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行动 action英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-17 04:41:48


行动 action英语短句 例句大全



1.Hybrid Comprehensive Planning System (HCPS): An in-tegrated mode of strategy,action and policy;迈向战略、行动与政策的一体化——论复合型总体规划体系的构建

2.Action and Introspect: A study of the Condition,Problem and Trend of Protection and Utilization of Daoqing Shadow Play in Huan County;行动与反思——对环县道情皮影保护利用的现状、问题及趋势的研究

3.Action、Assertion、Event and Actor——Some Basic Conceptions in Dynamic Deontic Logic;行动、断言、事件和主体——动态道义逻辑的几个基本概念


1.Operation Sea 93海洋九三行动(行动代号)

2.We must act, we must act quickly.我们必须行动,立即行动。

3.Action pour le developpement de la communaute社区发展行动(社发行动)

4.agree with one"s deed与行动一致,符合行动

5.translate into actio变成行动,落实在行动上

6.rebellious acts,activities,behaviour,etc叛逆的行动、活动、行为等

7.Peace-keeping operation维持和平行动(维和行动)

8.cause a group or mass of people to act on an impulse or hurriedly and impulsively.使人群蜂拥行动或仓促冲动地行动。

9.take one"s own way独自行动,一意孤行

10.A slow, laborious motion or movement.缓慢费力的行动或行进

11.The operation was being conducted in secrecy.这一行动正在秘密进行。

12.dilatory behaviour, actions, etc拖拉的行为、行动等.

13.on-going hostilities正在进行的敌对行动

14.She was encumbered with large parcels.大件行李使她行动不便。

15.The operation was conducted in secrecy.这一行动是秘密进行的。

16.The manner in which one behaves.行为指人行动的方式

17.a plan for actively doing something.执行某个行动的程序。

18.Volition or reaction执行意志或行动反应



1.His philosophy exhibits uniqueactivity character and starts from mentalist philosophy which gives the first priority to the freedom,constitutes a system including ethics,philosophy of right and po.费希特的哲学带有独特的行动特色,从以自由为最高原则的知识学出发,构建了伦理学、法学、政治学等体系。

2."Others" is one of Jean-Paul Sartre s basic theories,which first appeared in his drama work No Exit;The meaning of the stage dialogue "the others is hell" in the drama;Human being is free,the representation of the freedom are choice andactivity."他人"是萨特的一个基本理论,它最早出现在戏剧《禁闭》中;剧中台词"他人就是地狱"的内涵;人是自由的,人的自由表现在选择和行动两个方面。

3.There are plural and bi-dimensional relation between system andactivity.制度与行动之间存在多元的双向形塑关系,生成的不同制度类型具有合法性和局限性;只有不同类型的制度有机结合,生成完善的制度结构,经济领域才能取得较好绩效,社会才能和谐发展。


1.Although achieving much progress,GESAMP"s viewpoint is still limited for promotingactions to protect the marine environment.尽管GESAMP的观点近年来有很大进展,但在如何促进和改善保护海洋环境的行动等问题仍有它的局限性。

2.Development of West China is a gigantic systems engineering including three levels: ideas, policies andactions.西部大开发是一个巨大的系统工程 ,它包括观念、政策与行动三个层次。

3.Such differences influence the creation of the female roles in the love dramas and are often reflected in the protagonists identity,status andactions they take in seeking love.中西方在社会形态和文化传统等方面存在一定的差异,在爱情剧女性角色的塑造当中具体体现在主人公的身份、地位和追求爱情所采取的行动等方面,但其爱情剧都着力表现妇女要求个性解放和女性自我意识的觉醒这一主题则是共同

4)Act[英][,e? si: "ti:][美]["e "si "ti]行动

1.On young volunteers act and spirit;论青年志愿者行动与精神

2.This paper discusses two main viewpoints of Derrida’ literary theory of destructuralism: literature is an institution,literature is an act.本文探讨了德里达解构主义文学论的两种主要观点,即文学是一种体制,是一种行动。


1.These three basic essential factors include:The attention goal and the result,the attentionmotion,and the attention to the detail.这三个基本要素是:关注目标和结果,关注行动,关注细节。

2.This article starts from the activity theory, It has analyzed the activity characteristics, including task activity,motion, operation, as well as the dynamic relations between them .本文从活动理论入手,详细分析了任务型学习的活动特征,包括任务活动、行动、语言操作,以及它们之间的动态关系。

6)Mobile Banking行动银行



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