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黄酮类化合物 flavonoids英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-09 10:55:27


黄酮类化合物 flavonoids英语短句 例句大全



1.Effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B irradiance on the diurnal variation offlavonoids in wheat leaves;增强UV-B辐射对小麦叶片黄酮类化合物日变化的影响

2.Study on extraction process offlavonoids from Litchi seed;荔枝核黄酮类化合物的提取工艺研究

3.Study on Extraction Technology of Flavonoids in Herba Cirsii;刺儿菜中黄酮类化合物提取工艺的研究


1.Studies of Polarographic Catalytic Waves of Quinone and Flavone Compounds;醌类和黄酮类化合物极谱催化波研究

2.It was found that the roots of Smilax China L contained flavone,flavonol,dihydroflavone and dihydroflavonol etc.结果表明,在菝葜植物根茎中含有黄酮、黄酮醇、二氢黄酮、二氢黄酮醇等多种黄酮类化合物。

3.Synthesis and Structure Design of Flavonol Derivatives;黄酮类化合物衍生物结构设计与合成

4.Advances of Plant Chalcone Synthase in Synthesis of Flavonoids植物中查尔酮酶合成黄酮类化合物的研究进展

5.Sdudies on Total Flavonoids and Antioxidation Effect in Jasminum Nudiflorum Lindl.;迎春花黄酮类化合物抗氧化性的研究

6.Studies on the Antioxidative Activity of Flavonoids in Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl;迎春叶黄酮类化合物抗氧化性的研究

7.The Anti-oxidation Effect of Flavonoids in Seeds of Tartary Buckwheat苦荞种子黄酮类化合物的抗氧化作用

8.Study on Anti-nitration of Six Different Flavonoids六种黄酮类化合物抗硝化性质的研究

9.Aim : To isolate and identify the flavonoids from the leaves of Daphne Genkwa.目的:分离与鉴定芫花叶黄酮类化合物。

10.Study on The Extraction Methods of Flavonoids in The Bidens鬼针草中黄酮类化合物提取方法研究

11.Flavonoids from the Leaves of Lamiophlomis Rotata(Benth.) Kudo in the Tibetan Medicine藏药独一味叶中黄酮类化合物的研究

12.Research on Extraction and Purification of Flavones of Ginkgo Leaves;银杏叶黄酮类化合物的提取精制研究

13.Analysis of Several Flavonoids by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Application;几种黄酮类化合物的HPLC分析及其应用

14.Structural Identification of New Flavones from Leaves of Prunus Pseudocerasus Lindl;樱桃叶中新黄酮类化合物的结构鉴定

15.Study on the Enrichment and Separation of Flavonoids in Propolis;蜂胶中黄酮类化合物的富集分离研究

16.Study on Extracting Condition of Flavonoids from Eupatorium fortunei Turcz.;佩兰中黄酮类化合物提取工艺的研究

17.The development of Research on the Compound of the Flavonoids in HerbaEpimdii;中药淫羊藿黄酮类化合物的研究进展

18.Advance in studies of flavonoids against HIV;黄酮类化合物抗HIV活性研究进展



1.Influences of processing technologies onflavonoid content and colour of pine-needles beverage;不同工艺条件对松针饮料黄酮类化合物含量和色泽的影响

2.Study onflavonoids applied to toothpaste;黄酮类化合物在牙膏中的应用

3.Determination offlavonoid in onion by high performance liquid chromatography;HPLC法分析洋葱中黄酮类化合物


1.Determination of Flavones from Different Plant Parts of Lespedeza virgata by Pressurized Microwave-assisted Extraction(PMAE);密闭微波辅助提取细梗胡枝子不同药用部位中黄酮类化合物

2.Extraction of Saponins from Radix Notoginseng and Flavones from Lespedeza Virgata DC. by Pressurized Microwave-assisted Extraction;密闭微波辅助萃取三七中的皂苷类化合物以及细梗胡枝子中的黄酮类化合物

3.Objective:To establish an RP-HPLC method or the determination of the contents of five mainflavones in health food.0ml/min,检测波长260nm,柱温:30℃,测定大豆甙,染料木苷,染料木素,大豆甙元和芦荟苷五种黄酮类化合物的含量。

4)flavonoid compounds黄酮类化合物

1.Determination offlavonoid compounds of Reaumuria L. (Tamaricaceae) and their taxonomical significance;琵琶柴属植物黄酮类化合物的测定及分类学意义

2.Studies on Anti-tumor and Affecting Immune Cells Activities of Flavonoid Compounds from Chrysosplenium Nudicaule Bunge;藏药裸茎金腰黄酮类化合物抗肿瘤作用及对免疫细胞活性影响的实验研究

3.The experiment studied the influence of temperature,material type,proportion of solid material and liquid solvent and whisking unit style on the extraction ratio offlavonoid compounds in toona sinensis along with mechanical whisking.采用45%的乙醇溶液作为浸取液,辅以机械搅拌,主要研究了温度,物料形态,固液比,搅拌桨叶型式对香椿中黄酮类化合物提取率的影响。


1.Extraction and Content Determination ofFlavonids in Henna;海娜中黄酮类化合物的提取及含量测定

2.Analysis of flavonids of Eucalyptus robusta. sm and study of antibacterial activation;大叶桉黄酮类化合物的分析及抑菌活性的研究

3.Extraction and Content Determination ofFlavonids in Aloe by Orthogonal Experiment;正交实验法研究芦荟中黄酮类化合物的提取及含量的测定

6)flavonoid compound黄酮类化合物

1.This research aims to determination, analysis and evaluation of the nutrient content, non-organic element andflavonoid compound in three species bamboo shoots of Pleioblastus in order to offer the theoretical practice for the further .随着绿色食品热的兴起,人们开始重新认识苦竹的利用价值,虽然苦竹笋味苦,但在营养、保健和药用价值方面有无开发价值?为此,本研究对苦竹属3种苦竹竹笋进行了营养成分、矿质养分和黄酮类化合物的含量进行了定量地测定、分析和评价,为3种苦竹竹笋资源的进一步开发利用以及安徽苦竹属资源的保护提供理论依据,具有重要的理论和实践意义。

2.s: Three approaches, ethanol immersion extraction water immersion extraction and ethanol Soxhlep Extractor extraction, were used to extractflavonoid compound from the tartay buckwheat bran.采用乙醇溶液浸提、水溶液浸提、乙醇抽提三种方法提取苦荞麦麸皮中的黄酮类化合物。



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