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麻醉方法 Anesthesia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-20 21:13:55


麻醉方法 Anesthesia英语短句 例句大全



1.Observation efficacy of different anesthesias with augmentation of mammaplasty;不同麻醉方法用于隆乳术的效果观察

parison of DifferentAnesthesia Methods in Fiberbronchoscope Examination;行纤维支气管镜检查术不同麻醉方法的比较


1.Conclusion Anaesthesia by muscle injection is the safest anesthesia approach.结论肌内注射麻醉是一种安全可靠的麻醉方法。

2.Cost Analysis of Target-controled Infusion-based Anesthesia and Sevoflurane不同全身麻醉方法麻醉药物费用的比较

3.Conclusion The combined spinal-epidural anesthesia is ideal for cesarean section.④结论腰麻硬膜外联合麻醉是一种较理想的剖宫产术麻醉方法

parison of two anesthesia methods in intraspinal anesthesia in uterectomy子宫切除术椎管内两种麻醉方法麻醉效果的比较

parison of different anesthesia methods for the repair of cleft lip and palate in children小儿唇腭裂修复术不同麻醉方法比较

6.Anaesthetic methods during bronchoscopy in children and their evaluation儿科支气管镜技术的麻醉方法及评价

7.The Clinical Analysis on Different Anaesthesia Techniques During the Manipulation therapy of Frozen shoulder肩周炎松解术不同麻醉方法临床分析

8.The effects of different anesthetic tcchniques on haemorheology in brest cancer patient不同麻醉方法对乳腺癌患者血液流变学的影响

9.Clinic Study of Different Anesthetic Methods for Caesarean Section;不同麻醉方法对剖腹产手术患者的临床研究

10.Effects of Different Anaesthesia Methods on Expression of Monocyte mCD14 and TLR4;不同麻醉方法对单核细胞mCD14、TLR4表达的影响

11.The Respective Analysis of Two Methods of Anesthesia in Ectopic Pregnancy Operations;两种麻醉方法用于异位妊娠手术的回顾性分析

12.The Comparison of Effect of Two Methods of Anesthesia in Major Liver Resection;两种麻醉方法在肝叶切除术中的效能比较

13.Thinking on Safety Anesthesia for Children Undergoing Radiation Examine;小儿放射检查的麻醉方法及安全性探讨

parison of two types of anesthesia used for tracheal incision and intubation两种麻醉方法用于气管切开及插管的效果比较

15.A Comparing Study of Different Anesthetic Methods for Patients during Laparoscopic Hysterectomy腹腔镜子宫切除术三种麻醉方法的对比研究

16.Clinical observation of different anesthetic methods for elderly palients with liver cancer不同麻醉方法用于高龄肝癌患者临床观察

17.Study of anesthesia for the elderly patients aged 90 years or older90岁以上高寿老人的手术麻醉方法与管理

18.Clinical Application and Evaluation of Two Types of Block Anesthesia of Inferior Aleolar Nerve两种下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉方法的临床效果评价


Anesthesia method麻醉方法

1.The home rabbits are used widely in surgical research,but the anesthesia method in rabbits is a headache thing for the researchers.家兔是外科学实验研究中常用的实验动物,但家兔的麻醉方法一直困扰着广大的科研人员,常规的方法是用戊巴比妥钠及硫喷妥钠麻醉,但戊巴比妥钠价格昂贵,制造原材料稀缺,购买不便:硫喷妥钠麻醉效果虽好,但安全范围狭窄,稍不注意即可因滴注过量而出现呼吸抑制,且难以抢救。

3)Anesthesia methods麻醉方法

1.To analyze the safety and efficacy of two different anesthesia methods during the lower extremity surgery on elderly patients with coronary heart disease两种麻醉方法对冠心病患者行下肢手术安全性与有效性分析


5)Three different anaesthesias methods三种麻醉方法

6)different anesthesia methods不同麻醉方法


麻醉方法麻醉方法methods of anesthesia根据麻醉作用的范围和性质而分为全身麻醉和局部麻醉两大类。麻醉作用于中枢神经系统使全身均不感到疼痛者称全身麻醉。依药物进入体内的途径不同而有吸入、静脉、肌肉全麻之分。麻醉作用于周围神经使身体某一局部不感疼痛者称局部麻醉。依阻滞神经方法不同而分表面、局部浸润、区域、神经干(丛)、蛛网膜下腔和硬膜外腔阻滞麻醉等。

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