失眠网 > 侵权责任构成要件 constitutive conditions of infringement liability英语短句 例句大全

侵权责任构成要件 constitutive conditions of infringement liability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-12 07:08:35


侵权责任构成要件 constitutive conditions of infringement liability英语短句 例句大全

侵权责任构成要件,constitutive conditions of infringement liability

1)constitutive conditions of infringement liability侵权责任构成要件


1.Talking about the fault and causality of the components of the liability for tort;侵权责任构成要件之过错与因果关系论略

2.The Illegality and Fault of the Components of the Liability for Fault Tort--Rules that Liability System of Fault Tort Should Adopt in China;作为过错侵权责任构成要件的非法性与过错——我国过错侵权责任制度应当采取的规则

3.Discussion on the Unlawfulness"s Independent Status in the Elements of General Torts Liability论违法性在一般侵权责任构成要件中的独立地位

4.On the Criteria of Environmental Torts and Their Constituent Elements--Along with Social Relief for Environmental Damage论环境侵权责任的归责原则及构成要件——兼论环境侵权损害的社会救济

5.The Components of the Negligent Torts--to Seek A Lawful Seat for the Duty of Care;过失侵权责任的构成要件——为注意义务寻找合法席位

6.Additional Probe into Fault and Injuria On the Constitutive Requirements of Tortious Liability for Medical Injuries;关于过错与违法性的再探讨——兼论医疗损害侵权责任的构成要件

7.Causality takes up a very important role in every country"s tort law as an element of tort liability.因果关系作为侵权责任的一个构成要件,在各国的侵权法律制度中都有着非常重要的地位。

8.The Elements and Liability-attributing Rule of The Infringment of Patent;专利侵权民事责任的构成和归责原则

9.Mutual Usufruct Infringement Constitution and Legal Liability Research共有用益物权的侵权构成及法律责任探究

10.The Illegality of Acts Is Not The Constituting Element Of Environmental Tort Liability;论环境侵权责任不以“行为违法性”为要件

11.Constitution of a Joint Act of Tort and How to Hold a Joint Act of Tort;共同侵权行为的构成及其责任认定问题研究

12.On the Tort Establishment of Wrongful Birth--A Perspective of Comparative Law;“错误出生”侵权责任之构成——一个比较法的视角

13.Research on Ascertainment abut General Elements of Infringement on Right of Reputation;关于侵害名誉权构成要件认定的探讨

14.Analysis on Essential Components of Infringement upon Honorary Right in Judicial Practices;侵害名誉权构成要件的法理实践分析

15.On the Domination Conflicts in Cases of Coincidence of Liability of Intrusion of Rights Concerning Foreign Affairs with Liability of Breach of Contract;涉外侵权责任与违约责任竞合案件的管辖冲突

16.Legal Thought of the Constructive Elements of Our Country s Product Liability;对我国产品责任构成要件的法律思考

17.The Definition and Constitutive Requirements of the Legal Liabilities in Administrative Monopoly;行政垄断法律责任的界定及构成要件

18.The Elaboration on the Burden of Proof Allocation in the Special Tort Cases特殊侵权案件中的证明责任分配释论


Requirements of liability for tort侵权责任要件

3)Tort Liability Component侵权责任构成

4)essential factors of liability责任构成要件

1.This paper comprising five chapters is intended to specify the liability fixation through analyzing the nature of liability, the criterion of liability as well as theessential factors of liability in order to be helpful to judicial practices.本文以雇佣纠纷中责任归属问题为研究对象,通过对责任性质、归责原则和责任构成要件的分析,期望对实践有所助益,具体内容分为五章。

5)structural factors of torts侵权构成要件

6)constitutes of the tortious civil legal obligation侵权民事责任构成

1.The action of a third person,who becomes a spouse s lover and usually injures the normal marriage,is in accord with theconstitutes of the tortious civil legal obligation,namely illegality,injurious reality,causality and subjective fault.“第三者”插足行为符合侵权民事责任构成要件 ,即符合违法行为、损害事实、因果关系和主观过错四个要件 ,是侵权行为 ,应当承担相应的法律责任 ,其中主要是民事损害赔偿责任。



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