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社会行动 social action英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-11 09:36:56


社会行动 social action英语短句 例句大全

社会行动,social action

1)social action社会行动

1.Weber s Social Action Theory and the Contemporary Enlightenment of Chinese Economic Social Action;韦伯社会行动理论及对中国人经济社会行动的当代启示

2.The study ofsocial action in sociology by Weber initiated explanation of sociology and challenged judgment represented by August Comte and Emile Durkheim that social phenomena should be studied in positivism way.韦伯把社会行动纳入社会学的研究领域,开创了解释社会学的先河,打破了以孔德、涂尔干为代表对社会现象只能进行实证研究的论断,开拓了社会学研究的新领域,为社会学的进一步发展开创了巨大的空间。

3.On this foundation,the author analyzed Geertz carrying on Weber from the two concept “thesocial action" and “deep description":They all takesocial action as cutting point,.在此基础上,从“社会行动”和“深描”这两个核心概念入手,分析了格尔茨对于韦伯的承袭:他们都是以社会行动为切入点,以行动者为导向,都采用了个人主义的方法论。


1.International Union for Moral and Social Action国际道德与社会行动联合会

ite juif d"action sociale et de reconstructio犹太社会行动建设委员会

3.Social Action,Social Facts and the Starting Point of Sociology--A Reinterpretation of Methodology;社会行动、社会事实与社会学的起点——一种方法论的再探讨

4.Weber s Social Action Theory and the Contemporary Enlightenment of Chinese Economic Social Action;韦伯社会行动理论及对中国人经济社会行动的当代启示

5.According to village aspect,the social action unit is the concrete persons who take action in the village.从村庄层面看,社会行动单位具体为村庄行动者。

6.21st Century Information Society Action Plan of German德国二十一世纪信息社会行动计划

7.the social act of separating or parting company.分开或者离开群体的社会行动。

8.Centro de estudios y accion social社会研究和行动中心

9.Agenda for Action on Social Development in the ESCAP Region亚太经社会区域社会发展行动议程

10.Social Capital and Action Logic for Improving Social Management;社会资本与完善社会管理的行动逻辑

11.The Action Logic between Social Capital and Harmonious Society Construction;社会资本与构建和谐社会的行动逻辑

12.Structure and Action: Rationality Behavioral in the Modern Society;结构与行动:现代社会中的行为理性化

13.Practice Permanent Tenure of Office at the NCCPC,Push forward the Harmonious Society Construction;推行党代会常任制 推动和谐社会建设

14.Structure and action:an analysis of migrants social network;结构—行动:流动农民的社会网络分析

15.any act of molesting or interrupting or hindering or disquieting or agitating or arousing from a state of repose or otherwise depriving inhabitants of the peace and quiet to which they are entitled.扰乱社会安定、导致社会动荡不安的犯罪行为。

16.Solidating the Dynamic System for the Systematic Operation of a Harmonious Socialist Society;筑牢社会主义和谐社会系统运行的动力系统

17.The Social Construction of Economic Behavior --An Embedded Analysis from New Economic Sociology;经济行动的社会建构——新经济社会学对经济行动的嵌入性分析

18.Action pour le developpement de la communaute社区发展行动(社发行动)


social actors社会行动者

3)sociological activity社会学行动

4)social action system社会行动系统

5)social activity mode社会行动模式

1.In community conflict, the intervention of professional community personnel helps teachers apply professionalsocial activity mode and carry on an organized sequential activity to explore the best solution to safeguard their own right in a rational way.由于基本生存权利——住房权利的被剥夺引发了社区冲突,而在社区冲突中由于专业社区工作者的介入,使得教师们运用了专业的社会行动模式有组织地进行了序列行动,以理性方式维护了自己的权利,争取了最佳途径的解决。

6)social action unit社会行动单位

1.What the quantity concept showed is,thesocial action unit may be an individual or the colony.社会行动单位既是一个数量概念,也是一个关系范畴。



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