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黄酮类成分 Flavonoids英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-30 00:33:03


黄酮类成分 Flavonoids英语短句 例句大全



1.Studies on the HPLC Fingerprint Spectrum ofFlavonoids in Gynostemma pentaphyllum;绞股蓝药材黄酮类成分HPLC指纹图谱研究

2.Flavonoids From the Aerial Parts of Astragalus mongholicus;蒙古黄芪地上部分的黄酮类成分

3.HPLC Fingerprint ofFlavonoids in Fruits of Polygonum orientale;水红花子黄酮类成分的HPLC指纹图谱研究


1.Isolation and identification of flavonoids from pine needle of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.油松松针中黄酮类成分的分离与鉴定

2.Flavanoids from Clematis hexapetala棉团铁线莲黄酮类成分研究(英文)

3.Flavonones from Helichrysi flos syn.沙生蜡菊花中的二氢黄酮类成分(英文)

4.Stady on HPLC Fingerprint of Flavonoids from Houttuynia cordata by Comparing with Fingerprint Reference鱼腥草黄酮类成分HPLC指纹对照法研究

5.Effect of Plant Flavonoids on The testis Function植物药黄酮类成分对睾丸功能的影响

6.Determination of Flavonoids in Rosewood by HPLCHPLC法对降香中黄酮类成分的含量测定

7.Flavonoids from Scutellaria baicalensis and their bioactivities中药黄芩主要黄酮类成分及其生物活性研究

8.LC-MS/MS determination of isoflavonoids and flavonoids in rat plasma液相色谱-串联质谱法测定大鼠血浆中异黄酮和黄酮类成分

9.Study on the Abstraction and the Quality Analysis of the Flavonoids in Carthamus Tinctorius L.;红花黄酮类成分提取分离及其质量分析研究

10.Study on the Abstraction and the Quality Analysis of the Flavonoids in Hawthorn Berry;山楂黄酮类成分提取分离及其质量分析研究

11.Extraction,Isolation and Identification of Flavones in Seabuckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides L.) Fruits;沙棘果实中黄酮类成分的提取、分离与鉴定

12.Isolation and identification of chemical constituents of flavones from Flos Helichrysi Arenarii沙生蜡菊花中黄酮类成分的分离与鉴定

13.Coumarin and flavonids is the main component.香豆素类与黄酮类为其主要活性成分。

14.Flavonoids are one kind of the most important substance in citrus fruits.类黄酮是柑桔果实中的重要成分之一。

15.The Studies on the Flavones from Geum Aleppicum Jacqe.;草本水杨梅中黄酮类化学成分的研究

16.Extraction and Purification of Flavonoids of Houttuynia Cordata Thunb.;鱼腥草黄酮类有效成分的提取与精制

17.Flavonoids and stilbenes from Smilax china菝葜中黄酮和二苯乙烯类成分的研究

18.Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae and Extraction and Isolation Technology of Total Flavonoids;降香中黄酮类化学成分研究和总黄酮的提取分离工艺考察


analysis of flavonoids黄酮类成分分析

3)flavonoids constituents黄酮类有效成分

4)Plant Flavonoids植物黄酮类成分




乙氧黄酮 ,乙酯黄酮药物名称:乙氧黄酮英文名:Efloxatem 别名: 立可定;心脉舒通;乙氧黄酮 ,乙酯黄酮 外文名:Efloxatem 适应症: 适用于治疗慢性冠脉机能不全、心绞痛等。长期使用可防止心肌梗塞。与硝酸甘油合用,对自觉症状的改善效果更好。 用量用法: 口服:治疗量:每次60mg,1日2~3次。对重症病人剂量可酌情增加。预防及维持量:每次30~60mg,1日2~3次。 注意事项: 本品不良反应较小,偶有恶心、呕吐、面部潮红、失眠、头痛等,妊娠初期忌用。 规格: 片剂:每片30mg。 类别:防治心绞痛药

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