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活血软坚 Blood-activating and hardness-softening英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-14 06:38:09


活血软坚 Blood-activating and hardness-softening英语短句 例句大全

活血软坚,Blood-activating and hardness-softening

1)Blood-activating and hardness-softening活血软坚

1.Objective:To study the effect and possible mechanisms ofBlood-activating and hardness-softening Recipes on the animal model of progressive tubulointerstitial lesions of membranous glomerulonephritis.目的:观察活血软坚方对大鼠膜性肾小球肾炎(MN)肾小管间质损害的影响,并探讨活血软坚中药对MN伴发小管间质损伤的作用机制。


1.To Observe Tonifying Kidney and Activating Blood Circulation and Softening Hard Modes Treating CRF of Effection and the Progress of Chronic Renal Insufficiency;益肾活血软坚法治疗慢性肾衰竭氮质血症期患者的临床疗效和对病程进展的影响

2.Clinical and Experimental Study on the Effect of Ruanjianyiqihuoxue Decoction in Treating Cerebral Ischemic Stroke;软坚益气活血方治疗缺血中风的临床与实验研究

3.Experimental Observation on Different Therapeutic Principles of Chinese Medical Science of Activating Blood Circulation, Benefiting Gas and Softening Hard Tissue in the Treatment of Liver Fibrosis in Rats;活血、益气、软坚不同中医治则逆转大鼠肝纤维化的实验观察

4.Effects of Huazhuo Ruanjian decoction on serum indexes of immune hepatic fibrosis in rats化浊软坚汤对免疫性肝纤维化大鼠血清学指标的影响

5.The soft pulp inside the hard stems坚硬竹竿内的柔软竹衣

6.Polypeptide from Shark Cartilage with Potent Anti-angiogenic Activity;鲨鱼软骨抗血管生成多肽的分离纯化及其生物活性

7.The Study of Human Platelet Supernatant on the Biological Effect of Rabbit Chondrocytes;人血小板上清液对家兔软骨细胞的生物学活性研究

8.Effects of Bushenhuoxue Recipe on Histology and bFGF Expression of Osteoarthritic Cartilage in a Rabbit Model;补肾活血方对家兔骨关节炎软骨组织学及bFGF表达的影响

9.Effect of Qianghuo Dihuang Decoction serum on Rabbit Articular Chondrocytes Proliferation and RANKL mRNA羌活地黄汤含药血清对兔关节软骨细胞增值及RANKL mRNA的影响

10.He argued for finishing the job;他坚持说要干完这活儿;

11.Wiry and agile.柔韧的坚硬且灵活的


13.Having the texture of cartilage; firm and tough, yet flexible.软骨性的有软骨组织结构的;坚固、坚韧而又有弹性的

14.A small ovoid candy with a hardened sugar coating over a chewy center.软心豆粒糖一种包着坚硬糖壳的卵形软糖

15."Truly, you have been a helper to others, and you have made feeble hands strong;"你素来教导许多的人,又坚固软弱的手。

16.Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.你们要使软弱的手坚壮,无力的膝稳固。

17.soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired.潮湿时柔软烧制后坚硬的土壤。

18.Is the pound strong or weak (against the yen) at the moment?目前英镑(对日元)是坚挺还是疲软?


Huoxue Ruanjian Method活血软坚法

1.Treatment of chronic glomeruli nephritis withHuoxue Ruanjian Method;活血软坚法治疗慢性肾小球肾炎的临床观察

3)Huoxue Ruanjian Principle活血软坚方

1.Influence ofHuoxue Ruanjian Principle on pathology and cytokine of renal tissue and cyotodine in rabbits with membranous nephropathy;活血软坚方对家兔膜性肾病肾组织病理学及细胞因子的影响

4)Ruanjianyiqihuoxue Decoction软坚益气活血方

1.Clinical and Experimental Study on the Effect ofRuanjianyiqihuoxue Decoction in Treating Cerebral Ischemic Stroke;软坚益气活血方治疗缺血中风的临床与实验研究

5)Yiqi Huoxue Ruanjian Jiedu decoction益气活血软坚解毒方

1.Yiqi Huoxue Ruanjian Jiedu decoction regulates expression and activity of apoptosis-regulated genes in human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line BEL-7402;益气活血软坚解毒方含药血清诱导人肝癌细胞系Bel-7402细胞凋亡过程中部分凋亡调控基因变化

6)Yangxue ruanjian jiaonang养血软坚胶囊

1.Efficacy study onYangxue ruanjian jiaonang in the management of osteoarthritic knee with randomized controlled trial;养血软坚胶囊治疗膝骨关节炎疗效及安全性评价的随机对照试验


耳坚耳坚 耳坚 生理学名词。指耳廓坚挺厚实。《灵枢·本脏》:“耳坚者肾坚。”

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