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寒症 Syndrome of stomach cold英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-17 22:57:15


寒症 Syndrome of stomach cold英语短句 例句大全

寒症,Syndrome of stomach cold

1)Syndrome of stomach cold寒症


1.He was taken down with typhoid.他患伤寒症病倒了。

2.A typhus epidemic struck in the winter of 1919–20.1919 至1920 年的冬天斑疹伤寒症流行。

3.can cause typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humans.可以引起人类的斑疹伤寒症和洛矶山斑疹热。

4.He was stricken with typhoid fever But recovered quickly after wards他突然患了伤寒症,但后来很快就康复了。

5.They should receive treatment because this is as real as typhus.他们应该接受治疗因为这样才能像斑疹伤寒症一样真实。

6.Indications: It is indicated in the treatment of typhoid, paratyphoid, typhus and bacillary dysentery.适应症:主要用于治疗伤寒、副伤寒、斑疹伤寒及细菌性痢疾。

7.paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria阵发性寒冷性血红蛋白尿症

8.Discussion of Therapeutic Methods for Pharyngeal Dryness Based on the Taiyang Disease Piece of Treatise on Febrile Diseaeses从《伤寒论》太阳病篇谈咽干症的治法

9.a person who is algid is marked by prostration and has cold clammy skin and low blood pressure.畏寒的人的症状是虚脱、皮肤湿冷而且血压低。

10.Fever, chills, rapid pulse and severe toxemia develop.发热、寒战、脉率增快和严重的血毒症出现。

11.The general symptoms are fever, sweats, chills, weakness and weight loss.一般的症状为发烧、多汗、畏寒、虚弱以及体重减轻。

12.The Clinical Study of the Treating Method of Relieving Depression and Clearing Heat on Anxiety;《伤寒论》解郁清气法治疗焦虑症的临床研究

13.Dialectial Thinking in Shanghan Zabing Lun of Exogenous Febrile Diseases Diapheresis《伤寒论》太阳篇(中)禁汗病症辨证论治探析

14.Cupping jar, a folk skill, for the treatment of symptom resulted from rheumatism, wind chill.吸血法广口瓶,人们技术,为症状的治疗起因于风湿病,风寒冷.

15.No fear of scurvy or ship fever this voyage.那就不必担心路上得坏血症或斑疹伤寒这类疾病了!

16."Symptoms include fever, chills, lower-back pain, and Bacteria and white Blood cells in the urine."症状包括发热、寒颤、下背部疼痛和尿内有细菌及白血球。

17.Winter in Milwaukee can be best characterized as cold and somewhat dark with extended periods of alcoholism.这里的冬天可以用寒冷,有些阴层和长时间的酗酒症来形容。

18.The Investigation of Pathological Changes and Pathogenesis of the Pregnancy Toxemia of Sheep;小尾寒羊妊娠毒血症病理变化与发病机理的研究


cold stagnation and obstruction diseases寒凝重症

3)cold disease寒冷症

1.The author introduces the clinical experience on gynecological diseases of middle waist and lower abdomencold disease treated with Zhang Zhongjing s formula.就运用仲景方剂治疗妇科临证中腰部、下腹身体寒冷症的临床经验作一介绍。

4)chill and fever symptom寒热症状

1.Twelve clinical features ofchill and fever symptoms in traditional Chinese medicine中医寒热症状12种临床特征

5)Blood stasis due to cold stagnation寒凝血淤症

6)upper heat and lower cold syndrome上热下寒症



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