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现代世俗伦理 modern worldly ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-08 06:21:19


现代世俗伦理 modern worldly ethics英语短句 例句大全

现代世俗伦理,modern worldly ethics

1)modern worldly ethics现代世俗伦理


1.On the Commercial Teleplay in Modern Worldly Ethics Perspective现代世俗伦理视野中的“商战”题材电视剧

2.Different understanding and expression of human beings in different ancient Chinese poems and ci;从伦理到世俗——中国古代诗词对人的认识和表现的不同

3.Modern ethics:without existence of ethical world--the road of modern phenomenological ethics;现代伦理学:没有伦理世界的存在——现代性现象学伦理学道路

4.Between Religion and Ethics: Religious Ethics and Secular Morals;宗教与伦理之间:宗教伦理与世俗道德

5.On China s Entry into the WTO and Rebuilding of Chinese Current Economic Ethics;浅析“入世”与中国现代经济伦理的重构

6.Secularism:An Important Modernistic Featureof the Tradition of Western Economic Theories世俗主义:西方经济理论传统的重要现代性特征

7.Objective reason or outer authority is considered as the rationality base of educational pre-modernity.教育前现代性以客观理性或外在世俗权威为合理性基础。

8.From Transcending to Worldliness--On the Kitsch Aspect in the Western Aesthetic Modernity;从超越走向世俗——论西方审美现代性的媚俗面相

9.He prepared the ground for the secular, rationalistic version of modern natural law.他为现代自然法世俗的,理性主义的观点奠定了基

10.On Environmental Ethics and Moral Customs in the History of World Religious Culture;世界宗教文化史中的环境伦理思想和道德习俗

11.On the secular ethics in Yangming"s theory of the Mind and its influences to the transformation and construction of Huizhou merchants" ethical ideas in the Ming and Qing Dynasties阳明心学的世俗化伦理观与明清徽商伦理思想的转换和建构

12.Religion Secularization under the Circumstances of Modernization论现代化条件下的宗教世俗化问题

13.On T.S.Eliot’s Anti-Secularism in the Modern Age;T.S.艾略特的反现代“世俗主义”观

14.Milton s Freedom of Expression and a Secular, Modern Perspective;弥尔顿的自由表达观的世俗现代意义

15.Secular Modernity:On the Nature of Bo Yang"s Works世俗的现代性——论柏杨创作的品格

16.Modernization of Xinjiang,Modernization Progression of Human Being and Secularization of Religion新疆现代化进程中人的现代化与宗教世俗化

17.Ancient Greece society is a common customs society in developed rationality.古代希腊社会是理性发达的世俗社会。

18.Ideal·Secularity· Growth--Reading the Age of Enlightenment;理想·世俗·成长——读《启蒙时代》


temporal ethics世俗伦理

1.In the Middle Ages,one of the functions of his theory was to make religious ethics temporal while makingtemporal ethics religious.在中世纪,托马斯的伦理思想既起着使宗教伦理世俗化,世俗伦理宗教化的作用;同时又起着使伦理学由德性伦理学向规范伦理学转化的中介作用。

3)the ethics of real life现世伦理

4)secular modernity世俗现代性

5)modern ethics现代伦理

1.Saying Good-bye to the Traditional Ethics and Moving Towards the Modern Ethics;告别传统伦理 走向现代伦理

2.Through observation and analysis, the essence of ethics in modern medicine and medicine inmodern ethics is explained here.通过对这一过程的简要考察和分析 ,着重阐述了现代医学视野中的伦理与现代伦理视野中的医学应当所具有的本质形相。

6)modern secular ceremony现代世俗仪式

1.The scholars, starting from different viewing angles of destinations, tourists and tourist guests source places, bring forward different viewpoints respectively that tourism is a form of acculturation and development; tourism is a kind ofmodern secular ceremony; tourism is a part of superstructure.学者们从目的地社会、游客以及客源地社会等不同视角出发 ,分别形成旅游是一种涵化和发展的形式、旅游是一种现代世俗仪式、旅游是一种上层建筑等不同观点。



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