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燃气轮机电站 gas turbine power plant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-26 06:08:59


燃气轮机电站 gas turbine power plant英语短句 例句大全

燃气轮机电站,gas turbine power plant

1)gas turbine power plant燃气轮机电站

1.this paper represents cost of electricity analysis of a novel hybrid power system composing a large-scale wind farm and severalgas turbine power plants in Xinjiang region,China.采用新疆达坂城风电场的风速数据,基于互补系统的发电特性参数和风电场与燃气轮机电站的发电成本构成,应用改进过的等额支付折算法,在当前的技术条件和价格下,计算了风电场子系统和燃气轮机电站子系统各自的折旧成本、燃料成本和运行维护成本,得到了整滚发电系统发电成本的计算方法,为在新疆地区实现这种互补发电系统提供经济分析基础。


1.A List of World s Power Plants Equipped with F Class(50 Hz) Heavy Type Gas Turbines;世界F级(50 Hz)重型燃气轮机电站目录

bined gas turbine and gas turbine electric燃气轮机和燃气轮机电力推进联合

3.Research on Economic Wash Period of Heavy-duty Power Gas Turbine大型电站燃气轮机的水洗经济周期研究

4.gas turbine alternator燃气轮机交流发电机组

5.generating set, gas turbine, direct current燃气轮机直流发电机组

6.The main power generator groups in platform power stations are basically piston natural gas generator group and gas turbine generator group.近海油田平台电站主发电机组主要是活塞式燃气发电机组和燃气轮机发电机组。

7.gas turbine-electric propulsion apparatus燃气轮机电力推进装置

8.gas turbo-alternator燃气涡轮交流发电机

bined steam and gas turbine electric蒸汽轮和燃气轮机电力推进联合

10.gasifier turbine燃气发生器式燃气轮机

11.Typical Design for LNG Supply System of Gas Turbine Power Plants燃气轮机电厂LNG供气系统典型设计

12.free piston generator for gas turbines燃气轮机自由活塞发电机

13.Cogeneration, Diesel Groups and Gas Turbines Support.支持柴油机组,燃气轮机共同发电

bined diesel-electric and gas turbine machinery柴油机电力和燃气轮机联合装置

bined diesel-electric and gas trubine installation柴油机电力推进和燃气轮机联合装置

bined diesel-electric and gas turbine柴油-发电机和燃气轮机联合装置

17.gas turbine compressor燃气轮机压缩机燃气涡轮压缩机

18.internal combustion gas turbine plant内燃式燃气轮机装置


gas turbine power station燃气轮机发电站

3)gas-turbine power station燃气祸轮机发电站

4)single-cycle plant(采用直接燃气轮机循环的)单循环电站

5)gas turbine power generator燃气轮机发电机

6)gas turbine power plant燃气轮机发电厂

1.With the speed control system for feedwater pumps in somegas turbine power plant as an example,the energy conservation theories and effects of hydraulic coupling control and frequency control are analyzed and compared.以某燃气轮机发电厂给水泵的调速系统为例,通过分析、比较液偶调速和变频调速的节能原理和节能效益,认为变频调速在调速性能、节能效果和维护维修等方面占有优势,适于在电网中作为调峰负荷的燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组的辅机选用;同时,采用变频调速装置会改变发电厂厂用电系统的设计理念,增加了设备的占地面积,使厂用电电压保护和自启动方式、厂用电接线方式改变。



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