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焊接 Welding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-09 14:02:31


焊接 Welding英语短句 例句大全



1.The Research Development of Finite Element Simulation inWelding Joint;焊接接头有限元模拟的研究进展

2.OnWelding of Stainless Steel Compound Plate 16MnR+00Cr19Ni10;16MnR+00Cr19Ni10不锈钢复合钢板的焊接

3.Heat source model for 2D welding temperature field simulation based on the configuration of welding line;基于焊缝形状的二维焊接温度场模拟热源模型


1.Butt welded 1;Butt welded 2;Butt welded 3;Butt welded 4对接焊接 1;对接焊接 2;对接焊接 3;对接焊接 4

2.Welding agent is a kind of medicament that is used to help welding, and improve quality.焊药是帮助焊接, 提高焊接质量的药剂。

3.Study on the Performance of TIG Welding Joint for 3.5Ni Steel3.5Ni钢TIG焊焊接性能研究

4.creating a butt joint by welding.通过焊接产生对接接头的焊接。

5.The joint formed by welding.焊接点通过焊接形成的接合点

6.Study of Flux for Microelectronics Soldering and Microstructure of Solder Joint;微电子焊接助焊剂及其焊点组织研究

7.Ceramic Cushion of Steel Pipe Weld Aided Device and Its Welding Procedure钢管焊缝陶瓷垫补焊装置及焊接工艺

8.Welding of 16MnR+00Cr17Ni14Mo2 Composite Pipe16MnR+00Cr17Ni14Mo2复合管焊接

9.ORS Over Reflow Soldering再流回焊接,SMT元件的焊接方式

10.WS Wave Soldering波峰焊接,THT元件的焊接方式

11.The union of two metal parts by welding.焊接把两个金属部件焊接为一个整体

12.tinning the ends of the wires makes a better joint when you solder them.当你焊接接口时,用锡焊很管用。

13.Study of Laser Welding of 400 MPa Super Steel and Its Weldability;400MPa级超级钢激光焊接及其焊接性研究

14.New Globe-tube Soldering Techoology of Soldering Hollow Globe-Net-Shelf Struct ure;焊接空心球网架结构球—管焊接新工艺

15.The Welding of Printed Board--On Teaching “Handwork” Welding Techniques;印制板焊接——“手工”焊接技术教学

16.Optimization Study on Welding Sequence of the Hull Profile Butt Welding船体型材对接焊的焊接顺序优化研究

17.Effect of Welding Angle on Fatigue Performance of Welded Structure焊接角度对焊接结构疲劳性能的影响

18.All position pipe welding device for remote welding用于遥控焊接的管道全位置焊接装置



1.Research on thewelding performance of low-carbon nickel;低碳镍材料焊接性能的研究

2.Weld Repair and Maintenance of the Steel Belts in the Rotary Belt Condensation Granulators;回转带式冷凝造粒机钢带的焊接修复与维护

3.Cause Analysis of the Weld Flaw Between the Flanges and Internal Sleeves of the High Pressure Heat Exchangers and Countermeasures;高压换热器法兰与内套焊接裂纹原因分析与对策


1.Application of ultrasonicjointing principle in needle destruction device;超声波焊接原理在注射针头销毁器中的应用

2.Quality control in the process of assembling andjointing have interruptedfrancis turbine at Lijiaxia Hydropower Station;李家峡水电站混流式水轮机分瓣转轮组合与焊接过程中的质量控制

3.This paper introduces thejointing method to recover the crushing equipment cone crusher whose axes are broken in two parts.介绍了大型破碎设备圆锥破碎机主轴断裂后的焊接修复方法。


1.Optimized Soldering Process Research on Semi-rigid Cable Modules;半刚电缆组件焊接工艺优化研究

2.The Soldering Research for 0.5 mm Pitch CSP;0.5mm间距CSP焊接工艺研究

3.Discussion of Soldering Technology for Mix-assembled Circuit Board;混装电路板焊接工艺技术探讨

5)Welded joint焊接

1.Prediction system of CTOD for high strength pipeline steel welded joint based on back propagation artificial neural network;基于BP人工神经网络的高强度管线钢焊接接头性能参数CTOD预测系统

2.Corrosion characteristics of welded joints of copper pipe in seawater;紫铜海水管焊接部位在海水中的腐蚀特征

3.Corrosion behavior of welded joints of copper pipe in artificial seawater;紫铜海水管焊接部位在人工海水中的腐蚀行为


1.TLPbonding joints with FeNiSiB filler, the microstructure and composition is closer to that of the parent metal than that with B.研究了 2 0钢管 TL P连接接头的组织和性能 ,中间层合金选用 BNi2和 Fe Ni Si B非晶箔 ,在氩气保护下焊接。

2.Improvement on thebonding and sealing procedures of the sensing elements inpieloelectric angular rate sensor is introduced in this paper.介绍了压电角速率传感器用敏感元件的焊接及密封工艺的改进。

3.Standard fatigue test and notch fatigue test of vacuum diffusion bonded 35CrMo steel joints are carried out according to two differentbonding specifications.对35CrMo钢在采用两组焊接规范(真空度为4Pa;焊接压力为56MPa;焊接时间为1min;焊接温度分别为860℃、900℃)下获得的焊接接头进行了标准疲劳试验及缺口疲劳试验。



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