失眠网 > 肝脾不调证 syndrome of disharmony of liver and spleen英语短句 例句大全

肝脾不调证 syndrome of disharmony of liver and spleen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-28 14:20:30


肝脾不调证 syndrome of disharmony of liver and spleen英语短句 例句大全

肝脾不调证,syndrome of disharmony of liver and spleen

1)syndrome of disharmony of liver and spleen肝脾不调证

1.Under the symdromes theory guidance, take thesyndrome of disharmony of liver and spleen (DLS syndrome) as an example, we proposed that the syndrome hierarchy delaminate by the diseased locations , disease nature , disease tendency , pathological factors , accompanied syndromes and signs , degree of serio.在证候理论指导下,以肝脾不调证为示范,总结了肝脾不调证症状结构特征,提出从病位、病性、病势、病理因素、兼证及证候量化等方面分层辨证的方法,总结中医临床思维模式,使辨证深化细化,并形成相应的证治规律。

2)The discord of the spleen and the liver肝脾不调

3)Harmonizing the liver and spleen调和肝脾


1.Tiaohe Ganpi Hexin Decoction in treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea:a randomized controlled trial调和肝脾核心汤治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征的随机对照临床试验

2.Studies on the Syndrome Classification of Alcoholic Liver Fibrosis in TCM and on the Mechanisms of Tiaoganlipi Formula Anti-Fibrorosis;酒精性肝纤维化中医证候学和调肝理脾方作用机理研究

3.The study of changes on NKT cells of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) mice实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎小鼠脾脏和肝脏中NKT细胞调变的研究

parative study on adjusting liver and spleen prescription and tonifying liver and kidney prescription on erythrocyte immune and cytokines of adjuvant rats调肝脾方与补肝肾方对佐剂大鼠红细胞免疫和细胞因子影响的比较研究

5.Treatment of 189 Cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) by Invigorating the Spleen and Regulating the Liver健脾调肝法治疗肠易激综合征189例

6.Mechanism of Tiaogan Lipi prescription on alcohol hepatic fibrosis调肝理脾方抗酒精性肝纤维化作用机制研究

7.Experimental research on inhibiting action of Tiaoganlipi prescription on alcohol hepatic fibrosis调肝理脾方抑制酒精性肝纤维化的实验研究

8.The Clinical Observation of Treating Functional Dyspepsia of Liver Depression and Spleen Vacuity Syndromes by Coursing the Liver and Fortifying the Spleen and Harmonizing the Stomach疏肝健脾和胃法治疗肝郁脾虚型功能性消化不良的临床观察

9.Anger is generally associated with the liver, gallbladder and spleen.恼怒通常而言与肝脏、胆囊和脾脏有关。

10.The Research of the Treatment for Mastopathia by Liver-Spleen-Harmonizing Therapy of Jinkui Yaolue;《金匮要略》调理肝脾法在乳腺病中的运用

11.Impact of Splenectomy Plus Porta-azygous Disconention Procedure on Hepatocarcinogenesis in the Progress of Posthepatitic Cirrhosis Patients;脾切除和门奇断流术对肝炎后肝硬化肝癌发生的影响

12.Relative Studies on the Modulation of NO and ET-1 in Cirrhosis with Ascites Treated with Formula of Invigorating Spleen and Tonifying Liver;健脾益肝方对肝硬化腹水NO及ET-1调节的相关性研究

13.Influence of Strengthening spleen and Liver Accivating blood Circulation Method on Hyperglycemic Rat Chronic Liver Injury Caused by CCL4健脾益气 调肝活血法对高血糖大鼠CCL4所致慢性肝损伤的影响

14.Experimental study on Ganpitiaobu decoction in mice with schistosomal liver fibrosis肝脾调补合剂联合硫普罗宁治疗血吸虫病肝纤维化的实验研究

15.Location and distribution of BLS antigen in the immune organs of big liver and spleen(BLS)disease in broiler breeders鸡大肝和大脾病抗原在免疫器官的定位和分布

16.he escaped involvement in the accident; there was additional involvement of the liver and spleen.他逃脱了这件事故;在肝和脾之间的额外的连接。

17.84 Cases of Non-ulcerative Indigestion Treated with"Regulating Middle Warmer-Qi by Dis- persing Depressed Liver-Qi疏肝健脾和胃法治疗非溃疡性消化不良84例

18.2 Weiling III,which is found on the principle of Soothing Liver and strengthening spleen, regulating stomache and lowering the adverse flow of qi is an effective prescription.2、基于疏肝健脾和胃降逆法,组方胃灵Ⅲ号。


The discord of the spleen and the liver肝脾不调

3)Harmonizing the liver and spleen调和肝脾

4)liver-spleen disharmony肝脾失调

1.Reviewing and analyzing the literature concerned with rheumatoid arthritis,this paper argues thatliver-spleen disharmony and sequent endogenous wind and dampness is the main cause of rheumatoid arthritis and it influences its prognosis.通过对中西医临床研究文献的回顾和分析,发现“肝脾失调,内生风湿”可能为类风湿关节炎(RA)发病的重要基础,是构成RA的致病主因,并影响RA的转归。

5)Regulation liver and spleen调理肝脾

6)Regulating the liver and spleen调肝脾


肝脾不调肝脾不调 肝脾不调 病证名。指肝气不和引起脾失健运,肝脾功能失调的病证。肝气过盛,横逆犯脾胃,导致肝气犯脾的证候;肝气郁结,疏泄不利,导致肝郁脾虚的证候,均属肝脾不调。参见肝气犯脾、肝郁脾虚条。

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