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新都市小说 New Urban Fiction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-21 12:20:27


新都市小说 New Urban Fiction英语短句 例句大全

新都市小说,New Urban Fiction

1)New Urban Fiction新都市小说

1.On the Sapienza Characteristics of the Nineties “New Urban Fiction”;论20世纪90年代新都市小说的诗学特征


1.The Farer of Life in Cityscape--Comment on the Novel of New City;都市风景中的人生旅者——评新都市小说

2.Economic Rationalism and New Metropolis Novels of 1990"S;经济理性主义与90年代新都市小说

3.Search and Lost:Visual Angle of Narration of New Municipal Novel;寻找与迷失——新都市小说叙述视角探析

4.A Discovery of the Aesthetic Significance of the Daily Life in "New Urban Novels";“新都市小说”中“日常生活”美学意义的发现

5.On the Sapienza Characteristics of the Nineties “New Urban Fiction”;论20世纪90年代新都市小说的诗学特征

6.“The Empty-Hearted”Watching in Cities--The analysis of the figures in the “new metropolis novels”of the 90′s;守望在城市空间的“空心人”——90年代“新都市小说”人物形象分析

7.But this novel did indeed leave me with a distinctive impression: A new literary personality has entered the scene, and a new kind of urban novel has been born in China.但这本小说的确给我一个鲜明感觉:一个文学新人登场了,一种新都市小说在中国出现了。

8.On the Creation of Females in Qiu Huadong s City Novels;都市的皮影人——评邱华栋都市新小说的女性塑造

9.Village Metropolis and Modern Metropolis--A Discussion on Comparison between Novels by Lao She and the School of New Feelings;乡村都市与现代都市——老舍与新感觉派小说比较谈

10.The Cultural Context and Creation Consciousness of Taiwanese Urban Novels by Writers of the New Generation;台湾新世代都市小说的文化语境与创作意识

11.New Comment on Mu Shiying s Novels;现代都市的“颓废”书写——穆时英小说创作新论

12.On the Neo-humanistic Spirit s Value Judgments of Modern Chinese Metropolitan Novels;中国现代都市小说新人文精神的价值取向

13.Painting Form and Soul of Modern Metropolis--A Review of New Emotion School s Composition of Novels;为现代都市绘态画魂——再论“新感觉派”的小说创作

14.Modernism Literature under the Metropolitan Background--A Remark on New Sensation School Fictions;都市背景下的现代主义文学——论新感觉派小说

15.New Aesthetic Attributes of Mao Dun"s Novels about Urban Life--Taking Midnight as an example茅盾都市小说创作的审美新质——以《子夜》为中心

16.The Alienation in the 1930’s Shanghai Metropolis Culture Revealed from the New Sensation School Novels;从新感觉派小说看20世纪30年代上海都市文化中的异化主题

17.Women Being at Loose Ends in Metropolis--on the image of women in New Feeling School novels;都市中的“自我”迷失者——谈新感觉派小说中的女性形象

18.Urban Romance--A description and analysis on Zhangxin s Urban Romance;都市爱情 红尘游戏——论张欣的都市言情小说


new urban novel新都市小说

1.Focusing on the modern urban life,"new urban novels" are faced with the cultural and desirous experience in the process of urbanization and establish the narrative law of the tendency of desire so as to make the experience in the daily life the new basis of urban novel creation.新都市小说通过对当代都市生活的聚焦,直接面对城市化进程中嘈杂纷乱的文化经验和欲望体验,确立起欲望化的叙事法则,从而使日常生活的经验成为了新都市小说写作的一个基点。

3)new metropolis novel新都市小说

1.“The Empty-Hearted”Watching in Cities——The analysis of the figures in the “new metropolis novels”of the 90′s;守望在城市空间的“空心人”——90年代“新都市小说”人物形象分析

4)urban novel都市小说

1.A Countryman s Spiritual Break-out in the City——The unique value ofurban novels by Shen Congwen;“乡下人”在都市中的精神突围——论沈从文都市小说的独特价值

2.On the development of theurban novel in the Chinese modern literature;试论中国现代文学都市小说的流变

5)urban fiction都市小说

1.The theme of“disillusion”in theurban fiction is composed of three levels:li fe,living and being, and includes two narrative structures“linear dev elopm ent” and“transverse apposition”.三十年代都市小说中的“幻灭”主题可分为“生活”、“生命与生存”及“存在”三个层面 ,以及“线性发展”和“横向并置”两种叙述结构 ,不同的叙述模式的背后都有相应的文化意味。

2.Economic narration, as a part of urban life , is a special narrative figure ofurban fictions.经济话题是都市小说的一种特殊叙述形态,是市民生活的一个重要的组成部分。

6)city novel都市小说

1.The essay had studied Henri Lefebvre s" spaces of representation" and" representations of space " and taken thecity novel of Qiu Huadong as the subject,I tried to study the modern city space form and the way of expressing city space.勒菲弗的"呈现的空间"和"空间呈现"角度入手,以邱华栋都市小说中的空间形式为个案进行研究,探究邱华栋都市小说中的现代都市空间形式和都市空间的呈现方式,从空间理论的角度揭示其作为真正意义上的都市小说所具有的特质。

2.Since the 1990s, thecity novel, as a kind of cultural phenomenon, has appeared and turned to be a matter of great concern to the people with the development of China s socialist market economy.都市小说作为一种文化现象,自20世纪90年代开始,已经伴随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的确立,出现在我们的视野中,而且引起了不少人的关注。

3.In view of the current historal situation of the modem literature, whatever from the scale ,status and from being emphasized degree ,thecity novel is just a banch of the modem literature .从现代文学的历史状况来看,无论是规模、地位,还是作家对它的自觉程度、重视程度,都市小说充其量也只是一个分支。



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