侠片

9.The Emotions in the Lute Music--the Use of Lute in Chinese Gongfu films;四弦千遍语 一曲万重情——谈琵琶曲在中国新武侠电影音乐中的应用

10.Some Thoughts on the Evolution of the New-Version Knight-Errant Films in the 21st Century and the Tendency of Such Movies;新武侠电影的发展与新世纪武侠电影的思考

11.The Misunderstanding on Emei Wushu in Novels and Movies;浅淡武侠小说和武侠电影对峨眉山武术的误读

12.Social Influence of “Swordsman” in Swordsmen Novels;武侠文学中“侠客形象”的社会影响

13.Visual Aesthetic Orientation in Martial Arts Film;论新世纪武侠电影视觉中心的美学取向

14.Cultural compare of knight-errant between kongfu fiction in china and chevalier literature in west;中国武侠小说和西方骑士文学“侠”文化比较

15.Origin and Characteristics of Violence Aesthetics in Contemporary Chivalry Movies;当代武侠电影暴力美学的渊源与特征

16.Talking on the Image Features of Contemporary Swordsman Movies from the Movies Directed by Zhang Yi-mou从张艺谋电影看当代武侠电影的影像特征

17.Chinese Xia-novels in Narrative Perspective in the 20th Century;叙事学视野中的20世纪中国武侠小说

18.Cultural Perspective on "Knight-errant Disappearance" in the 20th Century Chinese Literature;论二十世纪中国文学“武侠退隐”现象


Chinese martial arts film中国武侠电影

1.In terms of the development ofChinese martial arts film in the last two decades, digital technologies have had a great effect on the technological process,mode of operation,of traditionalChinese martial arts film, meanwhile,have made demands for reconsideration of its artistic conception,acsthetic perspective and intrinsic qualities.聚焦近来中国武侠电影的发展,数字技术的介入不仅改变了武侠电影原有的生产工艺、运作机制,影响了受众的观影习惯,还对传统武侠电影的创作理念、审美取向和本质属性提出了重新思考的要求。

3)martial arts film武侠电影

1.The Myth of "Dance of Martial Arts": Chinese Martial Arts Film and It"s Cultural Spirit;武舞神话:中国武侠电影及其文化精神

2.King Hu is the master of Chinese films,and his brilliant understanding of Chinese traditional art allowed him to greatly enhance the modernmartial arts films."电影作者"胡金铨对武侠电影进行了全方位超越,将中国传统文化和现代电影艺术有机结合,使武侠电影作为成熟的类型电影得到西方学界认可,由此奠定了中国武侠电影的国际地位。

3.Chinesemartial arts film is a "Military Museum" which exhibits all kinds of ancient Chinese martial arts weapons.中国武侠电影是一座展现中国古代各类兵器的"军事博物馆"。

4)knight-errant films武侠电影

1.In the 1990s,knight-errant films emerged a new climax and made a breakthrough not only in their audiovisual language but also in their recount models,Meanwhile,some deviant style emerged in such films.武侠电影在 20世纪 90年代掀起了一个新高潮,在视听语言和叙事方式上较以前的武侠电影都有突破,同时产生了几种变体。

5)Chinese Swordplay film武侠电影

1.The Creative Thinking Development of Chinese Swordplay Film;论中国武侠电影创作思维之嬗变

2.Since theChinese Swordplay film was born, it was keeping the particular character.中国武侠电影自诞生以来,一直保持着独特的个性特征,经过八十多年的发展历程,武侠电影已经成为中国电影史上最为成熟的一种类型电影,并在它长期发展的过程中形成了不同的类型和审美取向。

6)swordsman movie武侠电影

1.The Longmen Inn" to "The New Longmen Inn" -The artistic transformation ofswordsman movies since 1970s;20世纪70年代以来武侠电影的艺术流变

2.Chineseswordsman movie is an exotic flower of world movies.中国武侠电影是世界电影之林中的一株奇葩,武术是武侠电影发展的源泉。

3.Someswordsman movies have given some demonstration and shaping to all the components of Wudang Culture,which has spread and enriched Wudang Culture.武侠电影包括着武术元素,所以容易与武当文化发生联系。



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