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狭叶 narrow leaves英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-25 09:39:41


狭叶 narrow leaves英语短句 例句大全

狭叶,narrow leaves

1)narrow leaves狭叶

1.euphratica are mainly lanceolate leaves and linear leaves, and we call the two types altogether asnarrow leaves.胡杨在幼苗时期以披针形叶和条形叶为主,成熟以后以肾形叶和阔卵形叶为主,我们将这两类叶形统称为狭叶和阔叶。


1.Drought Tolerance Characteristics ofPopulus euphratica Narrowleaf and Broadleaf at Different Ages in Ejina额济纳绿洲不同树龄胡杨狭叶和阔叶耐旱特征

2.Studes on the Optimized Extraction Technology of Rhodiola kirilowii狭叶红景天有效成分提取工艺的研究

3.Typha angustifolia Linn has the ability to accumulate cadmium.狭叶香蒲对环境中的镉具有一定的积累能力。

4.Studies on pharmacognostical identification of Echinacea angustifolia狭叶松果菊的形态、性状与显微鉴别研究

5.Microwave Extraction and Determination of Polysaccharide in Rhodiola kirilowii Rgl. ex Maxim.狭叶红景天多糖的微波提取及含量测定

6.Studies on Chemical Constituents of Effective Parts of Anti-Inflammation and Analgesia in Urtica Angustifolia Fisch. Ex Hornem;狭叶荨麻抗炎镇痛有效部位化学成分研究

7.The Study on the Chemical Constitents and Biology Activity of D. Angustifolium Hutch;狭叶虎皮楠的化学成分及其生物活性研究

8.Analysis of constituents of volatile oil in Urtica angusitifolia from Heilongjiang by GC-MS黑龙江产狭叶荨麻挥发性成分GC-MS分析

9.Element absorption and distribution in Typha angustifolia under Cu stress.Cu胁迫对狭叶香蒲体内元素吸收分配的影响

10.Spatial distribution pattern of seed rain and seed germination characteristics of endangered plant Hopea chinensis狭叶坡垒种子雨的空间格局及种子萌发特性

11.The Culm form Characteristic and the Variation of Chimonobambusa angustifolia f. repleta Population实心狭叶方竹秆形特性及变异规律研究

12.Studies on Chemical Pattern Recognition Assessment from Different Habitats of Bupleurum Scorzoneri Folium Willd.不同产地狭叶柴胡的化学模式识别研究

13.Chemical Constituents Investigation on Tetrastigma Hemsleyanum, T. Hypoglaucum and Cypripedium Tibeticum;三叶崖爬藤、狭叶崖爬藤及西藏杓兰化学成分研究

14.1.The Chemical Research on Preparation of Traditional Chinese Medicines Named Sini-Tang 2.Study on the Chemical Constituents of Caragana Stenophylla;1.复方四逆汤水煎剂的化学研究 2.狭叶锦鸡儿化学成分的研究

15.Cadmium Ion Uptake Characteristics of Kinetics and Physiological React on Typha Angustifolia;狭叶香蒲吸收Cd~(2+)的动力学特征及其对Cd~(2+)胁迫的生理反应

16.Studies on the Constituents of Veratrum Stenophyllum and Biotransformation of Alkaloids;狭叶藜芦的化学成分研究与部分生物碱的生物转化

17.Mechanisms of Ecological Adaptation of Caragana stenophylla to Drought Stress in Different Habitats不同生境狭叶锦鸡儿对干旱胁迫的生态适应机理研究

18.A narrow stiff leaf, as those of conifers.针叶狭长的硬叶,如松柏科植物


Cassia angustifolia Vahl狭叶番泻叶

1.Objective: To study the chemical constituents of the leaves ofCassia angustifolia Vahl.目的:研究国产狭叶番泻叶Cassia angustifolia Vahl的化学成分,积累对照品,以便系统比较国产与进口狭叶番泻叶内在质量的异同,更好的开发利用国产番泻叶。

