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经纱角 warp angle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-24 00:58:09


经纱角 warp angle英语短句 例句大全

经纱角,warp angle

1)warp angle经纱角

1.On this basis,the range of weft density on loom within which receding or moving forward of wefts will not occur is determined,and the method to calculate the number of receded wefts and their front-sidewarp angles at receded position are given.在此基础上,构建了纬纱不发生回退及前移的上机纬密范围,给出回退纬纱根数及回退终了位置各回退纬纱前侧经纱角的计算方法。


3)twist cop经纱管纱

4)warp yarn经纱

1.Analyzing the vibrating characteristics ofwarp yarns during weaving;织造过程中经纱振动特性的分析

2.The paper introduces the production procedure in weaving jacquard fabric made of two differentwarp yarns on air jet loom,detailed the attentions and countermeasures in its yarn warping,sizing and weaving which solved the problem of twowarp yarns being hanked,reduced weaving defects as warp snarl and fabric barre and thus the product quality and production efficiency are improved.介绍了在喷气织机上织造两种不同经纱的提花织物的过程,具体论述了整经、浆纱织造时应注意的问题和采取的措施,有效解决了两种经纱的易绞现象,减少了经缩、横档等疵布,提高了产品质量和生产效率。


1."In weaving, lengthwise yarns are called warp and crosswise yarns are called weft, or filling."纵长方向的纱线叫经纱,横向的叫纬纱。

2.impregnating machine for textile yarns or fabrics (excl. warp-sizing machines and centrifuges)纱线或织物浸渍机(不包括经纱浆纱机和离心浆纱机)

3.Dyed oxford is from a gray fabric of T/ C warp and all cotton weft.染色牛津纺系涤棉纱为经纱,纯棉纱为纬纱交织而成的织物。

4.passes the weft thread between the warp threads.在经纱之间穿纬纱的东西。

5.fabric consisting of wrap without weft assembled by means of an adhesive有经纱无纬纱胶粘而成的织物

6.Automatic identification algorithm of solid color warp or weft arrangement单色经纱或纬纱排列的自动识别算法

7.Prediction of Warp Yarn Weavability Based on Sizing Yarn Quality;基于浆纱质量的经纱可织性预测研究

8.Beat - up, Warp and Fabric Control打纬,经纱与织物的控制

9.The warp yarn goes over, or floats over, two filling yarns and under one in the 2/1 twill.斜纹组织中,经纱位于(或浮于)两根纬纱之上,然后位于一根纬纱之下。

10.If the yarn contains too much size by weight, it will tend to be brittle and, as a result, an excessive number of end breaks will occur.如果纱线所含的浆料过多,纱线会发脆,这会引起经纱的大量断头。

11.Fabrics consisting of warp w/o weft assembled by means of an adhesive用粘合剂粘合制成有经纱而无纬纱的织物

12.Sizing materials are applied to yarns, particularly warp yarns, before they are woven into cloth.在织造之前,必须给纱线(特别是经纱)上浆。

13.Function Principle and Application Effect of Thread Bar in Rapier Loom剑杆织机经纱托纱板的作用原理与应用效果

14.After being removed from the warp beam, the end is threaded through a drop wire. There is one drop wire per end.经纱从织轴上退绕下来后穿过停经片,每根经纱穿过一个停经片。

15.ball warp dyeing球经染色(牛仔布经纱染色法)

16.ball warp dyeing machine球经染色机(牛仔布经纱染色机)

17.In a satin fabric it is the warp ends that float on the surface.在经面缎纹中经纱浮在织物表面。

18.All of these lead to conditions which are favorable to end breakage, an occurrence which should be minimized.所有这些都会导致经纱的断头,而经纱断头应尽量减少。



3)twist cop经纱管纱

4)warp yarn经纱

1.Analyzing the vibrating characteristics ofwarp yarns during weaving;织造过程中经纱振动特性的分析

2.The paper introduces the production procedure in weaving jacquard fabric made of two differentwarp yarns on air jet loom,detailed the attentions and countermeasures in its yarn warping,sizing and weaving which solved the problem of twowarp yarns being hanked,reduced weaving defects as warp snarl and fabric barre and thus the product quality and production efficiency are improved.介绍了在喷气织机上织造两种不同经纱的提花织物的过程,具体论述了整经、浆纱织造时应注意的问题和采取的措施,有效解决了两种经纱的易绞现象,减少了经缩、横档等疵布,提高了产品质量和生产效率。


1.A probe to the weaving technology of fine and high density but different texwarp ends;细号高密异号经纱织物的织造工艺探讨

2.Processing and Practice of Warp Wetting Sizing of Jean;牛仔布经纱湿上浆工艺与实践

3.Study on the abrasion of healds on thewarp ends when making terry by moving fabric;布动式起毛综丝对经纱磨损的研究




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