失眠网 > 风痰上扰证 Syndrome-complex of Wind-phlegm英语短句 例句大全

风痰上扰证 Syndrome-complex of Wind-phlegm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-06 01:05:23


风痰上扰证 Syndrome-complex of Wind-phlegm英语短句 例句大全

风痰上扰证,Syndrome-complex of Wind-phlegm

1)Syndrome-complex of Wind-phlegm风痰上扰证

2)syndrome of Internal Disturbance of Phlegm-heat痰热上扰证


1.Clinical Research on Treating Migraine of Internal Disturbance of Phlegm-Heat with Tou-tong an Decotion头痛安方治疗偏头痛痰热上扰证的临床研究

2.Rhubarb Therapy of Cerebral Hemorrhage in Acute Phase Clinical Research生大黄治疗脑出血急性期(风火挟痰、上扰清窍证)的临床研究

3.Clinical Research on Treating Insomnia of Internal Disturbance of Phlegm-Heat with Qing-gan Ningshen Decotion;清肝宁神汤治疗痰热内扰型失眠的临床研究

4.Pathogeny and Pathogenesis Research and Clinical Investigation in the Phlegm-heat Syndrome of Insomnia失眠痰热证病因病机研究及临床调研

5.Establishment and Evaluation of Phlegm-heat Syndrome Models of Bacterial Pneumonia细菌性肺炎痰热证模型的建立与评价

6.The Characteristics of Inflammation in Asthma and the Association of It with Cold-phlegm and Heat-phelgm Syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine支气管哮喘炎症特点及其与中医“寒痰”、“热痰”证型关系的研究

7.A Study on the Curative Effects and Mechanism of Qingfei Huatan Decoction Combined with Erythromycin in Rat Model of COPD with Syndrome of Retention of Phlegm-Heat in the Lung清肺化痰汤合红霉素对COPD痰热阻肺证大鼠模型的疗效及机理探讨

8.Investigate on the Clinical Pathogeny and Pathogenesis Research in Syndrome of the Febrible Due to Phlegm of Cerebral Disease;中医脑病痰热证病因病机研究及其临床调研

9.The Study on the Treatment Methood of TCM of Accumulation of Phlegm-heat in Lung Syndrome of Children s Virus Pneumonia;小儿病毒性肺炎痰热闭肺证中医治疗研究

posite Analysis of Many Factors and Clinical Research on Phlegm-heat Syndrom of Stroke中风病痰热证多因素复合分析与临床调研

11.A Control Study of Mengxinganshen Combined with Haloperidol in the Treatment of Schizophrenia (Pyrophlegmatic Mania);梦醒安神片合并氟哌啶醇治疗精神分裂症(痰火扰心证)对照研究

12.Clinic Research on Therapy of Tonifying Lung and Spleen with Cleaning Heat and Resolving Phlegm on Syndrome of Qi Deficiency in Lung and Spleen with Phlegm Heat Accumulation in Children Asthma in Clinical Remission补肺健脾、清热化痰法治疗小儿哮喘缓解期肺脾气虚、痰热内阻证的临床研究

13.The impacts of reTan mixture on cytokines in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(Syndrome of retention of phlegm-heat in the lung)热痰合剂对慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期(痰热阻肺证)患者细胞因子的影响

14.Most of those IFV is positive were wind-heat type;痰热型在以上各类感染中均占较大比例。

15.Therapeutic Efficacy of Tanreqing Injection for Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection in Children痰热清治疗小儿急性上呼吸道感染的疗效观察

16.Application Research on Heat Asthma Treatment with Yichuan Capsules According to Qingfei, Huatan, Pingchuan Rule;基于清肺化痰平喘法则的抑喘胶囊治疗热喘证的应用研究

17.Correlative Study on the Level of Resistin and Phlegm-heat Syndrome in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;2型糖尿病痰(湿)热互结证与抵抗素的相关性研究

18.The Clinical Study on Treating Bronchial Asthma with Qinxuanpinchuan Recipe清宣平喘汤治疗支气管哮喘痰热蕴肺证疗效观察


syndrome of Internal Disturbance of Phlegm-heat痰热上扰证

3)stagnation of phlegm痰浊上扰

4)Wind Phlegm Type风痰证型

5)wind sputum syndrome风痰证

6)pyrophlegmatic mania痰火扰心证


风痰风痰 风痰 病证名。痰扰肝经的病证。见《医学入门》卷五:“动于肝,多眩晕头风,眼目瞤动昏涩,耳轮搔痒,胁肋胀痛,左瘫右痪,麻木踡跛奇证,名曰风痰。”治用青州白圆子等方。《医宗必读》卷九:“在肝经者,名曰风痰,脉弦面青,四肢满闷,便溺秘涩,时有躁怒,其痰青而多泡。”治用水煮金花丸、防风丸、川芎丸等。又名肝经风痰,参见该条。又指素有痰疾,因感受风邪或风热拂郁引发者。《泰定养生主论》:“风痰者,因感风而发,或因风热拂郁而然也。此皆素抱痰疾者,因风、寒、气、热、味而喘咯咳唾,非别有此五种之痰。”

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