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小开孔理论 theory on cylinder with a small opening英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-08 03:51:15


小开孔理论 theory on cylinder with a small opening英语短句 例句大全

小开孔理论,theory on cylinder with a small opening

1)theory on cylinder with a small opening小开孔理论

2)open-celled theory开孔理论

1.The study direction in the future is to establishopen-celled theory for continuous extrusion in order to realize the transform of achievements in the laboratory into commercial applications as soon as possible.综述了开孔微孔塑料的制备方法,介绍了基于间歇成型法制备开孔微孔塑料的开孔理论,分析了间歇成型法的工艺条件对开孔结构的影响。

3)theory of cylindrical cavities expansion小孔理论

4)Vesic theoryVesic小孔扩张理论

1.UsingVesic theory, the earth-arc effect on pile top are acquired.利用Vesic小孔扩张理论计算桩体刺入柔性承台的量,并对分层总和法求得的沉降进行修正,可以得到与实测接近的沉降计算值。

5)theory of expansion of a cylindric cavity小孔扩张理论

1.In this paper the defect of thetheory of expansion of a cylindric cavity in a mass is analysed.分析了小孔扩张理论的不足,提出用土压力理论来估算沉桩引起的超孔隙水压力。

6)DENG Xiao ping"s Open theory邓小平对外开放理论


1.On DENG Xiao-ping s Open theory of the Global View;论全球化视角下的邓小平对外开放理论

2.The Influence of Deng Xiaoping s Theory of Opening-door Policy to the Development of Oceanic Economy;邓小平对外开放理论对发展海洋经济的影响

3.Deng Xiaoping s Theory of Opening to the Outside World andLenin s Thought of Concession System;邓小平对外开放理论与列宁租让制思想

4.The Shift Between Deng Xiaoping s Opening-up Theory and the the Development Way to the Modernization of China;邓小平对外开放理论与中国现代化生长路径的转换

5.Economic Globalization and DENG Xiao Ping s Theory of Opening to The Outside World;经济全球化与邓小平的对外开放理论

6.On the Great Contribution of Deng Xiaoping in Advancing the Opening Policy;邓小平对提出对外开放理论的重大贡献

7.OnDENG Xiao-ping s Idea About Economic Opening Up;论邓小平对外经济开放的思想和特色

8.On DengXiaoPing s In heriting and DevelopingMaozh-edong sThoughts of Opening to the World;论邓小平对毛泽东对外开放思想的继承与发展

9.By Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin to foreign countries opening up view difference;试论邓小平、江泽民对外开放观的差异性

10.On Deng Xiaoping’s Thought of Independence and Opening the Door;论邓小平关于独立自主与对外开放的思想

11.On DENG Xiao-ping s Strategic idea of Opening Tourism to the Outside World;试论邓小平旅游业对外开放的战略思想

12.Discussion on the Worrying Mentality of DENG Xiao-ping about the Open Issues;试论邓小平在对外开放问题上的忧患意识

13.On Deng Xiaoping s Thought of Openingto the Outside World with great Prudence and Safety;论邓小平稳妥慎重地推进对外开放的思想

14.On the 17th National Congress of the CPC Inherits and Develops Deng Xiaoping s Reform and Opening Theory;十七大对邓小平改革开放理论的继承和发展

pare and Study the Opening Thought of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping;毛泽东邓小平对外开放思想比较研究

16.The Comparative Study on Deng Xiaoping s and Mao Zedong s Opening-up Thoughts;邓小平 毛泽东对外开放思想比较研究

17.Deng Xiaoping s Opening-up Thoughtsand Its Enlightenments to Guangxi;邓小平对外开放思想对广西改革开放的启示

18.Deng Xiaoping s Theory of Reformation and Open Policy is the Inheritance and Development of Mao Zedong Thought;毛泽东思想与邓小平的改革开放理论


open-celled theory开孔理论

1.The study direction in the future is to establishopen-celled theory for continuous extrusion in order to realize the transform of achievements in the laboratory into commercial applications as soon as possible.综述了开孔微孔塑料的制备方法,介绍了基于间歇成型法制备开孔微孔塑料的开孔理论,分析了间歇成型法的工艺条件对开孔结构的影响。

3)theory of cylindrical cavities expansion小孔理论

4)Vesic theoryVesic小孔扩张理论

1.UsingVesic theory, the earth-arc effect on pile top are acquired.利用Vesic小孔扩张理论计算桩体刺入柔性承台的量,并对分层总和法求得的沉降进行修正,可以得到与实测接近的沉降计算值。

5)theory of expansion of a cylindric cavity小孔扩张理论

1.In this paper the defect of thetheory of expansion of a cylindric cavity in a mass is analysed.分析了小孔扩张理论的不足,提出用土压力理论来估算沉桩引起的超孔隙水压力。

6)DENG Xiao ping"s Open theory邓小平对外开放理论



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