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9E燃气轮机 9E gas turbine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-17 10:12:11


9E燃气轮机 9E gas turbine英语短句 例句大全

9E燃气轮机,9E gas turbine

1)9E gas turbine9E燃气轮机

1.Mark V(TMR)control system fault analysis and countermeasurs of9E gas turbine;9E燃气轮机Mark V(TMR)控制系统故障分析及对策


1.Failure Analysis and Treatment for Lub-oil System in 9E Gas Turbine9E燃气轮机润滑油系统的故障分析及处理

2.Using Fog-atomizing Cooling Technology to Raise Output and Thermal Efficiency of Gas Turbine采用进气喷雾冷却技术提高9E燃气轮机的出力和热效率

3.Influence of Peaking Operation Mode on Rotor Life and Maintenance Cycle of 9E Gas Turbine9E燃气轮机调峰运行方式对转子寿命和维修周期的影响

4.Failure Analysis and Routine Maintenance for 9E Gas Turbine"s Auxiliary Coupling9E型燃气轮机辅助联轴器事故分析和日常维护

5.Overhaul and Maintenance Processing to DLN-1.0 Combustor of 9E Gas Turbine9E燃机DLN-1.0燃烧室检修及维护处理

6.AVC Function Renovation Study of MARKV Control System for 9E Gas Turbine9E燃机MARKV控制系统AVC功能改造的研究

7.gasifier turbine燃气发生器式燃气轮机

8.gas turbine compressor燃气轮机压缩机燃气涡轮压缩机

9.internal combustion gas turbine plant内燃式燃气轮机装置

10.external combustion gas turbine plant外燃式燃气轮机装置

11.constant volume combustion gas turbine等容燃烧式燃气轮机

12.constant pressure combustion gas turbine定压燃烧式燃气轮机

bined gas turbine and gas turbine installatio燃气轮机和燃气轮机联合装置

bined gas turbine or gas turbine installation燃气轮机或燃气轮机联合装置

15.gas turbine moddules燃气轮机模数燃气轮机组件

bined gas turbine and steam turbine燃气轮机或燃气轮机联合

bined gas turbine or gas turbine燃气轮机或燃气轮机联合动力装置

bined gas turbine and gas turbine燃气轮机和燃气轮机联合


9E gas turbines9E燃机

3)9E gas-steam combined cycle generator unit9E燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电机组

1.Two sets of9E gas-steam combined cycle generator unit possessed by Foshan Funeng Power Plant are comparatively advanced gas-steam combined cycle generator devices in domestics.佛山市福能发电厂有2套9E燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电机组,是目前国内较为先进的燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电机装置。

4)gas turbine燃气轮机

1.Investigation on adjusting frequency and relieving vibration of agas turbine by flexible support and PSFD;燃气轮机用弹支多孔油膜阻尼器调频减振的研究

2.Development of water-based cleaning agent forgas turbine;燃气轮机水基清洗剂的研制

3.Experiment & Calculation on Acoustic Performances of inlet Muffler & Bending of Gas Turbine;燃气轮机进气消声器和进气弯道声学性能实验与计算

5)combustion gas turbine燃气轮机

1.Presents the design and repair characteristics of thecombustion gas turbine, factors affecting its repair and operating life, as well as how to determine correctly the intervals of its two times of repair in Jianfeng Chemical Fertilizer Plant, to provide with references for the turnaround items and turnaround time for thecombustion gas turbine.介绍了建峰化肥厂燃气轮机的设计维修特点,影响燃气轮机的维修和使用寿命的因素,以及如何正确确定燃气轮机的维修间隔期,为确定燃气轮机的检修内容、检修周期提供参考。

2.This paper presents the problems existed in the operation control and overhaul of thecombustion gas turbine in Zhongyuan Dahua Group Ltd.论述中原大化集团有限公司投产8 年来燃气轮机操作控制和设备检修中出现的问题,以及解决的措施。

3.Presents the principle,process flow and control system of the steam ejector incombustion gas turbine in Hainan Fudao Chemical Industry Co.主要介绍海南富岛化工有限公司燃气轮机蒸汽喷射系统的原理、流程和控制系统 ,同时也列出了运行效果对比和改进方

6)gas turbines燃气轮机

1.Introduction for the revision of national standard 《Noise criteria and sound measurement procedures for aero-derivativegas turbines turnkey installations》(GB/T10491)国家标准《航空派生型燃气轮机成套设备的噪声值及测量》(GB/T10491)修订宣贯

2.In this paper, the Modelica was used ingas turbines simulation.本文把Modelica/Dymola软件应用到燃气轮机的仿真中,编制了双轴燃气轮机的仿真程序,获得了合理的结果。

3.The paper discusses how to prompt the ability of primary frequency regulation ofgas turbines, and puts forward the direct primary frequency regulation and indirect methods which has been testified by the digital simulation on a virtual net.以实施等T 3运行规律为目标的燃气轮-发电机组控制系统不能适应电网频率调节的任务,使其在电网中的份额受到极大限制;讨论了如何拓展燃气轮机的一次调频能力,提出了直接和间接一次调频方法,并通过一个虚拟小电网的数值仿真实验验证了其有效性。



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