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干体重 Dry weight英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-08 16:32:17


干体重 Dry weight英语短句 例句大全

干体重,Dry weight

1)Dry weight干体重

1.Objective: Using the technology of noninvasive hemodynamic monitorization to monitor the water load by which we could observe the effect of noninvasive hemodynamics for the dry weight in hemodialysis.目的:透析过程中利用无创血液动力学监测透析患者的前负荷,观察无创血液动力学监测仪在透析患者干体重中的作用。

2.Objective To investigate the role of on-line blood volume monitoring(BVM) during hemodialysis as a useful tool to modulate dry weight(DW) and nursing interventions to prevent from dialysis-related hypotension and drug-dependent hypertension.目的了解在线血容量监测(b lood volum e mon itoring,BVM)对调整血液透析患者干体重(dry we ight,DW)以及防治透析相关低血压及药物依赖性高血压的作用及护理。

3.The setting of dry weight is verified through evaluation of clinical symptom, for example there are not edema, left ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonary edema, pericardial effusion, thorax effusion and blood pressure value in normal in dialysis patients, they feel comfortable.目的:在长期维持性血液透析过程中,清除患者体内多余水分,恢复正常容量状态即保证患者达到“干体重”状态是血液透析的目的之一。


1.grow fatter or heavier (by the specified amount)长胖或增加若干体重

2.The Research about Use of Continuous On-line Blood Volume Monitoring to Estimation of Dry Weight in Hemodialysis Patients;应用在线血容量监测评估干体重的研究

3.They tend to make your style heavy, dry, and pedantic.它们会使你的文体沉重、干涩而且迂腐。

4.We should reform and improve the system of dual control over cadres.改革和完善干部双重管理体制。


6.Construction of Integrated Rehabilitation System of Multi-Impairment and Multi-Intervention;“多重障碍·多重干预”综合康复体系的构建

7.Problems of Teen Weight Lifters Losing Weight Before a Competition;青少年举重运动员赛前降体重若干问题的探讨

8.Effects of Anti-CD40L Therapy on PBMC of Myasthenia Gravis;抗CD40配体单克隆抗体干预重症肌无力的研究

9.One who does menial or trivial work;a drudge.作粗重工作的人一个做体力劳动或不重要工作的人;干重活的人

10.negative interference负干涉[染色体上一处发生重组,使同一染色体另一处重组率升高]

11.Effect and Evaluation of Stem Cell for Blood Flow Remodeling in Critical Limb Ischemia人自体干细胞移植在重症肢体缺血血流重建中的疗效与评价

12.Characteristics and Interactions of Recombinant Proteins of Chicken Interferons and Interferon Receptors;鸡干扰素与干扰素受体重组蛋白的生物学特性及其相互作用

13.RNAi-Mediated Silencing of Gene Dnmt1 Expression and Its Effects on Human Gastric Cancer Cell Lines;Dnmt1基因shRNA干扰重组体介导的胃癌基因治疗

14.Study on In-vitro Refolding of Recombinant Human Interferon-γ;基因工程药物人干扰素-γ体外重折叠复性研究

15.On-column Chromatographic Refolding of Recombinant Human Interferon-γ Inclusion Bodies;柱层析法复性重组人γ-干扰素包涵体研究

16.An Experimental Study on Major Blood Vessels of Rebuilt Limbs with Silicone Tube after Being Injured by Electric;硅胶管重建电击伤后肢体主干血管的实验研究

17.Ponder Upon the Problems of Urban System Planning of Chongqing;关于重庆直辖市城镇体系规划若干问题的思考

18.Study on Some Fundamental Problems in the Reconstruction of Foreign Investment Law System of China;我国外资法律体系重构的若干基本问题研究


mycelia dried weight菌体干重

1.In the study of the relation of mycelia DNA content and dried weight on liquid fermentation, the findings indicate that the time course of DNA content of dried mycelia is consistent with that ofmycelia dried weight, and DNA content per unit dried mycelia weight was approximately 0.在Monascus-3液体发酵中考察干菌DNA含量和生物量 (菌体干重 )的关系 ,结果表明 :干菌DNA含量与菌体干重的变化趋势一致 ,且DNA量约占单位菌体干重的 0 。

3)body weight intervention体重干预

1.Objective To study the changes in the short-term quality of life of obese type 2 diabetic patients afterbody weight intervention.目的探讨体重干预对于2型糖尿病合并肥胖患者近期生存质量的影响。

4)mycelical dry weight菌丝体干重

1.By means ofmycelical dry weight,optimal fermentation medium containing carbon source was determind.本文主要对假密环菌(亮菌)的液体深层发酵工艺条件进行了试验研究,以菌丝体干重为指标确定了碳、氮源的最佳组成,并研究了发酵条件对菌丝体得率的影响,确定了以玉米粉5%,豆粕1%,酵母膏1%,KH2PO40。

2.The experimental results showed that themycelical dry weight was 1.以单因子实验和中心组合设计序贯形式,确定了该菌株的由水溶性碳、氮源组成的适宜发酵培养基Ⅰ,菌丝体干重可达1。

5)Reconstructing coherence cube重构相干体

6)dry cell weight(DCW)菌体干重(DCW)



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