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WHO分类 WHO classification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-20 16:09:31


WHO分类 WHO classification英语短句 例句大全

WHO分类,WHO classification

1)WHO classificationWHO分类

1.Purpose To investigate the statistic significance of the central nervous system (CNS) tumors diagnosed with the principle of the newWHO classification.目的探讨新的WHO分类在中枢神经系统肿瘤病理诊断及统计学分析中的意义。

2.BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: The clinical - pathological characteristics, the pattern of gene deletions and the biological behaviors of the gliomas were reflected in the newWHO classification of brain tumors.背景和目的:胶质瘤的临床、病理学改变,遗传学中基因丢失和生物学行为表现等,均反映于新的WHO分类之中,新分类赋予许多肿瘤类型以新的概念,本文旨在了解应用新的WHO分类诊断后各种神经上皮组织肿瘤的统计学意义。

3.The clinical-pathological characteristics, genetic change and the biological behaviors of neuroepithelial tumors were reflected in the newWHO classification of brain rumor.神经上皮肿瘤的临床、病理学特点,遗传学基因改变和生物学行为表现等,均反映于新的WHO分类中,新分类赋予许多肿瘤类型以新的概念。

2)WHO separate criteriaWHO病理分类

3)WHO classification of lymphoid neoplasmsWHO淋巴瘤分类

4)WHO/ISH hypertension guide/classificationWHO/ISH高血压指南/分类

5)WHO classificationWHO分型

1.Discussion onWHO classification of 307 patients with acute myeloid leukemia;307例急性髓系白血病在WHO分型标准中的探讨

2.The biological characteristics and its significance of myelodysplastic syndrome (WHO Classification);骨髓增生异常综合征(WHO分型)细胞的生物学特征及其意义

3.Relation and significalnce of FAB classification andWHO classification in 244 cases of myeloid leukemia;244例髓细胞白血病FAB分型与WHO分型关系及其意义


parison between WHO-classification and FAB Subtypes in Adult Acute Leukemia Patients;成人急性白血病患者的WHO分型与FAB分型的比较研究

parison between WHO-classification and FAB subtypes in adult acute myeloid leukemia patients成人急性髓细胞性白血病患者的WHO分型与FAB分型的比较研究

3.WHO Histologic Classification of Thymoma and its Relationship with Thymoma Diagnosis and Treatment胸腺瘤WHO组织学分型与胸腺瘤诊治的关系

parative study on spiral CT imaging and WHO pathological typing of thymoma胸腺瘤螺旋CT表现与其WHO病理分型对照研究

5.The Correlative Analysis of WHO Histological Classification of Thymic Epithelial Tumors to Their CT Findings胸腺上皮肿瘤WHO组织学分型与CT征象相关性分析

6.Thymic epithelial tumors:comparison of MSCT findings and WHO histological classification胸腺上皮肿瘤MSCT影像与WHO组织学分型的对照分析

7.a conjunction (like `since" or `that" or `who") that introduces a dependent clause.引导一个从属分句的连词(象‘since’或‘that’或‘who’。

8.presentence element句前成分(如 who,when,或形成是非问句时移前的语素)

9.WHO trachoma classification is easy and feasible in the countryside .WHO的简易分级活法适合在基层农村推广;

10.Meta-analysis on Effect of Noise on Nervous System Measured by WHO-NCTB;WHO-NCTB法测定噪声对神经系统影响的Meta-分析

11.A Comparative Study between the Newest Essential Medicine Lists of China and the WHO in 我国和WHO基本药物目录版比较分析

12.Effect of the CIDA-WHO tuberculosis control project in Quzhou city衢州市CIDA-WHO中国结核病控制项目实施效果分析

13.To Learn the 4~(th)Edition(Published in )of"WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System"学习版“WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤的病理分类”

14.A Hospital-basd Case-control Study on Lifestyle Risk Factors of Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Its WHO SubtypesAML及其WHO亚型与生活方式危险因素关系的病例对照研究

15.Introduction on the WHO Guidance:Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point(HACCP) Methodology to Pharmaceuticals;WHO关于危害分析和关键控制点方法在药品中的应用介绍

16.Approach of difference in new and old classification of WHO in pathologic diagnosis by biopsy in adenocarcinoma of colon and rectumWHO新旧分类在结直肠腺癌活检病理诊断中的差异探讨

17.The word "man" is the antecedent of "who" in "the man who spoke"."man"这个字是"the man who spoke"中"who"的先行词。

18.The word J man k be the antecedent of m who J In A the man who speak o"man"这个字是"the man who spoke"中"who"的先行词


WHO separate criteriaWHO病理分类

3)WHO classification of lymphoid neoplasmsWHO淋巴瘤分类

4)WHO/ISH hypertension guide/classificationWHO/ISH高血压指南/分类

5)WHO classificationWHO分型

1.Discussion onWHO classification of 307 patients with acute myeloid leukemia;307例急性髓系白血病在WHO分型标准中的探讨

2.The biological characteristics and its significance of myelodysplastic syndrome (WHO Classification);骨髓增生异常综合征(WHO分型)细胞的生物学特征及其意义

3.Relation and significalnce of FAB classification andWHO classification in 244 cases of myeloid leukemia;244例髓细胞白血病FAB分型与WHO分型关系及其意义

6)WHO/EORTC classificationWHO/EORTC分期


《常用危险化学品的分类及标志》(GB13690—1992)《常用危险化学品的分类及标志》(GB13690—1992)Classification and Labels of Dangerous Chemical Substances Commonly UsedCha飞齐以均W白ixian HuaxLJePin由Fenlei liB沁ozhi《常用危险化学品的分类及标志)(GB 136侧}一1992)(日山3彝以沁n and肠友七ofDa御弈rousO恤而厉15川她女切协“肠矛~晦之触J)化工产品大部分是有毒、易腐蚀、易燃、易爆的危险品。为了提高人们对危险品特性的认识,使危险化学品在包装、运输、贮存的各个流通领域中运作程序规范化、标准化,统一危险化学品的分类及标志,以加强危险化学品的科学管理,确保生命、财产的安全,制定了本标准。标准规定了常用危险化学品的分类、危险标志及危险特性。在标准的附录A中,把常用危险化学品分为爆炸品、压缩气体和液体气体、易嫩液体、易嫩固体、自嫩物品和遇湿易燃物品、氧化剂和有机过氧化物、有毒品、放射性物品和腐蚀品8类,并叙述了1 074种危险化学品的分子式、危险性类别、危险特性及标志。在附录B中,给出了爆炸品、易燃气体、不嫩气体、有毒气体、易燃液体、易嫩固体、自燃物品、遇湿易燃物品、氧化剂、有机过氧化物、有毒品、剧毒品、一级放射性物品、二级放射性物品、三级放射性物品和腐蚀品的主标志16种、副标志11种(副标志中不含有机过氧化物、剧毒品、一一三级放射性物品)。相关的标准有《危险货物包装标志》(CBI驯}一19男))、(危险货物分类和品名编号)( GB6华抖一1986)、(危险货物品名表》(GB 12入诏一19驯))、《危险货物运输包装通用技术条件》(GBI公拓3一19以))。.(李顺平)

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