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现代家庭伦理 modern family ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-04 17:02:34


现代家庭伦理 modern family ethics英语短句 例句大全

现代家庭伦理,modern family ethics

1)modern family ethics现代家庭伦理


1.Discourse Ethics and its Enlightenment to the Ethics Construction of Modern Families;商谈伦理学及其对现代家庭伦理建构的启示

2.On Developing Ethics of Modern Families--A Basic Project of Improving Socialist Spiritual Civilization;试论现代家庭伦理道德的培育——社会主义精神文明建设的一项基础工程

3.On the Family Ethics and Modern Values of Yan Family Instructions;《颜氏家训》家庭伦理思想及其现代价值

4.Traditional Family Ethics of China and Harmonious Family Relationship in Modern Times中国传统家庭伦理与现代社会的和谐家庭关系

5.Study on the Modern Value of Zeng Guofan s Family Ethical Ideas;曾国藩家庭伦理思想的现代价值研究

6.Zeng Guofan′s Family Ethical Thoughts and Modern Significance论曾国藩家庭伦理思想及其现代意义

7.The evolution of modern family ethic is an important stage of modern diversion of the Chinese traditional family ethic.近代社会中国家庭伦理的嬗变是中国传统家庭伦理现代转向的一个重要阶段。

8.Traditional Family Ethics and Modern Mode of Family Education--On the 《pupil rules 》and the Youth s Moral Education;传统家庭伦理思想与现代家庭教育模式的构建——兼论《弟子规》与青少年家庭道德教育

9.On Zhouyi·Jiaren and the Construction of Chinese Ancient Family Ethics《周易·家人》与中国古代家庭伦理的构建

10.Strengthening Family Generation Ethics Education to the Contemporary Youth;加强当代青年的家庭代际伦理观教育

11.Transformation of Family Structure and Ethic of Korean People in China;当代朝鲜族家庭结构及其伦理的嬗变

12.ideal cooking (kitchen) utensils for modern families现代家庭理想的炊具

13.Traditional Father and Son’s Relationship and Construction of Contemporary New-type Generation Border’s Ethics in Family;传统父子之道与当代新型家庭代际伦理建构

14.The Study on the Changes about Family s Morality of the Contemporary Ethnic Koren Women in China;试论当代朝鲜族妇女家庭伦理道德的变化

15.Family Ethics in the Tang Dynasty:A Case Study of The Zheng Family in Xingyang,Henan Province;唐代家庭伦理关系探微——以荥阳郑氏为例的考察

16.Narrative Experience and Aesthetic Space in Contemporary Family Moral Plays;当代家庭伦理剧的叙事经验与审美空间

17.New Changes of Ethics Relations of Modern Marriage Family in China;试论当代中国婚姻家庭伦理关系的新变化

18.A Brief Statement on the Evolution and Its Enlightment of Modern Family Ethic;略论近代中国家庭伦理的嬗变及其启示


The Ascertainment of the Modern Family Ethics现代家庭伦理探析

3)family generation ethics家庭代际伦理

1.That is because of the functions offamily generation ethics.家庭代际伦理是现代社会代际伦理的一种重要形式。

4)Family ethics家庭伦理

1.Family ethics:Marx and Hegel;家庭伦理:黑格尔与马克思

2.Traditional concept of filial piety and construction of modern family ethics;传统孝道与现代家庭伦理建设

3.The Anomies of Family Ethics in Contemporary Society: Causes and Reflections当代家庭伦理的失范:成因与反思

5)family ethic家庭伦理

1.From the angel of anthropology criticism,the author discusses the reasons,behavior andfamily ethic behind the personalities in Russian writer Puladongnuofu s work.从文化人类学批评角度,探讨了俄罗斯作家普拉东诺夫文化人格的成因、表现及在其文化人格影响下所形成的家庭伦理理想。

2.The play reflects the social problems existing in the currentfamily ethic life with the specific state of affairs,and the problem is very representative nowadays when the problem of aging is becoming increasingly serious.该剧以具体的生活事态反映了当前家庭伦理生活中存在的社会问题,在老龄化日趋严重的今天很有代表性。

3.On one hand,the numbers of new types of families such as one-parent family,single family and nuclear family increase constantly;On the other hand,traditionalfamily ethics are facing great challenges.改革开放以来,随着社会主义市场经济的发展和社会开放程度的提高以及思想文化领域的多元化趋势,当代中国朝鲜族家庭结构和家庭伦理发生了重大的转变:一方面以单亲家庭、单身家庭和核心家庭为主的新型家庭结构不断扩大;另一方面传统的家庭伦理观念受到冲击。

6)modern family现代家庭

1.This paper reviews the structural-functionalist construction of the ideal type ofmodern family and its impact on American family studies.本文从理论上追溯了功能主义者对现代家庭理想模式的建构,及其对美国家庭研究的影响,分析了美国上世纪90年代以来有关家庭的研究,从离婚、单亲家庭、非婚同居、同性婚姻等方面探讨后现代背景中美国家庭模式的巨大变迁。

2.Constructing harmonious society must be in accordance withmodern family education,especially a sound mentality education.构建和谐社会需要相适应的现代家庭教育,特别是家庭和谐心理教育。



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