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从心理脾 from the psychological spleen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-05 02:51:59


从心理脾 from the psychological spleen英语短句 例句大全

从心理脾,from the psychological spleen

1)from the psychological spleen从心理脾


1.Theory and Experimental Study on SPleen Deficiency Syndrome by the Therapy of Cong Xing Li Pi(CXLP)从心理脾调治脾虚证的理论及实验研究

2.Clinical Study on Treating Stable Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease from the Spleen and Stomach;从脾胃论治冠心病稳定型心绞痛的临床研究

3.Documental Research of Heart Spleen Related Theory and Cardiovascular Disease;心脾相关理论与心血管疾病的文献整理研究

4.Documental Research of Justing-spleen-treating-heart Theory and Coronary Heart Disease调脾护心理论与冠心病的文献整理研究

5.John has a heart of gold.I never saw him angry at anyone.约翰心地厚道,我从未看到他对什么人发脾气。

6.Professor Zhang Liangying"s Theory of Gynecologic Diagnosis and Treatment from Liver Splleen and Kidney张良英教授从肝脾肾辨治妇科疾病心法

7.Basis Theory Investigate of TCM Ontreting Liver Disease (Viral Hepatitis, VH) Throngh Spleen;中医从脾论治肝病(病毒性肝炎)的基础理论研究

8.Heart chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen and Solar Plexus chakras and on up to the Heart chakra.心轮:将能量从脚通过基础轮、脾轮和太阳丛脉轮提升至心轮。

9.A physiological or temperamental peculiarity.特异性格一种心理的或脾气上的特异性

10.Symptoms from the Distribution of Chronic Eczema from Invigorating the Spleen of Governance Based on the Theory and Practice;从证候分布探讨慢性湿疹从补脾论治的理论及实践依据

11.Throat chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, Solar Plexus and heart chakras to the Throat chakra.喉轮:将能量从脚通过基础轮、脾轮、太阳丛脉轮和心轮提升至喉轮。

12.How to Cure the Central Serous Choroidoretinopathy from Liver, Spleen and Kidney Based on the Theories of the TCM;从肝脾肾三脏论治中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变

13.Study on Relationships Among Mental Status, Deficiency of Both Heart and Spleen, Mild Cognitive Impairment;心理健康与轻度认知功能障碍、心脾两虚证的相关性研究

14.Theory, Clinical and Experimental Study on the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis Based on "Spleen;类风湿性关节炎从“脾”论治的理论、临床及实验研究

15.Theory Investigate and Clinical Study on Treating Lower Extremity Superficial Thrombophebitis Through Liver and Spleen;从肝脾论治下肢血栓性浅静脉炎的理论探讨及临床研究

16.Don"t be scared of the supervisor. His bark is worse than his bite and he"s really a nice guy.不要怕那个管理人,他脾气坏心却不坏,他其实是个好人。

17.She ruffled7 feathers around the company but was eager to let me in on what she thought and why.她脾气不好,老爱发火,但她总是热切地向我敞开心扉,道明理由。

18.Research on the Clinical Experiences of Prof.Luzhizheng Treating Chest Stuffiness and Pains with the Method of Regulating Spleen and Stomach;路志正教授调理脾胃法治疗胸痹心痛的经验研究



1.Analysis aboutconformity and political education for students in gym colleges;体育院校学生从众心理分析及思想政治教育

2.The teacher should learn about the forming cause of the conformable psychology, lead students to treat itcorrectly and then rectify their wrongconformity by four ways.因此,教师要了解学生从众心理的形成原因,引导学生正确对待从众心理,并通过四种途径矫治学生不良行为的从众。

3)Group psychology从众心理

4)majority-trend mentality从众心理

1.The performances and reasons ofmajority-trend mentality and mind-set in editing process are ana- lyzed.分析了从众心理、定势心理两种心理因素在编辑工作中的表现及成因。

5)psychology of being engaged in politics从政心理

1.Why did Zhuge Liang choose to follow Liu Bei eventually in the face of the political situation in which Cao Cao, Sun Quan and Liu Bei contended for the domination of the country? We should analyze the reason deeply from hispsychology of being engaged in politics.面对曹、孙、刘三家争夺天下的政治局面 ,诸葛亮为何最终选择了刘备 ,这需要对他的从政心理作深层次的剖析。

6)The teaching psychology从教心理


从心1.顺从意愿。 2.见"从心所欲"。 3.由衷;发自内心。

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