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管头焊接 shoe welding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-29 15:46:52


管头焊接 shoe welding英语短句 例句大全

管头焊接,shoe welding

1)shoe welding管头焊接


1.Surfacing on Duplex Stainless Steel Tube-plate of Heat Exchanger and Welding on Tube-port of Heat Exchanging Tube换热器管板双相不锈钢堆焊及管板与换热管管头焊接

2.The Strength and Loading Capacity of SSAW Pipe Welding Joint螺旋焊管焊接接头的强度和承载能力

3.The Influence of Welding Process on the Quality of Welding Joints for the Rectangle Pipe焊接工艺对冷弯方矩形管焊接接头质量的影响

4.Assessing the safety of fully welded body pipeline ball valve全焊接阀体管线球阀焊接接头的安全评估

5.Microstructures and properties of marine pipe-pipe joint by robot welding船用管-管机器人焊接接头组织和性能

6.Hose connection for equipment for welding and cuttingGB/T5107-1985焊接和切割用软管接头

7.Weld male connector-AssemblyGB/T3747.1-1983卡套式焊接管接头

8.Flared type tube fittings--Weld male connector--BodyGB/T5642.2-1985扩口式焊接管接头体

9.Flared type tube fittings--Weld male connector--AssemblyGB/T5642.1-1985扩口式焊接管接头

10.Design of Welding Equipment for Cu-Al Pipe Joint Used in Refrigeration Plant;制冷设备Cu-Al管接头焊接设备的设计

11.Study on Safe Assessment for Undermatched Weld Joint of Pipeline;低匹配管道焊接接头的安全评定研究

12.Study on Microstructure and Property of the Welding Joint of T92 Steel Tube;T92钢管焊接接头组织和性能研究

13.Application of PLC in Welding Equipment for T-type Channel Joints;PLC在T型管道接头自动焊接中的应用

14.Research on the corrosion-resistant performance of the X65 pipeline steel welded subX65管线钢焊接接头耐腐蚀性能研究

15.Microstructure and Properties of TLP and TIG+MIG Joint of T91 Steel PipeT91钢管TLP与TIG+MIG焊接接头组织与性能

16.Surface Nanocrystallization of Pipeline Steel X80 Welded JointsX80管线钢焊接接头表面自身纳米化

17.Electrochemical behavior of various micro-areas on the welded joint of Q235 steelQ235管线钢焊接接头微区电化学行为

18.TIG welding for austenitic stainless steel tube plate and copper pipe紫铜换热管与不锈钢管板接头的TIG焊


welded stub connection焊接管接头

3)welded-in stub焊制管接头

4)tube-tubesheet joints管-管板焊接接头

5)tubular welded joint管状焊接接头

6)welded pipe joint焊接式管接头

1.After analysing leakage factor ofwelded pipe joint,the paper points out several more efficient defense measures from processing quality of joint,stress of pipe,ways in welding and fitting and system design.对导致焊接式管接头连接部位漏油因素进行了分析,从连接部位加工质量、管道应力、焊接和装配方法、系统设计等方面提出了一些较为理想的预防措施。


管头1.指管束别人的人。 2.指管理公产的人。

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