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谭谈 Tan Tan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-07 07:37:10


谭谈 Tan Tan英语短句 例句大全

谭谈,Tan Tan

1)Tan Tan谭谈

1.AUTOBIOGRAPHY: ART TRACE IN LIFE EXPERIENCE A Summary ofTan Tan s Medium and Short Novels Ⅱ;自传性:人生经历的艺术“留言”——谭谈中、短篇小说综论之二

2.It is of universal and current significance for studying the growth of the new generation of Chinese writer to restudyTan Tan\"s novels.对谭谈长篇小说的再考察,在研究新中国一代作家的成长时具有一定的普遍意义。


1.AUTOBIOGRAPHY: ART TRACE IN LIFE EXPERIENCE A Summary of Tan Tan s Medium and Short Novels Ⅱ;自传性:人生经历的艺术“留言”——谭谈中、短篇小说综论之二

2.ON TAN TAN"S THE TORTUOUS MOUNTAIN PATH“朴素的美”和“含蓄的美”——谭谈中篇小说《山道弯弯》今读


4.On the Detailed Performance Processing of Tan Zong-yao′s acting of "Lu Meng-shi";谈谭宗尧扮演“卢孟实”的表演细节处理

5.Discussion on Tan Handicrafts Co.,Ltd Entering into Natural Gas Market of East Sichuan;从“谭木匠”入主下川东天然气市场谈起

6.Take Carpenter Tan As An Example To Discuss The Cultural Construction Of Small & Medium Enterprises In Three Gorges Reservoir Area;以“谭木匠”为例谈三峡库区中小企业文化建设

7.The Ways and Methods of Comparative Literature Studies: An Interview with Professor Kwok-kan Tam (Tan Guogen);比较文学研究:道路与方法——谭国根教授访谈录

8.Analysing the Cause of Tan Xiaoyi"s Early Death and the Author" Intention in the lamp of the Forked Road浅谈《歧路灯》中谭孝移悲剧的成因及其意义

9.Essays on ancient Chinese history and culture --Congratulations on the publishing of Selections from Ge Zhiyi and its sequence;中国古代历史与文化的论析评说——《谭史斋论稿》《谭史斋论稿续编》出版座谈

10.Tan Pingshan in Time of the Uprising of Na nchang;南昌起义中的谭平山——兼谈南昌起义中的若干史实问题

11.Almost invariably the story is told about someone approaching the regional Munchhausen to ask him to "Tell the biggest lie you know!"有个老生常谈的故事说的是某人去见一位当地的吹牛大王,要求他编出个天方夜谭来。

12.Miss Temple had always something of serenity in her air, of state in her mien, of refined propriety in her language.谭波尔小姐神情中总是带点儿宁静,仪态中总是带点儿庄严,谈吐总是彬彬有礼。

13.Western or Nativism:a Centurial Topic of Chinese Poetic Research--On Tan Guilin’s The Context of Nativism and the Resource of Western西方还是本土:中国诗学研究的世纪性命题——从谭桂林《本土语境与西方资源》谈起

14.Tonya is a beautiful lifeguard.谭雅是位美丽的救生员,

15.magic carpet(《天方夜谭》中的)魔毯

16.Yes. The Arabian Nights is interesting, too.有。《天方夜谭》也很有趣的。

17.I hope Mr. Tan is in a good mood today.希望谭先生今天心情好

18.Miss Temple seemed to remonstrate.谭波尔小姐似乎在抗议。



1.Breaking Silence and Constructing Female Subjectivity:Ways of Solving the Conflicts in Maxine Hong Kingston s the Woman Warrior and AmyTan s The Kitchen God s Wife;打破沉默及建立女性主体:解决迈克辛·洪·金斯顿的《女勇士》和艾米·谭的《灶爷娘子》中矛盾之方法

3)The Inclination on C i of Tan Xian谈谭献的论词倾向

4)Tan Qiao谭峭

1.Tan Qiao and His Ideal for Harmonious Society in Hua Shu;谭峭及其《化书》的和谐社会理想

5)Huan Tan桓谭

1.It is recorded in different historical materials that Qin Cao,or On Playing the Qin,was written byHuan Tan during the Western and Eastern Han Dynasty,or by Kong Yan in the Western Jin Dynasty,or by Cai Yong in the Eastern Han Dynasty.关于《琴操》的撰者及其创作年代,据史料记载,主要有两汉之际桓谭说、西晋孔衍说、东汉蔡邕说三种说法。

6)Tan Yi谭易

1.Tan Yi s novel "Red Paper Umbrella",taking Shang state as writing background which is the joint where the Central plains culture meets Chu s culture and integrating with state folks of sorcery ghost culture,is filled with air of old and mysterious cultural lingering charm.谭易的《红纸伞》以地处中原文化与楚文化杂交地带的商州为背景,融入民间的巫鬼文化,弥漫着古老神秘的文化韵味。



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