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液基细胞学检测 Liquid based cytology test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-06 15:06:38


液基细胞学检测 Liquid based cytology test英语短句 例句大全

液基细胞学检测,Liquid based cytology test

1)Liquid based cytology test液基细胞学检测

1.Clinical study of liquid based cytology test and colposcopy in primary screening for cervical lesions;液基细胞学检测和阴道镜在宫颈病变筛查中的应用研究


1.Analysis of Cervical Cytology Detected by TCT Liquid-based Test宫颈液基细胞学检测结果的临床分析

2.The Analysis of 2445 Cases of Cervical Lesions with Cervical TCT Screening宫颈液基细胞学检测筛查宫颈病变2445例分析

3.Analysis of Results of 2435 Cases Thin Prep Cytology Test宫颈薄层液基细胞学检测2435例结果分析

4.Significance of thinprep cytologic test in screening cervical lesions宫颈病变筛查中宫颈液基细胞学检测的意义

parison between Values of Liquid-based Cytology Test and Conventional Smear in Diagnosis of Lung Cancer液基细胞学检测技术和传统细胞学涂片对肺癌的诊断价值比较

6.Accuracy of Cervical Lesions Screening with Liquid-based Cytologic Test液基细胞学检测技术在筛查子宫颈病变中的应用价值

7.Clinical Analysis of Cervical Smear Using Thinprep Cytologic Test in Mongolian Women and Han Women液基细胞学检测蒙汉族妇女宫颈病变的临床分析

paring study of cervical cancer screening system and liquid-based cytology test in the screening of cervical lesions宫颈癌筛查系统及液基细胞学检测在宫颈病变筛查中的对比研究

9.Thinprep cytologic test in combination with electronic colposcopy-guided cervical biopsy in the diagnosis of cervical disease.薄层液基细胞学检测联合电子阴道镜下宫颈活检在诊断宫颈疾病中的应用

10.Clinical application of self-made thinprep liquid based reagent in cervical cytology自制液基细胞检测试剂在宫颈细胞学检查中的应用

11.Study on the Correlation between Cervix Thinprep Cytology Test and Tissue Pathology宫颈液基薄层细胞学检测与组织病理学检测相关性研究

12.Observation and analysis of non-gynecology TCT (urine TCT) used in health examination液基非妇科细胞学尿TCT检测在健康体检中的作用

13.The Clinical Value of ThinPrep Cytological Test and CA125、IGFBP-2 Determination for Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis;液基细胞学联合CA125、IGFBP-2的检测及其对卵巢癌的诊断价值

14.Clinical Value of HPV-DNA Testing Combined with TCT in Cervical Cancer ScreeningHPV-DNA检测联合液基细胞学对宫颈癌筛查的意义及临床价值的研究

15.Technology of liquid-based Thinprep Cytologic Test in the screening of cervical lesions in 7972 cases液基薄层细胞学检测结果7972例的宫颈病变诊断分析

16.Use of hybrid capture Ⅱ and liquid-based cytology test in the screening of cervical cancer and pre-cancerous lesions宫颈液基细胞学和杂交捕获Ⅱ代检测筛查宫颈癌前病变和宫颈癌

17.Clinical value of cervical smear cytological examinations for post-concurrent chemoradiotheutic cervical cancer patients宫颈液基薄层细胞学检测在宫颈癌放化疗后随访当中的临床意义

18.The Value of Thinprep Cytologic Test and High-risk HPV DNA Testing on Screening for Cervical Lesions液基细胞学和高危人乳头瘤状病毒DNA检测对宫颈病变筛查的价值


Liquid based cytology yest(TCT)液基薄层细胞学检测(TCT)


1.Significance ofTCT and hc2 HPV DAN in diagnosing precancerous cervical diseases;人乳头瘤病毒与液基细胞检测法在宫颈癌前病变诊断中的意义

4)Thinprep liquid based cytology test(TCT)Thinprep液基薄层细胞学检测(TCT)

5)Thin prepliquid based cytology testing膜式液基薄层细胞学检测技术

6)Thinprep cytology test(TCT)膜式超薄液基细胞学检测


前列腺液细胞学检查前列腺液细胞学检查诊法。本法有助于炎症、肿瘤等病变的诊断。把滴有前列腺液的载玻片推制成均匀而较薄的涂片,室温下晾干,或于37℃温箱中烤干,以稍带湿润为宜。固定液可采用乙醚酒精固定液(95%酒精495ml,乙 醚495ml和冰醋酸1ml)。将涂片浸入固定液缸内15分钟后取出,或滴加固定液于涂片上 ,待其自然挥发干燥。染色方法可用巴氏染色法,苏木素-伊红染色法,油红-0超活染色法及 瑞氏染色法等。若嗜酸性细胞增多时,可诊断为变态反应性肉芽肿性前列腺炎。癌细胞可成群脱落,界线不清,也可单个散在呈不规则腺泡样。细胞大小不一,胞浆边界不清。核的大小、形态不规则,染色质增加,可呈粗线状,分化不均,核浆比例明显失常。此项检查只能作为一项辅助诊断方法,但不能取代活体组织检查,阴性时更不能排除前列腺癌。

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