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化学膨胀 chemical exfoliation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-28 03:23:31


化学膨胀 chemical exfoliation英语短句 例句大全

化学膨胀,chemical exfoliation

1)chemical exfoliation化学膨胀

1.This work discussed thechemical exfoliation on the industrial vermiculite samples from Weili Mine of Xinjiang.在对采自新疆尉犁蛭石矿的工业蛭石样品进行化学成分和XRD分析研究基础上,选用工业级双氧水作为化学膨胀处理剂进行化学膨胀处理试验研究,结果表明:工业蛭石的化学膨胀特点和影响工业蛭石膨胀效果的主要因素是其晶层层间域中的过氧化氢分子在分解过程中所产生的氧气压力。


1.Study on Expansion and Intercalation Properties of Muscovite白云母的化学膨胀性及插层性能研究

2.Expanding and Misunderstanding:Chinese Mechanism Assimilating Discourse of Western Poetics;膨胀与误读——西方诗学话语的汉化机制

3.Synthesize of Negative Thermal Expansion ZrW_2O_8 Powders and Film by Chemical Method化学法制备负热膨胀性ZrW_2O_8粉体及薄膜

4.Chemical Modify and Experimental Study on Mechanical Property of Swelling Soil;膨胀土的化学改性及其力学特性的试验研究

5.Electeoless Plating on Low-temperature Expansible Graphite Used for Smock Composition一种发烟剂用可膨胀石墨的化学镀改性

6.Electrochemical Performance of the Exfoliated Graphite Containing Sulfur Cathode Material for Lithium Sulfur Battery锂硫电池硫膨胀石墨正极材料的电化学性能

7.Test Investigation on the Chemical Shrinkage or Expansion of Alkali-activated Cementing Materials碱激发胶凝材料化学收缩或膨胀的试验研究

8.internationalization of the inflationary process通货膨胀过程的国际化

9.political economics of inflation通货膨胀政治经济学

10.political economy of inflation通货膨胀的政治经济学

11.This product is characterized by low expansion coefficient, high refractoriness,good thermal and chemical stability.本产品特点是膨胀系数小,耐火度高,热化学稳定性好。

12.Study and Simplify on the Mathematical Model of the Bubble Growth Process of Extrusion Foam Molding;挤出发泡成型中气泡膨胀过程的数学模型研究及简化

13.Research on the Composition of Expansive Soil of He-Xu and He-An Expressway and Its Microstructure;合徐合安高速公路膨胀土的矿物化学成分及微结构的研究

14.Vehicle License-Plate Recognition Based on Grayscale Morphological and the License-Plate Location Arithmetic with DSP;基于灰值腐蚀—膨胀形态学和中值二值化的车牌定位及DSP硬件实现

15.On the Esthetic Inflation and the Lose of Value--How Can "the New Esthetics" Become Popular;审美膨胀与价值迷失——诉求日常生活审美化的“新美学”何以可能

16.Research on Electroless Plating of Expanded Graphite/Carbon Fiber Composite Materials and its Absorbing Microwaveproperties膨胀石墨/碳纤维复合材料化学镀及吸波性能研究

17.Microwave Absorbance Behavior of Expanded Graphite-Based Composite Electroless Plated with Metallic and Alloy Coatings膨胀石墨基纳米镍、铁、钴化学镀制备复合吸波材料

18.Fabrication of Expanded Graphite Electrode and Its Application in Electrochemical Detection of Tryptophan膨胀石墨电极的制备及用于色氨酸电化学检测的研究


chemical expansion化学性膨胀(罐头)

3)chemical shrinkage or expansion化学收缩或膨胀

1.Test investigation on thechemical shrinkage or expansion of alkali-activated cementing materials and water-cement were carried out in this paper,in which water-cement was as control sample.本文对碱激胶凝材料与水-水泥体系的化学收缩或膨胀进行了试验研究,其中以水-水泥体系为对比样。

4)physical-chemistry expand物化膨胀

1.From the standpoint of geomechanics and modern mechanics, this paper analyses the main factors causing the damage of the roadways and puts forward the mechanism of deformation and damage of roadways produced by the combined effect of the stressing-expand andphysical-chemistry expand.本文应用地质力学及现代力学观点,分析了影响矿井巷道变形破坏的主要因素,提出应力扩容和物化膨胀综合作用下的井巷破坏机理。

5)hydration swelling水化膨胀

1.Swelling characteristics and hydraulic properties of GCLs under vertical stress were studied throughhydration swelling tests and permeation tests.通过水化膨胀试验和渗透试验研究了GCL在竖向应力作用下的膨胀特性和渗透性能,并分析了正应力和加压水化顺序的影响。

6)dilatometric change膨胀变化


工程化学障碍物(见化学障碍物)工程化学障碍物(见化学障碍物)engineering-chemical obstacle习U·上日、11匕I一9 nuQXue Zhang’aiwu工程化学障碍物(engineelsng一ehemiealobstacle)见化学障碍物。

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