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麻醉诱导 anesthesia induction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-16 13:25:37


麻醉诱导 anesthesia induction英语短句 例句大全

麻醉诱导,anesthesia induction

1)anesthesia induction麻醉诱导

1.Analysis of psychological state of ill children before operativeanesthesia induction and nursing care of them;手术麻醉诱导前患儿心理分析及护理

2.Stable Effect of Shenfu Injection on Circulation System During Anesthesia Induction with Propofol for Cancer Patients;参附注射液在肿瘤病人使用异丙酚麻醉诱导期间的循环稳定作用

3.Objective: To observe the bispectral index and hemodynamic changes with infusing propofol by Syringe pump duringanesthesia induction and intubation.结果表明:两组病例气管插管前及气管插管后BIS、SBP、DBP及RPP均较麻醉诱导前低(P!0。


1.A Comparision of the Clinical Characteristics and Patient Satisfaction of Sevoflurane or Propofol for the Induction of General Anesthesia;七氟醚和异丙酚麻醉诱导的比较与满意度调查

2.Volume Kinetics of Ringer s Solution During Induction of Anesthesia;麻醉诱导期乳酸林格氏液的液体动力学

3.The Construction of Learning Curves for Endotracheal Intubation by Seeing Optical Stylet;麻醉诱导后视可尼气管插管学习曲线的建立

parison on the Condition for Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion Obtained by Sevoflurane VCB Inhaled七氟烷与丙泊酚麻醉诱导喉罩置入条件的比较

5.Effects of parent-present induction of anesthesia on children:a clinical case study父母陪护下行小儿麻醉诱导的效果研究

6.Application of midazolam during anesthesia induction in patients with severe trauma咪达唑仑在重度创伤患者麻醉诱导中的应用

7.A case report of cavdiac arrest caused by anesthetic drug-induced severe anaghylactic shook麻醉诱导药致严重过敏性休克心跳骤停1例

8.Effect of Rocuronium on Electroencephalographic Nonlinear Index during the Induction of Anesthesia;罗库溴铵对麻醉诱导期间脑电非线性指数的影响

9.The Hemodynamic Effect of Hypertonic Saline Plus Hetastarch Solution during Anesthesia Induction and Its Protective Effect to the Rat Liver;高渗晶胶体对麻醉诱导期血流动力学的影响及大鼠肝保护作用

10.Tracheal Intubation Condition and Haemodynamics Induced by Remifentanil;瑞芬太尼麻醉诱导后气管插管条件及血流动力学变化的研究

11.Study of the Interactions between Propofol and Ketamine in Anesthesia Induction by Isobolographic Analysis;用等辐射分析法研究全身麻醉诱导时异丙酚、氯胺酮之间相互作用

12.The Effects of Anesthesia Induction with Propofol or Sevoflurane on the Onset of Vecuronium;异丙酚和七氟醚麻醉诱导对维库溴铵起效的影响

13.The Effects of Sevoflurane, Propofol or Etomidate on Stress Response of the Elderly Patients during the Induction of Anesthesia七氟醚、异丙酚和依托咪酯对老年人麻醉诱导插管应激反应的影响

14.The Clinical Observation of Sufentanil Applied in Anesthesia Induction of the Elderly Hypertention Patients舒芬太尼应用于老年高血压病人麻醉诱导的临床观察

15.The Study on Effect of Propofol Induce Sleep Treatment on the Chronic Insomnia Patients异丙酚麻醉诱导睡眠平衡术治疗慢性失眠症的临床研究

16.Application of Different Target-controlled Concentrations of Sufentanil in Induction of Anesthesia of Senile Patients不同靶控浓度的舒芬太尼在老年患者麻醉诱导期的应用

17.Clinical application of induction with inhalation of 8% sevoflurane in children8%七氟烷吸入诱导麻醉在小儿麻醉中的应用

18.Effect of different anesthetics on the induction and consciousness recovery of general anesthesia不同麻醉药物对患者全麻诱导及苏醒的影响


Induction of anesthesia麻醉诱导

1.2 mg/kg IV 1 min before the induction of anesthesia.测定基础值后,分别于麻醉诱导前、丙泊酚诱导后23、min、气管插管后23、min和手术开始前测定血流动力学参数。

2.Effectiveness of propofol combined with midazolam in induction of anesthesia;麻醉诱导开始 ,静滴芬太尼 2 μg/kg后 1分钟 ,A组静注异丙酚1。

3)Anesthetic induction麻醉诱导

1.Effects of different muscle relaxants on blood pressure and heart rate of the patients with congenital heart diseases during anesthetic induction;不同肌肉松弛药对于先心病患者麻醉诱导时血压和心率的影响

2.Objective To observe the effect of etomidate emulsion on circulation during anesthetic induction of cardiac operation.目的本文应用乳剂依托咪酯,观察其对心脏手术病人麻醉诱导期的循环影响。

4)induction ofanesthesia诱导麻醉


6)Vein anesthesia induction静脉麻醉诱导


麻醉诱导麻醉诱导〖HT5”SS〗induction of anesthesia全麻过程第一阶段。即应用药物后使患者由清醒较快地进入麻醉状态。如进行气管插管,则称为麻醉诱导插管。应力求平稳,减少对生理的干扰。常用硫喷妥钠、芬太尼、乙咪酯、氯胺酮、γ-羟基丁酸钠等药经静脉诱导。亦可用氧化亚氮、氟烷等药吸入诱导。

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