3)Urtica angustifolia狭叶荨麻

1.Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Effects of Roots, Stems and Leaves ofUrtica angustifolia;狭叶荨麻根、茎、叶的抗炎镇痛作用

2.Extraction and Identification of Saponin fromUrtica angustifolia Leaves;狭叶荨麻叶中荨麻皂苷的提取与鉴定研究

3.The chemistry constituents ofUrtica angustifolia and its application as a new kind of health food resource was introducted.介绍狭叶荨麻(Urtica angustifolia)的化学成分及开发应用,并提出作为一种新的保健食品资源,狭叶荨麻在医药领域、食品领域具有广阔的开发及应用前景。

4)Bupleurum scorzonerifolium狭叶柴胡

1.Antiallergic Activities and Effective Constituents ofBupleurum scorzonerifolium;狭叶柴胡的抗过敏活性及其有效成分

2.Microscopic identification of wild bupleurum scorzonerifolium in Heilongjiang province, Jiamusi region;黑龙江省佳木斯地区野生狭叶柴胡显微鉴别

3.Study on HPLC characteristic chromatograms on aerial parts ofBupleurum scorzonerifolium and qualitative analysis by HPLC-ESI-TOFMS狭叶柴胡地上部分HPLC特征色谱研究及HPLC-ESI-TOFMS定性分析

5)Sanguisorba officinalic L狭叶地榆

1.Seven compounds (Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ,Ⅶ) were isolated from the extract of 80% aqueous ethanol of the roots ofSanguisorba officinalic L.从狭叶地榆根中分离出7种化合物,经化学和光谱方法鉴定分别为2,4-二羟基-6-甲氧基苯乙酮(Ⅰ)、3,3′,4-三(○-甲基)逆没食子酸(Ⅱ)、3,4′,4-三(○-甲基)逆没食子酸(Ⅲ)、地榆皂甙元(Ⅳ)、地榆皂甙Ⅰ(Ⅴ)、地榆皂甙Ⅱ(Ⅵ)和胡萝卜甙(Ⅶ),其中Ⅰ为首次从天然界中得到,Ⅲ为一新化合物。

6)Camellia angustifolia Chang狭叶茶

1.Protective Effects ofCamellia angustifolia Chang on Oxidative Stress-induced Liver Damage in Mice;狭叶茶提取物对小鼠氧化应激性肝损伤的保护作用

2.Study on Hypoglycemic Action and Mechanisms of Extracts ofCamellia angustifolia Chang in Mice;狭叶茶提取物对糖耐受量的影响及其作用机制的探讨



【中文名】:柴胡-狭叶柴胡 【类 别】:根类 【英文名】:Red Thorowax Root 【别 名】:香柴胡、南柴胡、小柴胡、红柴胡。 【来 源】:为伞形科植物狭叶柴胡Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd.的根。 【采 制】:春、秋季采挖根,晒干。 【性 味】:根常弯曲,有的分枝,长4~10cm,直径2~6mm;表面黄棕色近根头处有较明显的横皱纹,并有横长的皮孔,根头稍膨大,残留有叶基朽蚀后的束状毛须。质较脆,折断面木部黄白色,裂片状。微有香气,味淡。 性微寒,昧苦。 【植物形态】:多年生草本,高30~60cm。叶互生,线形或狭线形,长7~17cm,宽2~6mm,先端渐尖,具短芒,基部最窄,有5~7条纵脉,具白色骨质边缘。复伞形花序多数,集成疏松圆锥花序;总苞片1~3,条形;伞幅3~8;小总苞片5,狭披针形;花梗6~15;花黄色。双悬果宽椭圆形。花期7~9月,果期8~10月。 【生长地】:生于山坡、草原。主产黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、陕西、内蒙古、河北、江苏、安徽。 【化学成份】:含皂甙,另外全草含芸香甙(rutin)、异鼠李素 3-β-D- 芸香糖甙(水仙甙narcissin)、槲皮素等。 【功能主治】:同柴胡。

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