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宪政分权 The Constitutional separation of Power英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-17 06:31:09


宪政分权 The Constitutional separation of Power英语短句 例句大全

宪政分权,The Constitutional separation of Power

1)The Constitutional separation of Power宪政分权

2)"5-Right and Constitutionalism"五权宪政

3)constitutional dispensation宪政分配

4)the constitutional analysis宪政分析


1.A General Constitutional Analysis of the Tax Distribution Reform in the Transitional Society;转型社会分税制改革的宪政分析论纲

2.The Chosen Way of the Restriction of Administrative Power--the constitutionalism analysis of reform of separation of administrative power;限制行政权力的路径选择——“行政三分制”改革的宪政分析

3.The Analysis of Constitutionalism on the Phenomenon of Variation of Criminal Justice Power Relationship;刑事司法权力关系流变现象的宪政分析

4.Supreme Procuratorial Organ & Legal Supervision;最高检察机关及其法律监督权力的宪政分析

5.A Constitutional Analysis Of the Equal Right of Peasant-Workers ;“应然”与“实然”的困惑——农民工平等权的宪政分析

6.An Analysis of Value Construction and Reasonableness of Constitutionalism;宪政的价值构成与宪政的合理性分析

7.The Change of Constitutionalism--In View of Relationship between Constitutionalism and Democracy;宪政理论的变迁——从民主与宪政关系层面分析

8.A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Stipulativeness of Constitutionalism--A New Perspective on Constitutionalism;宪政规定性的法理分析——透视宪政的另一种视角

9.Constitutionalism Taxation:A Framework of Analyzing Taxation under an Angel of Constitution;宪政税收——一个从宪法视角分析税收的框架

10.Study on Local Government Modes under the Framework of Constitutional Government in China;宪政架构下的中国地方政府模式分析

11.An Analysis of Constitutional Function on Social Organizations from Multi-dimensional Perspectives;多维视野中社团兴起的宪政功能分析

12.Pattern Analysis:Power Origin of Chinese Constitutional Government Modernization;模式分析:中国宪政现代化的动力来源

13.The Analysis of Sun Yat-sen"s Theory to Distinguish Regime from Administration in Constitutional Effect孙中山权能区分理论的宪政效应评析

14.The Failing Cause of the Constitutional Lism in Late Qing Dynasty and Analysis of Social Base清末宪政失败的原因与社会基础分析

15.Constitutionalism in Conformity with Reason--Comparison and Analysis of Western Constitutionalism in Different Periods;论宪政必须符合理性——比较分析西方国家不同时期的宪政

16.A Cultural View on the Concept of Constitutional Politics and Analysis of Cultural Function of Constitutional Politics一种文化视阈下的宪政概念及宪政文化功能分析

17.On Constitutionalism Logical Relating to Local Fiscal Autonomy: Analysis of the Subsidiary Principle;地方财政自主的宪政逻辑——辅助原则的分析进路

18.Realizing Social Justice By Means of Constitutionalism;实现社会公平的宪政之道——我国宪法文本中“农民”概念分析


"5-Right and Constitutionalism"五权宪政

3)constitutional dispensation宪政分配

4)the constitutional analysis宪政分析

5)distributing the power of constitution宪法分权

1.It is a problem ofdistributing the power of constitution that determine public Interest which concerned with eminent domain that has sovereign attribute .与具有主权属性的征用权相关联的“公共利益”的界定是一个宪法分权问题 ,是由立法机关、行政机关和司法机关共同行使的 ,相互之间有一定制约。

6)constitutional government and ensuring human rights宪政与保障人权



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