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暖季型禾草 warm-season forage grass英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-10 11:54:23


暖季型禾草 warm-season forage grass英语短句 例句大全

暖季型禾草,warm-season forage grass

1)warm-season forage grass暖季型禾草

1.The results indicated that with continuous lasting of drought time, fourwarm-season forage grasses all displayed the similar physiological characteristics, i.为筛选出西南地区适宜种植的暖季型禾草种类,以毛花雀稗(Paspalum dilatatum Poir)、小毛花雀稗(Paspalum urville S。


1.Physiological Responses to Drought Stress of Warm-Season Forage Grasses四种暖季型禾草对水分胁迫的生理响应

2.Study on Salt and Shade Tolerance of Warm-seasonal Turfgrasses;几种暖季型草坪草耐盐及耐荫性研究

3.Physiological response of warm-season turf-grass to high temperature stress暖季型草坪草对高温胁迫的生理响应

4.An Improved Method of Extracting Genomic DNA from Warm Season Turfgrass3种暖季型草坪草基因组DNA的提取方法

5.Turfgrass Diseases Survey in Changchun and Studies on the Bipolaris Leaf Spot;长春市冷季型草坪主要病害调查及禾草离蠕孢叶枯病的初步研究

6.Study on the evapotranspiration of three warm-season turfgrasses in Beijing北京地区3种暖季型草坪蒸散量的研究

7.Physioecological Properties of Warm-type Zoysia Grass in Responses to Low Temperature暖季型结缕草对低温响应的生理生态特性

8.A Study on Over-Seeding Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium Perenne L.) to Several Warm-Season Turf Stands in Nanjing;南京地区几种暖季型草坪追播多年生黑麦草的研究

9.Preliminary evaluation on salinity tolerance of excellent selections and cultivars of warm season turfgrass暖季型草坪草优良选系和品种抗盐性的初步评价

10.The Effects of Soil Moisture Content on the Physiology Ecology of Turf-grass in Semiarid Area;半干旱地区土壤水分对冷季型草坪植物(草地早熟禾)生理生态学特征的影响

11.Phenophase change of typical herbaceous plants in Inner Mongolia in spring and its response to climate warming内蒙古典型草本植物春季物候变化及其对气候变暖的响应

12.Salinity stress responses and tolerance thresholds in four warm-season turfgrasses四种暖季型草坪植物的盐胁迫反应及其耐盐阈值

13.The Influence of Irrigation on Summer Patch of Kentucky Bluegrass水分管理对草地早熟禾夏季斑枯病的影响

14.Study on periodical reduction of Rhopalosiphum padi resulted from warmer climate in spring春季气温变暖导致禾谷缢管蚜时段性衰减的原因研究

15.Study on the Demand of Kentucky Bluegrass Turf for Fertilizer and Trinexapac-Ethyl in Growth Seasons;草地早熟禾草坪生长季节肥料与Trinexapac-ethyl需求规律的研究

16.any of several coarse tall perennial grasses of most warm areas: reeds.任何一种长于多数温暖地区的几种粗大多年生禾草;芦苇。

17.Reproductive Ecology of Four Grasses in Xilingole Typical Steppe;锡林郭勒典型草原四种禾草植物繁殖生态学

18.lawn grasses native to southeastern Asia and New Zealand; grown especially in warm regions.原产于亚洲东南部及新西兰的一个禾草属,为草皮草;尤其生长于温暖的地区。


Warm-season turfgrass暖季型草

3)Warm-season grassland暖季型草地

4)warm season turfgrass暖季型草坪

5)Warm season style turf暖季型草皮

6)warm-season forage暖季型牧草


大孔强碱性季铵I型阴离子交换树脂(1299型)CAS:9050-97-9中文名称:阴离子交换树脂IRA900 大孔强碱性季铵I型阴离子交换树脂(1299型)英文名称:Amberlite IRA 900 Anion exchange resin, macroreticular strong basic quarternary ammonium(I) 1299 exchange resin,macroreticular strong basic quarternary ammonium(I)1299

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